Zumba and Polar FT7...

Does anybody here do Zumba and use the FT7 (or other HRM) to calculate your calorie burn? I recently bought an FT7 and have used it twice so far. Once was in a Zumba class and I thought the calorie burn was a bit low compared to what I see people posting. I'm older but I work hard in the Zumba classes. According to my FT7, 57 minutes of the 1 hour, 4 minute class my HR was in the fitness zone. I weigh 226lbs and the FT7 said I burned 535 calories. I know that's a good burn but I see people posting that they burned like 700, 800 and even 900+ calories doing Zumba. Not sure if they are using HRM's but still, that's a lot of calories. I also saw that a person on my friends list said she used her HRM and burned like 402 calories doing a 40 minute, 3 mph walk. Not sure how much that person weighs, though.

Would anyone care to share their calorie burns using an HRM and doing Zumba or other high intensity cardio workouts? I'm just curious if I'm getting a fairly accurate reading. Any info would be most appreciated.



  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    I used my FT7 for the first time today with Zumba on the Wii - I don't do classes. For a 38 min workout I burned 420 cals apparently. Astonishingly this was 1 above what the Wii game said I had. I know I jump around like mad but wasn't expecting that much. My old HRM had issues picking me up at times but that never gave me above 300 for the same workout. I'll keep trying and see what happens. :)
    I'm 5'4 and 27 btw.
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    Thank you! I think I am convinced that the Polar FT7 isn't giving me an accurate calorie burn but is rather on the low side. Anyone else?
  • I just ordered the F7 today. I have the F4 and loved it.
    I know you dont want to hear this but... it is better for the HRM to under estimate than over when it comes to calories burned. Thats the reason I ordered the F7 today. I have the Motiva Mio and it was almost doubling calories burned! Could you imagine if I did not know better and was eating those calories back! UGH.

    Keep up posted.
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    I just ordered the F7 today. I have the F4 and loved it.
    I know you dont want to hear this but... it is better for the HRM to under estimate than over when it comes to calories burned. Thats the reason I ordered the F7 today. I have the Motiva Mio and it was almost doubling calories burned! Could you imagine if I did not know better and was eating those calories back! UGH.

    Keep up posted.

    Thank you! I agree that I would rather have a underestimation of calories burned rather than an overestimation any day. I'm gonna keep it and maybe up my exercise for times when I want to see more of a calorie burn. I appreciate your response.
  • QueChulaYo
    QueChulaYo Posts: 71
    I have a FT7, did you add all of your info? height, weight, age?

    I have used it for wii zumba also....for about an hour 450 calories..... but then again i can burn 600 in an hour of elliptical... i think it depending how you maintain your HR during the workout. and dont forget to make sure the strap is really wet, and tight enough!
  • QueChulaYo
    QueChulaYo Posts: 71
    I have a FT7, did you add all of your info? height, weight, age?

    I have used it for wii zumba also....for about an hour 450 calories..... but then again i can burn 600 in an hour of elliptical... i think it depending how you maintain your HR during the workout. and dont forget to make sure the strap is really wet, and tight enough!
  • Lmdaniels
    Lmdaniels Posts: 91 Member
    I use my FT7 with all my workouts and have noticed that my burn is usually less than what I would get if I used what comes programmed in MFP. My 75 min Zumba class gives me about 600 calories. I've taken to creating my own exercises if I know I'll be doing it regularly since I'm using the hrm.
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    I use my FT7 with all my workouts and have noticed that my burn is usually less than what I would get if I used what comes programmed in MFP. My 75 min Zumba class gives me about 600 calories. I've taken to creating my own exercises if I know I'll be doing it regularly since I'm using the hrm.

    Thanks for the information. It's much appreciated. I'll look into creating my own exercises, too.
  • JonathonMars
    JonathonMars Posts: 358 Member
    From what I've read from other people, apparently most MFP exercise logs are way too high! And, I think I agree with that assessment based on what I've seen myself.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    i have an FT7 and i havent done zumba since i got it, but for example, today i did a bootcamp workout (pretty intense!!) for 45 minutes and burned 338 cals.

    I am 5'1" and 148lbs. My cal burn seems low compared to many others, but everyone is different and many many people post only the reading from MFP or the exercise machine. Trust your HRM.
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    the exercises in the database are added by the users of this site and calorie burn depends on so many things, as you probably know. you may not burn as many cals during zumba than the person who saved zumba into the MFP database. and like someone earlier said, better underestimate your calories than overestimate them. I have the FT7 btw and am sort of satisfied with it.
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    I take a zumba class and I own an FT4. MFP tends to over calculate calories burn. Before I got my HRM I was putting in around 650 for calories burn during zumba. Using my HRM I'm around 400-500 for one hour class. My nutritionist and trainer also told me that it's about the intensity you do the class in plus the less you have to lose the harder you will have to work to burn calories. I would def go by your HRM over anything else.

    Best of luck! I love zumba!
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    How high you are in the zone also has a lot to do with it. I can burn a lot more calories when I stay in the high end vs when you are in the low end. Obviously. I have different routes I walk that are about the same distance and time but the one with the most uphill portion always burns the most calories because it keeps my heart rate up in the higher end of my heart rate zone. That's why I like the HRM, I do feel like it's more accurate for the calorie burn than anything else I have use.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Stick with it and don't get frustrated.
    The HRM is going to be more accurate then any website who isn't taken in account your intensity (that includes MFP).
  • alcorn1871
    alcorn1871 Posts: 4 Member
    For me 1 hour of Zumba on my FT7 equals ~ 515 burned @ 220 pounds
  • I too do Zumba and I wear a Polar F7. I generally will burn 600-800 a class. It really can make a huge difference with who is teaching the class as to how many calories I burn.
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    I would guess that they're not using an HRM. I use my Polar and in 30 minutes, I burned 250 calories. It does depend on the amount you're exerting yourself (the higher end of the hr scale will burn more calories) and how much you weigh.
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    Stick with it and don't get frustrated.
    The HRM is going to be more accurate then any website who isn't taken in account your intensity (that includes MFP).

    ^^^^ She is absolutely right! ^^^^^^
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 638 Member
    Stick with it and don't get frustrated.
    The HRM is going to be more accurate then any website who isn't taken in account your intensity (that includes MFP).

    Exactly! I estimate I burn 350 calories in zumba, I'm not sweating so I don't think it's that great of a workout.
  • Psyb3r
    Psyb3r Posts: 176 Member
    I have the FT7, and I did my weekly Zumba class last night and burned 722. I'm 5'5" and currently weigh around 163. I normally average between 500-700 a class (which is 1.15 hours). I would check and make sure your settings are right, and then keep checking your heartrate during the class. Maybe your transmitter keeps losing signal?

    Keep with it though!