can't exercise

I'm kinda bummed at the moment.

I started this thing off , had a great time exercising and keeping track of my food. weight myself last Sunday and down 5 pounds then that same evening i sprained my ankle. its bruised and too painful to put any preasure on it without an strap.

Have been watching my food and trying to walk to work but its too painful and end up getting a tram. I'm dreading standing on the scales because i just can't see how i'd loose weight without the exercise. I really wanted a few positive results to get my momentum going.

I just want to get back down the gym or go for a decent walk, I know i should just allow by body to heal and try not to worry but its making me down.

Any advise or words of wisdom for me? I feel like crying.


  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I'm dreading standing on the scales because i just can't see how i'd loose weight without the exercise.

    Losing weight is just about negative calorie intake. You honestly don't need to exercise. True exercise makes it easier but you can do it just the same without stepping foot in a gym or even leaving the house. Just keep eating your calorie goal and you should be fine.
  • ncthomas09
    ncthomas09 Posts: 322 Member
    Exercise is obviously healthy and should always be paired with "dieting". BUT...I have no motivation what so ever to get my butt out of bed and go to the gym. I tried the home dvd's but I feel really akward while my boyfriend sits and watches me do my workout. I have a mostly sedentary job so I don't hardly walk at work. And I have a 30 min drive from home to work so I can't squeeze my walk in there either.

    So obviously you can see that I don't work out (which I should to be healthier) but I have still managed to lose 14 lbs solely by watching what I eat. If I get some exercise in trust me I count it! But while your ankle is and let it heal because you could injure it worse if you push to hard. Still watch your intake though and you can still lose weight!!!
  • bayviewjulie
  • meabhaline
    meabhaline Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks guys,
    Feeling better now, think I was having a moany moments
  • ncthomas09
    ncthomas09 Posts: 322 Member
    It's allowed :-P I do it too lol
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    You can get creative with exercise you can do without standing. Ab work, some mat pilates moves, arm exercises with or without weights....

    Also, lifting your arms above your head is a great way to raise your heart rate, so you could even just sit in front of the TV and move your arms like jumping jacks. You'd look silly, but you'd get some cardio!