set backs

Have any of you experienced any recent set backs? I was on a roll and have had nice success but found that old enemy sugar trying to sneak its way back into my life! how do you combat old habits and stay on track and over come set backs?


  • RES2333
    RES2333 Posts: 36
    My set backs are mostly diet related, though sometimes injuries will set me back as well. But recently, my "cheat meal" has morphed into a cheat day then a cheat weekend. (But vacations...all bets are off!) But when it happens I just tell myself come Monday morning, or the next day if it happens mid-week I am getting right back to it.

    I complete the food and exercise diary and when I exceed my caloric goal that is motivation for me to try and correct it back to meeting the goal.

    Eating right is the hardest thing for me so sweets (doughnuts, cookies, cake) or fast food are old habits that sneak back in, but I try not to make it a constant habit. Try to limit it to a certain day or the weekend. Or even use portion control to allow myself to have a cookie when before maybe I ate three or four. Or if I have french fries it will be small fries. Those kinds of things allows me to enjoy things and not make this feel like it is impossible.
  • I completely understand...this last week my husband has brought home me..a blizzard from dairy queen...800 calories..even though I worked out like crazy that day...made 2 boxed Mac n cheese..600 calories..and tonight a double cheese burger fries and a dr pepper from Wendie' I'm completely annoyed with myself bc I let it happen.. We were big fast food eaters..still fighting not to I was only allowing myself 1 cheat day..but for some reason when I do that it makes me crave it more...
    When this happens I kick myself into gear and try to workout And then I get right back to how I'm supposed to eat bc I don't feel as hungry... First step is knowing you're doing it and fight back with a vengeance....:-)
  • I cannot stop eating lately. I really need some type of motivation. I want to go outside and run, but the last time I did I was in so much pain. I want to eat better, but staying up late all I do is eat. I did see a topic on here to hide your scale... kind of a good idea, but it scares me that if I didnt have to report to the scale I might blow up! HAHA.
  • jennifer907
    jennifer907 Posts: 84 Member
    My set back was also in the form of a Dairy Queen Blizzard. Lately after dinner I keep getting these massive cravings for sweets. I saw the new commercial for the Blizzard of the Month and all bets were off. I had to try it even though I really don't enjoy them that much. I checked the calories after I ate it and my question is how can something so small be so bad?! For some reason when I ate it I had it in my mind that is was only 300 cal.. It was closer to 900. Ugh... But, tomorrow is a new day. All we can do is push forward. :)
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    My set back is fast food while I'm at work.. this is a daily battle and for a week straight I decided I wanted Mcdonalds.. Oh boy. I realized I can't completely cut it out when I really do like it.. so now I give myself a weeky/daily allowance of food, calories not counted. If I want Mcdonalds in the morning, for the rest of the day I eat well.. If I want Subway I can get my too cookies but no more sweets for the day.. if I fix ice cream for desert I can't go out for breakfast.. I try to limit myself to 3 fast food ventures a week (this is down from an average of 2x a day 5 days a week).. and on top of everything, if you mess up and end up feeling 'gross' and throw today to the sugar gods :) remind yourself there's always tomorrow and set your plan. Good luck!
  • koonmom
    koonmom Posts: 9 Member
    having some is okay - we have our days. Just make up with the exercise and next meal to put ourselves back on track again. You are doing terrific!
  • angel_eyez718
    angel_eyez718 Posts: 36 Member
    i hear you! sweets are one of my downfalls! I do so good for long periods of times and then I'll say to myself I can have just one and then it morphs into two and so forth. ugh. sugar is just my addiction. i need to find a way to balance this out. sometimes i'll just eat fruit but its truly not the same! lol
  • angel_eyez718
    angel_eyez718 Posts: 36 Member
    Please feel free to add me all. I'm at a crucial point in needing some serious motivation to combat this sugar thing. lol no lie, I was doing so well and luckily i haven't gained any weight back but my motivation has taken a plumet! ugh. i'm determined not to gain back any poundage but its super hard. i'm glad I have you all for advice and support!

  • angel_eyez718
    angel_eyez718 Posts: 36 Member
    thanks for the encouragement koonmom! :smile:
  • 3ByMamaG
    3ByMamaG Posts: 1
    We all have setbacks. It can be hard to keep from getting discouraged. One thing that has worked very well for me is using a dry-erase marker to write my weight & measurements on the bathroom mirror. I have my goal, start point and current all listed. That constant reminder of goal and progress is very motivating for me. Don't let a minor setback undermine all the progress you've made. You're doing great!
  • kristen807
    kristen807 Posts: 361
    I just had one today! It sucks but you are not alone. We all have them. Just pick yourself up and keep on trying! Best of luck~
  • JustMe4Me
    JustMe4Me Posts: 13
    my set backs are the weekends when everyone is home. I can do great during the week when it is just me, but when the whole family is home on the weekends it is extremely hard for me. This probably explains my 5lb bounce around =(
  • kristen807
    kristen807 Posts: 361
    We all have setbacks. It can be hard to keep from getting discouraged. One thing that has worked very well for me is using a dry-erase marker to write my weight & measurements on the bathroom mirror. I have my goal, start point and current all listed. That constant reminder of goal and progress is very motivating for me. Don't let a minor setback undermine all the progress you've made. You're doing great!

    that is great idea with the mirror! I shall have to try it! You guys are all great and beautiful! Thanks!
  • rickyyean
    rickyyean Posts: 5 Member
    I'm experiencing a minor setback right now. I've been on a good pace of losting ~1 lb a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but it averages out. It's been about a month since I've dropped more weight, despite consistent diet restrictions and exercise - same thing I've been doing all along. I've lost almost 30 lbs so far and I'm really looking to drop the last 10 lbs before the end of the year. I've experienced plateaus before and I need to break through this one since it's probably the last one before I hit my goal. I thought I'd share that with y'all.

    I'm going to keep at it, you guys too! :drinker: