Calories In, Calories Out - Working Mom Needs You Help!!!

Hi everyone.

(My 1st post here. Yay!)

I'm trying to put together a plan so that I can have a caloric deficit at the end of the week. Right now, I seem to do just enough to maintain my weight, but cannot make a dent in the other direction. I'm getting so frustrated!

I have an 8 year-old and a 2 year-old at home. Since I work f/t, I really do try to spend my free time with them. I've been taking them out to hike/walk around the neighborhood so that we can spend our quality time exercising together - but let's face it: that's not always what the kids want to do. Are there any working moms out there that feel my pain? Can anyone suggest a great way to get a good burn without taking time away from my family?

I eat about 1200 cals a day (sometimes just a hair less).
I sometimes work out during my lunch break just to get a burn in.
Do exercise DVDS (need suggestions please!)
Am about 15-20lbs from my goal :(

OH... and help!

Thanks so much!


  • 512cheangela
    512cheangela Posts: 133
    Here's a great mom who is a firm believer in "play-outs" with her kiddo -->
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    You can get a stationary bike from Walmart for under 100.00 and even cheaper is a portable stair stepper, they usually come with resistance bands for the hands. Go for bike rides with the kids as well.
    Free weights are pretty cheap.
    WII Fit is supposed to be fun.
    Do a gym routine everyday, like circuit training. It's summertime tell them they still need to have gym time even when school is out.

    I used to do Jillian Michaels with my 15 year old daughter. She enjoyed it enough to ask to continue even though she complained LOL. In the end, your kids want to spend time with you so find a way to do that.

    Maybe take up tennis with them or get a basketball hoop. You could even get them involved in doing Couch to 5k with you, then when you all get to the point that your comfortable, enter a 5k together, its so much fun!

    Good Luck, it's not easy to be a single mom.
  • JTKim
    JTKim Posts: 6
    Great suggestions! Thank you so much!

    I'm not a single mom - but it's still very hard to keep myself in my priority list. Darn mama guilt. Lol. Working on it though. :)