Question for women only



  • MalSponseller
    MalSponseller Posts: 217 Member
    Yes. I can't give you an accurate count of the pounds I added because I also started college at the time. Between horrible diet and BC, I gained a good 50 lbs my first year of college.
  • cinmorrow
    cinmorrow Posts: 4
    I also gained weight with depo injections. I also lost a lot of hair... pretty traumatic at the time!
  • louised88
    louised88 Posts: 159
    Qlaira made me gain nearly one and a half cup sizes. :( I didn't gain anywhere else, but none of my nice bras fit. /still bitter about that.
  • samantha8jean
    samantha8jean Posts: 18 Member
    Birth control doesn't "make" you gain weight, however, the added hormones can increase your appitite which can.
  • kabbit42
    kabbit42 Posts: 85
    It didn't make me gain weight although as I got older and my situations changed, my weight slowly crept up and as long as I was on the pill I could not doing anything to shake it off. However in the scheme of things I am much happier with that 10 pounds than I would be a baby so still worth it.