Scale not budging!

Before I joined MFP, I had been going up and down in the same 2 lb. range for a month. Then I came here for accountability. I've only been on here for a week but am frustrated with the scale. The 3rd day of eating healthy and working out I went down 3 lbs. I only count it as 1 lb because like I said I had been going up and down with those other 2 lbs. But I thought finally I see results for my hard work! I have been here a week and have stayed within or under my calorie goal every day and have worked out every single day. I get on the scale this morning and am back up 2 lbs.! What is up with that? I definitely feel like my clothes fit better and it looks like my tummy is less puffy but then why is the scale not reflecting it? Not only that why is it up 2 lbs? I am going to keep going in the hopes that the scale will catch up but does anyone have an explanation?


  • UGAGuy76
    UGAGuy76 Posts: 9 Member
    Take your measurements instead of relying solely on your weight. Measurements are much more accurate in telling you how you are doing. If you are engaging in moderate exercise, as you should be, to lose weight, muscle weighs more than fat. Therefore, it could be that you are simply adding as much muscle as fat.

    Secondly, you shouldn't be weighing every day or every other day and expecting to see results. You should only lose about 2 lbs PER week so that translates to less than a half pound per day.
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    Before I joined MFP, I had been going up and down in the same 2 lb. range for a month. Then I came here for accountability. I've only been on here for a week but am frustrated with the scale. The 3rd day of eating healthy and working out I went down 3 lbs. I only count it as 1 lb because like I said I had been going up and down with those other 2 lbs. But I thought finally I see results for my hard work! I have been here a week and have stayed within or under my calorie goal every day and have worked out every single day. I get on the scale this morning and am back up 2 lbs.! What is up with that? I definitely feel like my clothes fit better and it looks like my tummy is less puffy but then why is the scale not reflecting it? Not only that why is it up 2 lbs? I am going to keep going in the hopes that the scale will catch up but does anyone have an explanation?
    it can vary due to food/water/salt intake daily and you are most likely gaining muscle as well which is actually heavier than fat:smile: dont beat yourself up :smile:
  • cathbat64
    cathbat64 Posts: 3
    Hi there, I just signed up today. I need to make myself SEE the CALORIES that I eat in a day. Looking forward to read all the post and join in the group. Love scrapbooking too!!! What are you working on SB wise at the moment?
  • rhosherratt
    rhosherratt Posts: 14 Member
    You are probably exchanging your fat for muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Be patient. I've been working out for 8 1/2 weeks and been on MFP for over 4 weeks and my scale hasn't moved more than 2 pounds. It takes time. Be easy with yourself. Make sure you are eating enough calories to keep up with your workouts. I've been doing Insanity and was only eating 1200 calories, which was not nearly enough for that intense of a workout. Good luck, and like I said, don't be hard on yourself, one week isn't nearly enough time to gauge weight loss.
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? If I don't drink at least 12 servings of water a day, I retain water weight very badly. It also could be your salt intake make you retain water. I would take your measurments, sometimes we lose inches but not pounds.
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Before I joined MFP, I had been going up and down in the same 2 lb. range for a month. Then I came here for accountability. I've only been on here for a week but am frustrated with the scale. The 3rd day of eating healthy and working out I went down 3 lbs. I only count it as 1 lb because like I said I had been going up and down with those other 2 lbs. But I thought finally I see results for my hard work! I have been here a week and have stayed within or under my calorie goal every day and have worked out every single day. I get on the scale this morning and am back up 2 lbs.! What is up with that? I definitely feel like my clothes fit better and it looks like my tummy is less puffy but then why is the scale not reflecting it? Not only that why is it up 2 lbs? I am going to keep going in the hopes that the scale will catch up but does anyone have an explanation?

    I apologize if this double posts because I just did something funny...

    ANYWAY, I was going to say that I'm guessing that 2 lbs is water weight. I have had the same frustrations as you as far as the scale not moving. One thing I can tell you is that a lot of it for me is/was mental. I felt that I was doing EVERYTHING perfect WHY am I not seeing the scale move. I put so much pressure on myself I'd just give up because I felt like nothing would work. One thing I learn through MFP is to switch it up!

    I do 45 minutes of cardio 4 times a week and I push as hard as I can. 2 days a week I take a walk around my neighborhood at a good pace but obviously as hard and the cardio. 1 day a week I do whatever. If I feel like cardio/walk/nothing, I do it.

    As far as food goes I've also switched that up. At first I set my weight loss goals to 2lbs a week. Believe it or not I wasn't eating enough! I went back and switched my weight loss goal to 1 lbs a week so I'm eating more and now more weight is coming off. Some days I will eat under, some days I will eat right at, and some days I will eat over! I have cut out all trans fats and soda.

    So my point in all this is try different things. What works for some doesn't work for others. You know the basics of good health- good food, good exercise, stress relief, now just play around until you find the pattern for you!
  • otrlynn
    otrlynn Posts: 273 Member
    If you are exercising more than you were before, you may already be building some muscle--hence the weight gain. Possibly also the "time of the month" if you are young enough for that to be a factor. Hang in there and focus more on how your pants fit than what the scale says!