Cardio before weight training?



  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    In your particular case, it does not matter because you are walking at 3.0 mph and, therefore, won't be using much glycogen at all. Walking at that pace will use mostly fat stores and your glycogen will be spared for your strength training session.

    Walking at 3.0 mph and strength training is how I lost 100 lbs. and over 21% body fat in 6 months. For what it's worth, I do a set of strength training and then walk 0.2 miles and repeat this 15 times. In the end, I do 15 sets of strength training and walk 3.1 miles (5k).
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Personally I find cardio far more effective than weight lifting for weight loss.

    Maybe I ain;t lifting enough, maybe I can't get motivated too, but nothing tired me more than distance running.

    Big weights session I can go about my day. Big run, fit for nothing but the couch.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I was getting in a one mile run before weight training and doing cardio after. When I went to see one of the trainers a couple of weeks back I told him my goals changed from strictly weightloss to weightloss and being prepared for the warrior dash which includes climbing a rope wall and a cargo net and other obstacles during a 3.2 mile run.

    He had me cut my repitions from 10-15 to 6-10 (two sets) and increasing the weight I lifted. When I can do 10 & 10, I up weight and if I can't manage at least 6 & 6 I need to drop weight until I can move back up in weight.

    He recommended that I do a quick warmup on the ellipticals before weight training so I'm using my arms and legs and do cardio after I'm done lifting. I can run then for my real cardio.

    I'm thinking of saving the running for the cardio only days. I'm doing 2-3 miles twice a week and 6.2 miles once a week. I lift 3 or 4 days a week (every other day) and if it's a 4 cardio week I do a one mile run, stretch, and then ellipticals until I have enough in my calorie budget to cover my food for the day plus milk and a cookie before bed.
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Hi, You need to up your intensity of cardio. Do cardio after your workout. But you need to go faster and harder than 3 mph. My trainer has me doing a series of high intensity bursts of either hill work or speed work. You gotta be sweating during your cardio. My fat just starting dripping off when I added interval work!
  • pietomb00
    pietomb00 Posts: 69 Member
    You're always going to get a million views on this :wink: mine is:

    Depends on what you want. You said you want to build muscle but have some fat to lose, you should really always warm up with some cardio (or light weights) and then stretch! And then the choice is really yours, I thought I read that you're doing circuits, is that as in in a hall with equipment of your choice? Or just round the bits of kit in the gym?

    If your circuits are aimed at building muscle and strength then do that first, and then your cardio. As other people have said, your cardio will use some of your energy.

    If your circuits are using lighter loads and geared a bit more towards weightloss and endurance, do your cardio first, as that'll make it harder for you, which is good.

    And on a side note, I have found from experience with other people (and personal preference) that doing intervals of cardio works much better and strength and weight loss in a much shorter time, but if that's not for you then ignore this bit...I'm sure someone will probably totally disagree with me on this :tongue:
  • annieu613
    annieu613 Posts: 143 Member
    My personal preference is to do cardio and then weight training. I know some people disagree because you might be able to lift more by doing strength first because your muscles aren't fatigued. I like to run several miles, and I find that it's really hard for me if I do it after weight training.

    If you decide to do weights first, make sure you're doing at least a few minutes of cardio to get warmed up.
  • billmoe92
    billmoe92 Posts: 28
    There are many schools of thought on this. My suggestion would be to try both ways. Try weights first for 3-4 weeks and then switch and do cardio first. If you always keep your body guessing you will see better results. That is what programs like P90X are built on.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I personally would do the cardio before the circuits b/c your muscles work best when they are warm and the cardio gets the blood pumping thru them. But I do circuit days on circuit days and cardio days on cardio days...that may all change when I start P90X but that's how I do it now...
  • czuniga03
    czuniga03 Posts: 99
    I joined a gym a few weeks ago and the trainer there told me stretch, warm up for 5 minutes on the treadmill, strength training, then cardio.
    I was told this as well!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    You're always going to get a million views on this :wink: mine is:

    Depends on what you want. You said you want to build muscle but have some fat to lose, you should really always warm up with some cardio (or light weights) and then stretch! And then the choice is really yours, I thought I read that you're doing circuits, is that as in in a hall with equipment of your choice? Or just round the bits of kit in the gym?

    If your circuits are aimed at building muscle and strength then do that first, and then your cardio. As other people have said, your cardio will use some of your energy.

    If your circuits are using lighter loads and geared a bit more towards weightloss and endurance, do your cardio first, as that'll make it harder for you, which is good.

    And on a side note, I have found from experience with other people (and personal preference) that doing intervals of cardio works much better and strength and weight loss in a much shorter time, but if that's not for you then ignore this bit...I'm sure someone will probably totally disagree with me on this :tongue:

    I totally AGREE with you on this lol
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    I might get **** thrown at me.. i do crossfit and we integrate short bouts of cardio 200-400meter runs in between weight sets.
  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member
    I always Cardio then weight train.

    Weight training is a waste of time for weight loss anyway

    :noway: Weight training is a waste of time for weight loss anyways??!!??:noway:
    This is ABSURD !!
    If you want to lose fat and change your body, lifting weights is an important part of any plan. Diet and cardio are equally important, but when it comes to changing how your body looks, weight training wins hands down ! Muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn all day long.

    If done separately, cardio AFTER weights. You need the additional energy for lifting.
    Why not incorporate both in a group fitness class?
  • alewop
    alewop Posts: 4
    I joined a gym a few weeks ago and the trainer there told me stretch, warm up for 5 minutes on the treadmill, strength training, then cardio.

    I was taught that you should warm up, then stretch. You need to loosen the muscles before you stretch or you risk injury. But the rest I agree with :) If you want to burn fat off fast alternate 2 minutes of walking/jogging with 1 minute of "everything you got" for 30 mins at the end of a workout. It has really helped me, I have lost 7.5 lbs so far in about 3 months. best of luck!
  • alewop
    alewop Posts: 4
    I always Cardio then weight train.

    Weight training is a waste of time for weight loss anyway

    :noway: Weight training is a waste of time for weight loss anyways??!!??:noway:
    This is ABSURD !!
    If you want to lose fat and change your body, lifting weights is an important part of any plan. Diet and cardio are equally important, but when it comes to changing how your body looks, weight training wins hands down ! Muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn all day long.

    If done separately, cardio AFTER weights. You need the additional energy for lifting.
    Why not incorporate both in a group fitness class?

    you are totally right, muscle def. burns fat. Also, after a cardio work out your body stops burning calories as soon as your heart rate returns to normal. But with weight training, your body burns calories for the next 30 or so hours!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I do a very short stint of cardio to warm up and loosen the muscles (maybe 5-10 minutes at decent intensity, just enough to start sweating), then weight train, then burn off any remaining time and energy with cardio afterward.

    If I do a lot of cardio first, I don't have the strength and energy left to lift properly. If I do the weight training first, I can't sustain the cardio as well, but that's OK, because there's always a cardio-only day the next day.

    I've been told that weight first is generally the way to go by several trainers. The key points are:

    1. If you're not tired, you're more likely to maintain proper form, which is good to help prevent injury and make the most of the weights.
    2. Burning the blood sugars out on cardio means your muscles will be weakened when you go to do weights, so your lifting performance will suffer - you won't be able to lift as much, or as often. The whole point of resistance training is to lift as much as you can and push your limits.
    3. You want to lift with a warmed-up flexible muscle that has a full load of energy.
    4. Cardio is useful for "mopping up" any energy not burned by the lifting, and to make sure you are circulating nutrients to the muscles to aid in recovery.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I have to do my cardio before I do weights other wise I will skip it all together. I do 30 minutes of cardio and then hit the weights. I don't find that I am too tired to lift properly or heavy after my cardio either. If anything I feel more energized and ready to go.

    But it all depends on what works for you.
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    for me it depends on my husbands schedule(Navy) its never the same and if and when the kids are in school that I can go out and run or not..some days i have to do my cardio in the morning or I have to wait in the evening for my husband to be off work to watch the boys..
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    I used to always do my cardio first until a trainer suggested that I do it last. It makes sense. Muscles burns more calories than fat so if you do your cardio AFTER your strength training you're being more productive.

    I have talked to several trainers and nutritionist and they all agree.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I always Cardio then weight train.

    Weight training is a waste of time for weight loss anyway
