Day #1(again)

:smile: Hi everyone,

My name is Robin. I am back on the site again, ready to get back on track. I am looking for more friends for support and encouragement.

I am 34 years old and have been overweight most of my life. The time is now to make a change.


  • nlwilliamson
    nlwilliamson Posts: 225 Member
    Hey Robin :) Nice to meet you! It's great that your back and ready to kick some butt, I log in daily and keep the site up throughout the day checking periodically. Feel free to add me for support and encouragement!

  • magga90
    magga90 Posts: 3
    Hi, I'm Magga I just started today and would like a buddy :)
  • robinc77
    robinc77 Posts: 6
    Hi Nikki, nice to meet you too! Sending a friend request.
  • wantstolooseweight
    wantstolooseweight Posts: 166 Member
    Feel free to add me :-) Good luck on your journey :-)
  • robinc77
    robinc77 Posts: 6
    Hi Magga, thanks for the friend request....just accepted it.
  • nlwilliamson
    nlwilliamson Posts: 225 Member
    Accepted :) Always glad to have more people to give support to and for me to receive from haha
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Hi Robin! You can do it, it will happen for you! Feel free to add me dear :smile:
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    You can add me as a friend. We all need some motivation every now and then.:smile:
  • robinc77
    robinc77 Posts: 6
    Thanks everyone! You guys have already shown me so much support and I really appreciate it! Thanks again :)
  • Hi! I was new on Monday! Just started and feeling pretty good on Day 5...everyone here has been extremely supportive and it has definitely helped me stay on track and make good choices. Feel free to add me! Good luck!
  • kariegurl
    kariegurl Posts: 1
    Hi Robin, It's really nice that you set this up. I, myself, just started this thing too. I am looking forward to doing this. Everyone needs a little motivation.
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    Jest Begin and Keep Beginning Each Day!
  • terrappyn
    terrappyn Posts: 324 Member
    Hi - Since I was about 18ish I have been not in ideal weight range. I lost almost 50 pounds about three years ago and about a year ago put it all back on. This week I am back to losing again. Starting over for what feels like the 80th time. Encouragement and Encouraging other is a good way to keep the motivation. Feel free to add me as a friend! Always seeking like minded individuals!
  • chalyce10
    chalyce10 Posts: 3
    Hi Robin.. I'm Chalyce and I have been on the site for a few weeks now.. The people on this site are so friendly.. Feel free to send me a friend request.
