Anyone else losing weight before getting pregnant?

Ok so I know this may sound a little crazy to some that yes I am losing weight with one of my goals of getting pregnant but my boyfriend and I started talking about the potential of having a baby together about 3-4 months ago and two months ago I decided that yes i would like that if we in the end decide we can afford it but I wanted to lose weight first. I was around the weight I started at when I got pregnant with my daughter and had blood pressure issues the last half of my pregnancy and don't want that again!!! Soooo I said at the time when we started talking that I wanted to lose at least 20-30 lbs. I am in that range now but I want to lose at least another 15 lbs to be in Onederland before we try.

I just remember hating all the swelling and the blood pressure issue made it worse.

Anyone else in the same situation?


  • whittlelauraann
    I should add too that I also want to be healthier and I have been working out more in the last two months than I have the last 10 years!
  • beenisafe
    beenisafe Posts: 49 Member
    Yes Im in exactly the same situation. I am 5 7 and weight 172lb. I havent lost the weight from my last pregnancy. So my aim is lose at least 20-30lb before I fall preg again. I've given myself till April 2013. But at te rate Im going, I dont think Im going to get there.
    And then I think, when I get preg then im bound to put it all back on!!! Is there any point. But I think if after I have the baby if I weight what I do know and not more that will be awesome.
  • whittlelauraann
    Lol yeah we are the same height and I'm currently 215 ;) I'd take 170 something for sure but then again I haven't been under 200 in over a decade :o. I'm wanting to be down to around 160 in the end but after the pregnancy
  • mary35699
    mary35699 Posts: 22 Member
    Me too, me too. I am hoping to get under 200. We are planning to TTC about April/May next year. Feel free to add me.
    MSDIVA_SHAY Posts: 12 Member
    I would like to lose 30 lbs before we get pregnant again. Dr has suggested this since I'm overweight and to avoid blood pressure problems
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I gained nearly 100 lbs while pregnant with my son( I was underweight before I got pregnant-but still...) I'm at my goal weight and am ready to try for another (although we can't afford it quite yet). I'm glad I have the tools and knowledge to gain the appropriate amount of weight next time around. Gaining that much weight in a short period of time caused a multitude of problems for me. Good luck ladies! I can't wait to be pregnant (and fit) again!!!
  • jlgregory13
    jlgregory13 Posts: 83 Member
    My goal is to lose weight in order to become pregnant. I tried for years and couldn't conceive, but when i lost 25 lbs using MFP over a year ago i got pregnant. Unfortunately, i lost the baby. I do believe it was the weight lost that allowed me to finally get pregnant because we had been trying for over 2 years. I hope it works again this time as well. MY goal is to lose about 50 lbs. Feel free to add me ladies. I need some friends for support :)
  • cortneyrc
    cortneyrc Posts: 19 Member
    I just had my daughter back in October and have recently started to try and lose the baby weight with my ultimate goal of getting pregnant again. My goal is to lose around 30 pounds to start and then go from there. I'll send you a friend request and we can support eachother :) Anyone else is more than welcome to add me as well!
  • emilywagers13
    I am losing weight before trying to get pregnant again....I have had 4 miscarriages and a tubal pregnancy (so now I only have 1 tube and my chances are cut in half). We haven't had any children yet. I started this journey in March and have lost almost 25 lbs...I actually got pregnant again at the beginning of June but unfortunately had another early miscarriage (only 6 weeks along). I want the weight to be gone before we try again...hopefully seeing a fertility specialist in January :) Feel free to add me as well :)
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    My hubby and I definitely want a baby in the next few years but we are trying to wait even though our emotions are high, because money is a little tight and I'm going through some depression right now. I'm starting to take supplements for it though and since then I feel much better!
    Anyway, I really want to get close to my goal weight before I get pregnant for the first time. I know I'll put on a lot of weight when I get pregnant but I want to make sure I have the motivation to stick with this since it's been a big goal of mine for a long time. If I can't do what I think is best for myself, why should I allow myself to try and have a baby? I want to make sure I'm the best mommy possible :))
  • munchlaxx
    munchlaxx Posts: 102 Member
    It's not the main reason why I am trying to lose weight, but it is one of them. I was 135 when I got pregnant with my daughter and hit 205 at the end of it (I literally just ate and slept. Repeat). I managed to get back to 135 about 2 years after her birth.

    I currently weigh 165 (got lazy from 2009 onward). I rather not try for another baby until I am at my normal/pre-pregnancy weight. I have this bad feeling that if I were to get pregnant right now, 165 would somehow become my permanent "base" weight (post-pregnancy)...if that makes sense. :huh:
  • tammyandzach
    tammyandzach Posts: 922 Member
    I was 218 when I got preggers with #1 had my galbladder removed, 216 with #2 dealt with siatic nerve issues, 238 with #3 he was 11#7oz. My incision from galbladder surgery herniated and I was in a lot of pain. I really want one more but I want to do it at my goal weight. I wonder what a pregnancy could be like 75lb lighter.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    Yep, I saw my gynecologist 3 months ago and he wanted me to lose weight before I got pregnant so I wouldn't be more over weight during and after the pregnancy. I am 5'7 at 177 lbs and I have lost 6 lbs so far since seeing the doctor and want to get to 160 lbs. I am kinda worried that I could be pregnant right now when I want to lose more weight but I will see by the 19th when my menstrual comes.
  • natwmartinez
    I'm with you! I want to lose at least 60 pounds. I do not want all the complications of pregnancy that comes with being obese. I would love any friends that have the same type of goal. We can do this!
  • 1981simm
    1981simm Posts: 123 Member
    I'm 5'10" and started mfp in Jan at 242... currently at 197 and have been ttc for one year. Our issue is with my husband unfortunately but I figured I might as well work on my self until a baby comes to stretch me out again:/
  • swatilr
    swatilr Posts: 22 Member
    I am amazingly obese. It's been 4 years since I have been married and we really really want to have a baby now. But my weight is a huge concern. My goal is to reduce minimum of 70 pounds before I get pregnant. My biggest challenge is I can't control on my eating and I really need to push myself to do some exercise. I have tried to loose weight before many times too but failed all the times. I just started with mfp a week back. I hope this time I am able to reach my goal.
  • smartmom0818
    While it's not my main reason, I am hoping to TTC for baby number 2 after I reach my goal weight. I think it's better for the mom and the baby if you're at the healthiest weight possible.
  • pferde01
    pferde01 Posts: 16
    This is a big one for me. We have been trying off and on for a couple of years and it's been causing me emotional upheaval ... which ended with even more weight gain. So if anything I'm less prepared now than I was when I got married two years ago!! Seeking to switch back to forward motion and get healthy!
  • JenniferCohen23
    JenniferCohen23 Posts: 12 Member
    I am too!! Had one pregnancy in 2009 I weighed like 180 lbs and I'm almost 5'9 and I gained A LOT of weight (close to 100) and ended up with pre-eclampsia and actually lost the baby at 36 weeks. I lost about 70 lbs of that weight before getting pregnant with my son RJ and gained about 40 lbs during his pregnancy. I would like to get pregnant one final time so that RJ has a sibling but I want to lose the weight so that I don't have scenario one happen ever again. It's been a struggle though!! I work out almost 5 days a week since the beginning of March ( running and spinning) try to eat healthy and stay within my calories and can't get out of the 240's :(. I've lost 20 lbs already but that's since RJ was born which was 14 months ago! I would like to get pregnant in November but it doesn't look like I will be anywhere close. Feel free to add me i need the motivation! :)
  • yelldan22
    yelldan22 Posts: 35 Member
    We are getting married in 2 weeks, and since we want to wait a couple years before start a family I am going to take that time to get healthy. I have over 100 lbs to lose. I just don't want to have all the issues that go along with a pregnancy at this weight, and I want to be able to have the energy needed to raise a family. Not to mention it will be harder to conceive if I don't lose it. My soon to be SIL has been trying to years to conceive, but she won't take the steps to lose weight. I have a feeling if she lost at least 100 lbs she would be successful.