Blood Pressure

My blood pressure is 123/65. Systolic/Diastolic. I heard you are suppose to watch your systolic number, high is bad. Is my blood pressure okay... It looks like my systolic is above normal? My heart rate was 75. This was at 4pm after work.


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    The target range is to try to keep it under 120/80. I'm not a doctor but I wouldn't panic about one reading of 123. What type of monitor were you using? The drug store ones are notoriously unreliable, Omron makes several models that are reasonably reliable and affordable - if your worried about your blood pressure take a number of readings at different times over several days (you will see variances) average them out and, if you're still concerned (if the readings average out over 130/90 or you have a family history of hypertension, heart attack and/or stroke) see your doctor.
  • davidlbass
    davidlbass Posts: 159 Member
    123/65 after activity isn't very high, especially if it is only one reading. I've had it done at the doctor's office and had it reading a little higher than that. The doctor wasn't concerned. You are supposed to rest for 1/2 hour before taking it to get an accurate reading.