Other mums losing their baby weight?

Hey - any other mummies trying to shed their baby weight? Would like some other mummy friends for support and to support in return. Is it just me or is it soooo much easier to gain weight after having the baby?!? I've dieted since my son was born but as soon as I was having an off day it all went down the drain & the fridge filled up with chocolate etc - never realised how many calories were in all my favourite treats until I came across MFP!! Anyone else the same? :)


  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 165 Member
    Well, I'm done losing my baby weight, my youngest is 7 months now, but I'm kind of expert in it, due to having 6 children. Lol. Would love to support you
  • chloebarge
    chloebarge Posts: 53 Member
    I've been the same! My little girl was premature so i had i to stay inside a lot after she was born as her immune system wasn't developed enough and got into such bad habits! Literally snacking on rubbish all day and put on 2 stone after she was born. Ive lost a stone of it so far but i agree its definitely seems harder to lose after having a baby. xxx
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    Definitely! But I should mention that my baby will be 15 in December and I'm still working on that c-section pouch. I do remember what it was like to lose that extra baby weight. I never truly got back down to where I was before I had my kids. I got within 15 lbs after my last child and just gave up. I focused all my attention on my kids and while you would think all that running around would help you burn calories it really doesn't. I'd have to say if I ate healthier way back when instead of relying on fast food and quick processed crap I probably would have been better off. But hey it's never to late to learn right? I just turn 37 and am figuring this out. I can only hope and pray that I am finally able to teach my kids the right way so they don't face the same problems I have all these years.
  • sewhappymomma
    I have a 16 month old and altho I am lower then my pre pregnancy weight with him.. I am still now down to my pre pregnancy weight with my 5 year old.. I have a c section pouch.. its not easy to get rid of .. but I am inspired to finally loose what being pregnant has done to me and be healthy for my boys.. : ) Feel free to add me if you would like. I am newer to this site and need motivation too . ;)
  • JessWinnett
    Wow 6! I'd love to have more but defo want my body back to how it was before or I doubt I'd ever lose it! Well done to you though, I'd love to be able to have that kind of self control get back into shape so quickly :)

    Lol that's exactly what I did, don't think I ate proper meals no more than twice a week, just constant rubbish!! Gained a stone in about 5 weeks!! Well done for losing a stone already, that's really good! :)
  • niniel1
    niniel1 Posts: 2

    I had my 4th baby two weeks ago. Gave myself a week off after the birth but then got stuck in to trying to shift the weight. I have three stone to lose.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    Yes! I have a 4 1/2 yr old, 2 1/2 yr old and 6 month old! I'm trying to balance breastfeeding with dieting. I've been pregnant or breastfeeding since feb.2007, hell on the body.
  • stephanne82
    stephanne82 Posts: 58 Member
    Hello! I have a 4 year old and a 5 month old. I am trying to lose the last 10 lbs; and then another 10 lbs that I put on before I got pregnant. It was a lot easier with my first; this time it is taking me a lot longer. I am getting there though! Feel free to add me if you want. :happy:
  • dfisher88
    dfisher88 Posts: 24 Member
    My baby is 19months and though I lost all of her weight within 3wks of having her, I put it all back on. Very disappointing! I still had a lot to lose even with the baby weight gone. Please feel free to add me!
  • JessWinnett
    So glad I'm not the only one!! Wishing you all luck in reaching your goals - can't wait to reach mine!!