"too thin" in some areas



  • KF1216
    KF1216 Posts: 175 Member
    Sounds like your Ma is just used to seeing you at a heavier weight. My Ma told me this too (once upon a time) and know what I did? I started wearing necklaces to draw her attention to them rather than my "jutting collar bones" as she put it. I think you look fantastic!

    that's a good idea too!
  • tauranheart
    tauranheart Posts: 9 Member
    I've always loved the look of a prominent collarbone. I say embrace it.
  • IamL
    IamL Posts: 69 Member
    I'm in the same situation. My collarbones are super prominent, but I still want to lose 15 more pounds. I can't even stand people giving me shoulder massages anymore because they hit my collarbones and it hurts. But it isn't stopping me. I actually think collarbones are beautiful; I'm just wondering how that region is going to look when I lose more weight. I'm 5'3" and 135 pounds, by the way.

    I'd say try not to let it bother you too much. By the way, you look great. :)
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 429 Member
    I saw your before and afters and you look beautiful. I feel so connected. I started almost 12 weeks ago at 200.6 and down to 174.6. I am 5'10" tall. My goal is to get to 160 as well and lower my BMI and then reassess and stay healthy. I posted a note on my friend link earlier today about being depressed earlier today because all of my 14/16+ clothes were falling off of me and now in 12's and even wore 1 or 2 size 10's but that is all I own which is a problem I will have to work on. A co-worker called me frumpy in my over sized clothes and when I said family will be coming to visit in 1 week and we will go clothes shopping, she actually said they will take one look at you and think you're on crack. I replied to my friends, the only crack here is the crack in my *kitten*. Believe me I am far from looking too skinny and agree I still need to work on my stomache and core area and more. Anyway your post hit so-to-home that when my parents arrive next Saturday (who haven't seen me since 200.6 in April), I really hope they think I look beautiful too.
  • KF1216
    KF1216 Posts: 175 Member
    I saw your before and afters and you look beautiful. I feel so connected. I started almost 12 weeks ago at 200.6 and down to 174.6. I am 5'10" tall. My goal is to get to 160 as well and lower my BMI and then reassess and stay healthy. I posted a note on my friend link earlier today about being depressed earlier today because all of my 14/16+ clothes were falling off of me and now in 12's and even wore 1 or 2 size 10's but that is all I own which is a problem I will have to work on. A co-worker called me frumpy in my over sized clothes and when I said family will be coming to visit in 1 week and we will go clothes shopping, she actually said they will take one look at you and think you're on crack. I replied to my friends, the only crack here is the crack in my *kitten*. Believe me I am far from looking too skinny and agree I still need to work on my stomache and core area and more. Anyway your post hit so-to-home that when my parents arrive next Saturday (who haven't seen me since 200.6 in April), I really hope they think I look beautiful too.

    Thank you! ! And good luck seeing your family, I hope they love the new you:-)
  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member
    yeah, you look great.

    Collar bones are one of the more defined areas that when you start to lose will always show!
    Mom's are just worrisome :)
  • kendrart
    kendrart Posts: 49 Member
    I've always loved the look of a prominent collarbone. I say embrace it.

    I was just about to say something about this - I know a lot of men who actually find that attractive. Which isn't to say that that's a determining factor for something to be okay (HA!) but you get my point? It's not unhealthy or weird. It's actually totally normal and even attractive.

    You look wonderful, congrats!