Pole Dancing Classes?

Titanuim Posts: 331 Member
Today there was a groupon type deal in my local area for pole dancing classes. In a moment of madness I decided that it sounded like a fabulous idea/offer. Now the thrill of the purchase has worn off I am deciding whether to actually do the classes or regift to someone far younger and more flexible than myself.

For those who have done pole dancing for fun, is it a good cardio alternative and did it improve fitness levels?


  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 366 Member
    I have not tried it myself, but I have heard it is an awesome work out! You should try it!!
  • Songtothesiren
    Songtothesiren Posts: 388 Member
    I'm 49 .... but I'm not the oldest person in my class.
    I'm 18 st ...... but I'm not the heaviest person in my class.
    I'm very unfit..... well I was until I started Pole Dancing!

    I love Pole Dancing.
    I love the ladies in my class because they are all so supportive.
    I love the sense of achievement I get when I do a spin.
    I love the stretching and the weight training.

    Even if you only do things like Body Waves, Dips, Crabs and figure of 8 hips (you keep your feet on the ground for these!) you'll enjoy it.

    Speak to the teacher before you go about what she wants you to wear.

    Go! release your inner pole dancer and be proud of yourself .

  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 331 Member
    Thanks for the feedback.

    My greatest fear is probably that is will be in a class full of twenty something year olds which will make me feel ancient.
  • Songtothesiren
    Songtothesiren Posts: 388 Member

    There is a great age range in my class.

    If they are all 20, then that's their problem, you can't help them with that LOL!

    All the youngsters in my class love us older women - after all we've seen it all and done it all.

    Just go along with a smile, tell the little lambs that you are a bit nervous and embarrased - then stand back and wait for all the hugs and giggles to come your way.

    Please let us all know how you get on.

    If you decide it's not for you, at least you've given it a go which is more than a lot of people do.

  • FH36251
    FH36251 Posts: 44 Member
    Pole is awesome, awesome for strength, cardio the whole shebang. I've poled for 3 years now, and also regularly do Aerial Hoop.

    Pole is addictively good - you notice the difference (and the bruises) straight away. It can be bloomin hard work, but so much fun.

    I train at 2 studios. Youngest I train with is 18, oldest is 60ish - and belive me the age profile is going higher. All sizes and shapes attend; my last doubles partner was a good foot shorter than I, and a few stone heavier, and she was amazing. You work to your own strenghts initially - then improve the other areas.

    First off you will work on basics, so spins and holds to improve strength. Once these start you will move onto the more advanced flex and strength stuff, then basic climbs and inverts.

    An hours pole lesson has been shown to burn C280 - 350 calories, plus as it's strength this will continue to burn cals as muscles are built (I don't know the science, but my trainer was explaining last night...). Plus it's uber, awesome fun. Seriously - I'd give it a go :)
  • nmf062174
    nmf062174 Posts: 171 Member
    I've taken it-what a blast! My friend and I were by far the heaviest but that didn't stop us-we were too busy laughing as we were working out. Try it! It is such an awesome workout!
  • droogievesch
    droogievesch Posts: 202
    I'm saving up for pole! Definitely do it, or at least try it. I'm super jealous, so definitely let me live vicariously through you
  • Tried them. LOVED them. I found a group on at a really bad time of life, before I even started getting healthy. The punch card classes were a FAB way to shake up my workouts and move other muscles! I HIGHLY recommend!
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    I would love to try it! I think it would be so much fun!
    The did you hear they are trying to get the sport into future olympics? They showed a clip of a professional comp, and it was amazing!
  • castle88
    castle88 Posts: 27
    Definitely do it! It is such a fun way of getting exercise and it improves strength massively. I took lessons a few years ago and loved it so much I bought my own pole, but now I have no room in my new flat to put it up and I miss it :(

    Go for it, you'll love it!
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 331 Member
    Good to know it is not such an out there idea. People at my work today spent the day mocking the very idea - and also the likely outcome of me knowing how to pole dance and the next after work drinks situation. I'm quite looking forward to it now though I can't start lessons until August.
  • Titanium, I absolutely love pole dancing, so much that I became an instructor. It's a scary thought before you get on the pole but once you nail your first spin - you're addicted! It works out muscles you didn't even know you had, you learn to move your hips in ways you didn't think were possible, and you learn tricks that will give ladies in strip clubs a run for their money ;P You'll have to let us know how classes go for you. I say even if you don't love it, at least you can say you tried :)

    It's also a great way to just let loose and set time aside for yourself, and you might even make some friends along the way.

    As a student and as an instructor I've seen students range from 18 to 60+, all levels of fitness, all sizes, all types of personality.
  • slrrese
    slrrese Posts: 180 Member
    I am 49, a klutz and not very sexy. I started taking Pole Dance in January. I went to one place and the class was 1.5 hours long and they expected beginners to try to climb the pole at the first class. I left practically in tears feeling like I never would be able to do it and maybe this was not for me. But I was determined to find my sexy... so I tried another place and found the right situation for me. I LOVE my pole dance class and I LOVE my teacher. She is patient and kind and pushes me just right!! I LOVE the workout that it gives me!! My progress has been slow, but it is not a race and I have stuck with it. AND- I have gained muscle and learned to move in ways that I never had before. I actually feel sexy. It also feels GREAT when I am in a class and new (and even younger girls) come in and I am climbing the pole and inverting and they want to do what I can!! If it looks like something you want to try- I say do it!! AND- if that is not the right situation for you try somewhere else... it is a great workout and I am SO GLAD I stuck with it and found what works for me.
  • met42485
    met42485 Posts: 71 Member
    We did this for a bachelorette party. It was so much fun and honestly I was sore for days. It's definitely a workout! Just a warning though, you'll probably have bruises after the first couple of classes.
  • lori_en
    lori_en Posts: 133 Member
    We did this for a bachelorette party. It was so much fun and honestly I was sore for days. It's definitely a workout! Just a warning though, you'll probably have bruises after the first couple of classes.

    You'll be lucky not to have bruises after every single class! I've come to the conclusion if I don't have any bruises after a lesson, then I haven't worked hard enough! ;)

    I don't think I've ever met anyone who hasn't gone to pole classes and not become obsessed with it. I hope you stick with it and I'm sure you'll quickly come to realise why so many people love it so much! :)