Insanity month 2 & feeling really tired.

I'm in month 2 week 2 of my insanity workout and I'm feeling really tired. I feel like I want to sleep all the time. While I'm doing the workout my body feels so heavy and just felt like I have no energy whatsoever. I really want to give it my best as I'm close to the end of the program. My caloric intake is between 1400 and 1500. Should I up my calories? If yes by how much? Ok I'll admit this week I wasn't really eating much but then again even last week at over 1400 calories per day I was still feeling tired. Is my body asking for a rest? I don't want to miss a day of workout. Any suggestions?


  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Ok...looking at your diary you aren't even eating your 1400 calories. avoid a lecture on why you should eat more....let me just say...

    1. Yes...You should eat your calories. At least the 1400... maybe more. I don't know how much you weigh, etc...

    2. With a workout like Insanity you are going to need to fuel your body with "GOOD" carbs and lean proteins. So I would also look into what types and how much of those two categories you are taking in.

    Some suggestions: greek yogurt, string cheese, oatmeal, nuts....etc..

    3. How much sleep are you getting and are you on a regular sleep schedule?

    I wouldn't miss a workout unless you just feel like you need to. I would first take into consideration the above. Make those adjustments.

    I'm also hoping someone else may have some suggestions I'm not seeing.

    OH...and drink water. I didn't look at how much water you are logging, but you should be drinking lots of water to stay hydrated. Without it you will feel more lethargic and actually more hungry than normal.
  • luvhandles74
    luvhandles74 Posts: 85 Member
    Do you have the Insanity nutrition plan?? You really do need to eat more. There is a formula for figuring out your caloric intake while doing insanity and in the second month you are supposed to eat more. I havent been following the nutrition plan and am in my second month but I eat back almost all of my calories on most days and I have lot's of energy. The fist month I was dragging my bottom trying to stick between 12 and 1400 calories a day...I was wiped out!

    Just'll be fine.
  • handle123
    handle123 Posts: 62
    wow all i can say to you is WELL DONE for sticking to it, i did insanity for a week and couldnt hack it....too much repetition and fast pace for me.
  • nuttyduffy
    nuttyduffy Posts: 255 Member
    I have to agree with both of the above. I finish Insanity on Sunday and month 2 is so much harder on you that you really need to be eating a lot more than you are. You need to be eating back your exercise calories.

    I have MFP set at my BMR of 1350 but then eat back nearly all of my exercise calories (by this I mean that I never have more than 200 calories left over each day)! This means I average somewhere between 1600 -1900 calories a day, depending on the workout.

    You really need to be fuelling your body, getting a good 7-8 hours sleep a night and drinking lots of water.

    Try it for a few days and you will be surprised at how much energy you have!
  • stephanne82
    stephanne82 Posts: 49 Member
    You definitely need to eat more! I am doing Insanity and I will be done next week. I eat between 1800 - 2000 calories a day and I feel great and have loads of energy! It is an intense workout and you need to fuel your body otherwise you will burn out.
  • kaigausista
    kaigausista Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks everyone for replying. I really appreciate it. Yes looking through my food diary I can see I'm not eating much at all. I guess I was so worried about gaining any weight that I wasn't really listening to my body. So yes, next week I'll try and up my calories to 1600 and see if that'll help plus getting some extra sleep. As for drinking water, I'm actually doing good on that one. To be honest this is the first workout program that I've actually stuck to for more than two weeks in a row.
  • i was feeling like that too when i first started my 2nd month i was actually in the hospital for dehydration twice!! but i drink about 8 cups of water & a gatorade while im doing insanity & i increased my calorie intake to 1700 a day & i feel a huge difference!! plus before you work out eat some fruit or a slice of bread with peanut butter because it'll get your blood pressure up because while you work out it drops which makes you feel fatigue & exhausted.
  • goz83
    goz83 Posts: 1
    Thanks so much. I was about to ask the same question and I have the answers from this thread. I am in week 2 of month 2 of Insanity. It's Sunday, but I missed yesterday, because I was just really tired and I am going to do yesterdays workout today.

    I will increase my caloric intake and I must also keep on tp of the water intake too. Its ok when im working, because there is a water cooler in my therapy room, but I fail to drink a reasonable amount at home.