What foods are you a brand snob about?



  • catinhounstooth
    Diet Coke, diet Pepsi is gross
    Mayo has to be Duke's
    Pickles- Claussen
    Popcorn-Pop Secret or Orville Redenbacher, but no store brand
    And yes, Greek Yogurt must be Fage

    (And not foods, but I'm also a snob about Ziplocs, Glad trash bags, and Charmin toilet paper)
  • labellavitaxo
    Sodas - Diet Coke. Not Diet Pepsi, unless it's the Wild Cherry flavor
    Mayo - Duke's or Hellman's
    Peanut Butter - Jif
    Beer - Bud Light Platinum (4 carbs per bottle, I'll take it) or Heineken (when I'm not low-carbing)
    Ketchup - Heinz. Only Heinz. Not Hunt's. Not that generic store brand.
  • ColletteNicole
    ColletteNicole Posts: 145 Member
    Just a couple for me, I'm pretty open to experimenting with different brands for MOST things... here's my list:

    I'm a ketchup lover and it has to be HEINZ. Anything else has a weird flavor to me, I know immediately if it's not Heinz, like if a restaurant brings out the ketchup in a little cup, and I can't deal. I'm the same way with peanut butter... has to be JIF!!

    Coconut Water- VitaCoco (I have tried all the other brands though, I think this one has THE best flavor)

    Coconut Milk - Silk Original

    Jack's Special Salsas

    Other than that, I've been called a margarita snob. If it's made with a mix, I won't drink it. Top shelf tequilas only. Once you have a great margarita, you just can't go back! The mix ones all start to taste like soap, not to mention they are much higher in calories.
  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    Only one thing I can think of that is a brand must for me ... Tim Horton's Coffee
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I can't think of a whole lot off the top of my head but macaroni and cheese is the biggie. I cannot stand anything other than Kraft.

    My fiance, however, is quite picky about many brands. He has to have French's mustard, he won't eat anything but one specific brand of ramen but I don't remember what it is, and there's more but I can't think of them right now, either.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    I have to go with Skippy. If it ain't skippy, I ain't eating it.

    And a weird one. I love sausage. But if it has fennel in it, I won't eat it.
  • sistahbigbone
    sistahbigbone Posts: 13 Member
    Heinz ketchup
    Hebrew National hot dogs
    Quaker oatmeal
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    Premium saltines
    Heinz ketchup
    Hellman's mayo
    Kraft Light salad dressings
    McCormick spices - but I think that's only cause I want the cabinet to be coordinated - other brands make it look messy
    Minute Maid OJ
    Smucker's Natural pnut butter
    Thomas' bagels and english muffins
    Folgers or Maxwell House coffee
    Cole's garlic toast even though I don't eat it - things that make you go hmmmm!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Greek yogurt - Trader Joe's all the way.
    Ketchup - Trader Joe's wins again!
    Ice cream - Breyers, especially vanilla.
    Hummus - from my favorite Mediterranean restaurant, my homemade, or Trader Joe's.
    Mayo - Kirkland - used to be a die hard Best Foods/Hellman's fan, but the Costco stuff is just as good and sooo much cheaper!
    Coffee - I prefer Peet's
    Dill Pickles - Nalley
    Chocolate - See's!! Although I do eat Trader Joe's Dark and a few others - have to have good quality chocolate!

    I'm sure there's more...
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I really can't think of any foods I'm a brand snob about. I'll buy store brand if it's a better price pretty much every time. I'm fussier about buying premium foods for my cats and dog than I am about getting name brands for myself.

    Now toilet paper... that's another store. Cottonelle or Charmin Ultra only.

    ^^ LOL - this is me exactly!

    I'm not a brand snob about food brands, but my dogs eat a top-rated (according to Whole Dog Journal) natural dog food. I also have to have Cottonelle toilet paper (the kind with the ripples) at home. My parents use Scott, and I actually bring my own roll of TP whenever we visit. haha

    I should add - even though I'm not a food snob, I AM a coffee snob. I have to have fresh roasted beans that I can grind myself right before I make the coffee. I find the Maxwell House/Folgers that comes in the big tubs to be nearly undrinkable.
  • vwkauffman
    vwkauffman Posts: 39 Member
    Helmann's mayo
    Heinz ketchup
    French's mustard (for my husband, I don't eat it)
    Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce
    Frank's Red Hot

    And I too prefer San Marzano tomatoes, regardless of brand :-)
  • raiseyourgame
    Greek yoghurt - Liberte
  • EAlexandraB
    EAlexandraB Posts: 98 Member
    I only use Syntha-6 chocolate milkshake flavour protein powder.

    If I'm having pop, it has to be Diet Coke, not Pepsi. Diet Dr. Pepper is also excellent.

    Tea comes from David's Tea (or other good, loose-leaf tea). No tea bags.
  • Le_Joy
    Le_Joy Posts: 593 Member
    Ketchup - I only eat Heinz.

    And I prefer Coke products. Pepsi is gross!
  • Shajadea
    Shajadea Posts: 57 Member
    I am not really a snob about too much. Given I live overseas on base I am pretty much a slave to what is in stock or I have to buy the Japanese version of whatever I am looking for.

    Mostly, I prefer fresh over canned or frozen. If I can get organic I prefer organic. And for the record, Japanese chocolates, breads, and mayo are fabulous!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    In order of preference - Haighs, Lindt, Cadbury.

    Any others are not really worth the calories.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Triscuits and Frank's Red Hot are the only things that come to mind. I buy generic 9 times out of 10.
  • Plentiful_Tentacles
    Protein supplements hahaha. I've become a mainstream hater when it comes to popular brands or store brands. I'll research for hours which is the best and why.

    I don't drink soda anymore, but when I did... It has to be coke, pepsi, fanta, or Dr. Pepper. I hate the taste of generic store brands or other brands other than those. They taste like watered down carbonized crap. Hahaha
  • ctwm84
    ctwm84 Posts: 31 Member
    I have never been much of a brand snob, I was a PRICE snob... I would buy the cheapest whatever, anything on sale, or that had a coupon... after joining MFP I am a "calorie snob" now I only look at which one has the lowest possible calories LOL I'll eat a dumb brand if it means I get to eat more of it!