Truth about 6-pack abs

Has anyone read the eBook "The Truth About 6-Pack Abs."? I have a small addiction to infomercial items lol


  • zafferFL
    zafferFL Posts: 402
    don't waste your money - the secret is this

    1) You will not get a six-pack by doing crunches, only be reducing fat which means calorie deficit

    that's it :)
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    well, lets maybe revise that a little bit.

    you can get 6-pack abs from crunches (and all the other important core exercises you should be doing).

    but only when you get rid of the fat covering them. And again, it may not be a true six pack, some people just don't have the genetic makeup to have really pronounced abs, and also, as we age, it becomes far harder to keep your skin tight and keep those ridges showing.
  • Adele
    Adele Posts: 159 Member
    Funny, I was just reading about this program online (extemely bored at work). Of course, I know it would be a scam, but it caught my eye....
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    Exactly the same thing I did Adele. I figured we had already uncovered those secrets here. I was just curious lol
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    There are 3 phrases in the fitness and diet industry that automaticly scream SCAM at the top of their lungs to me. Anything that says "toning", "cleanse" and "6 pack abs"
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    How come they always talk about "6-pack" anyway? I'm down around 13% bodyfat, and I can see mine (especially if I lean backward a bit), and I have 8. 4 defined bulges on each side.

  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    How come they always talk about "6-pack" anyway? I'm down around 13% bodyfat, and I can see mine (especially if I lean backward a bit), and I have 8. 4 defined bulges on each side.


    maybe you're not completely human? LOL!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    My 1 year old has a six-pack. No word of a lie. When he runs around in a diaper, and he clenches his stomach for whatever reason, you see abs. Not baby fat. My husband- beautiful abs.

    Me? No matter HOW thin I got, no abs. No matter how much I work out, no abs. After having two kids- DEFINITELY no abs, lol. But I'm working on it. I think you can always improve your stomach through diet and exercise- but keep your expectations realistic. A lot of people just won't wind up with that 'rippled' effect.

    I'm okay with it. I don't want to look ripply. :)
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    How come they always talk about "6-pack" anyway? I'm down around 13% bodyfat, and I can see mine (especially if I lean backward a bit), and I have 8. 4 defined bulges on each side.


    maybe you're not completely human? LOL!
    Well duh,,, :laugh:

    Merc's kid and I - we are the Ab-people, from planet wierd. Do not trifle with us.

    Thank you for raising &%8-ER for us Merc, we shall claim him when the time comes.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    How come they always talk about "6-pack" anyway? I'm down around 13% bodyfat, and I can see mine (especially if I lean backward a bit), and I have 8. 4 defined bulges on each side.


    maybe you're not completely human? LOL!
    Well duh,,, :laugh:

    Merc's kid and I - we are the Ab-people, from planet wierd. Do not trifle with us.

    Thank you for raising &%8-ER for us Merc, we shall claim him when the time comes.

    Lol. Only if you promise to use your powers for good, not evil.
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    My 1 year old has a six-pack. No word of a lie. When he runs around in a diaper, and he clenches his stomach for whatever reason, you see abs. Not baby fat. My husband- beautiful abs.

    Me? No matter HOW thin I got, no abs. No matter how much I work out, no abs. After having two kids- DEFINITELY no abs, lol. But I'm working on it. I think you can always improve your stomach through diet and exercise- but keep your expectations realistic. A lot of people just won't wind up with that 'rippled' effect.

    I'm okay with it. I don't want to look ripply. :)

    My son was like that too! Wicked abs! I think its because he butt-scooted rather than crawling!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    How come they always talk about "6-pack" anyway? I'm down around 13% bodyfat, and I can see mine (especially if I lean backward a bit), and I have 8. 4 defined bulges on each side.


    "And now for something completely different....

    A man with three buttocks"
  • cmschapp
    I purchased the ebook. When I followed the program I did lose weight. It talks about recommended exercises for Ab training, gives sample ab workouts, explains single joint vs multi joint exercises, tyoes of cardio, full body workouts, and nutrition with sample meals. Don't get me wrong it is a lot of work but it does pay off. This program not only helps you lose fat but also build muscle to increase the amount of fat you burn. As with any routine you need to put the work in to receive the results you want. I hope this was helpful.
  • paddlemom
    paddlemom Posts: 682 Member
    How come they always talk about "6-pack" anyway? I'm down around 13% bodyfat, and I can see mine (especially if I lean backward a bit), and I have 8. 4 defined bulges on each side.


    maybe you're not completely human? LOL!

    Nope! Definitely human....I get to spend my summers around some very ripped, shirtless male bodies (I know, it's a tough life....) and I have asked myself that question before - cause I've very definitely seen 8-packs!!!


    "A strong midsection or...CORE... is important for both athletes and non-athletes. The focus of today's post will be on training the abdominal muscles. The elusive "eight pack". Dr Ted Lambrinides has written some research on this very subject and how to get started on a CORE strength training program. Download the pdf file and make return visits to ASAP Athletic Strength And Power this week for more information on this important fitness topic. There is also an upcoming podcast and also some CORE and Abdominal Routines to follow. For now, study the anatomy artwork and get ready for Crunch Time!"

  • jquintinjr
    i got this book for a significant the internet and its basically just eat right. exercise and be patient. abs are made in the kitchen as they say. look up abs diet power foods. its geared towards guys but works for women as well
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    How come they always talk about "6-pack" anyway? I'm down around 13% bodyfat, and I can see mine (especially if I lean backward a bit), and I have 8. 4 defined bulges on each side.


    "And now for something completely different....

    A man with three buttocks"

    I almost laughed out loud at work. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    I guess that's a 3-pack buttocks... or would that be a 6-pack buttocks? 6-cheek buttocks? *head-scratching smiley*

    mfp needs a head-scratching smiley