Best Time to Exercise?

Hi.. I need some advice. From time to time over the last couple years I have dedicated myself to exercising and have pretty much have always seen results. I own an elliptical so that is my go to work out... and I love it. The thing is I am a Stay at Home Mom and the best time for me to work out is first thing in the morning... If I dont do it in the morning then I wont do it at all...

I recently started back on a routine and started the slim fast diet to jump start my weight loss.. My husband has been doing slim fast for 8 months and has lost 60 pounds.. its really easy for me to do and I like it. My first week I lost 6 pounds! The beginning of the next week I started my exercising first thing in the morning.. before eating anything and for over a week even adding in exercise I still didnt lose any weight.

My question is Is it better to eat before you work out or after? I dont know if my body wanted to hang on to my weight since I had reduced calories dramatically then started to burn 500 + calories first thing in the morning. and it just felt like it was too much. I kept that up for a week straight and the scale didnt budge. My eating was perfect. Well probably under calorie goal by quiet a bit.

Fast forward.. we took a little vacation over the 4th.. and I didnt Diet. came home and didnt gain.. Enjoyed the rest of the weekend.. went up a pound.. started just my diet again on monday and I have been losing again.. I am a little cautious to start my exercising again since I dont want the weight loss to stop..

Any advice.. It seems so strange to me.

Thanks for your help.


  • Steph4454
    Steph4454 Posts: 164 Member
    The best time is whenever you can get it done. Don't make it difficult for yourself or you will not keep up with it. When all the "Energy In Energy Out" freaks start coming out of the woodwork, they will tell you that as long as you your weekly/daily/ whatever energy in is less than your energy out, you will loose, no matter what time of the day you exercise!

    Also, when you exercise you build muscle and if you are sore at all, you are holding water to help heal your muscles.

    As long as you are workin, it will start to come off, be patient!!!
  • sewhappymomma
    Thanks.. I know what time of day works for me.. and I know I feel better if I start my day right.. I am just wondering if the stalled weight loss was because I wasnt eating enough or because I was burning too much before eating. ?? I guess thats my question really..
  • marnijojo
    marnijojo Posts: 235 Member
    This came from a co-worker today (we have a 'weigh to go' group at work). Not sure the source....for what it is worth...

    Here's a little fitness tip for you to start out your week right: People often ask me when the best time of day to work out is... the answer is all about consistency. Studies show that your body gets accustomed to exercise at a certain time of day and in response releases adrenaline and testosterone at that time. These hormones help your muscles process energy more efficiently leading to increased strength and power - ultimately improving your workout, boosting your calorie burn and amping your metabolism. So the best time of day to train is THE SAME TIME OF DAY. Consistency is key!
  • MrsFolk
    MrsFolk Posts: 205
    As long as you're getting your workout in, that's all that matters. Even if you can't be consistent, you still benefit from getting your workouts in whenever possible.
  • ladeydaley
    ladeydaley Posts: 2 Member
    To answer your original question. The idea of not eating prior to cardio comes from the theory that you will burn the calories you have stored, thus getting into your fat stores. If you eat prior to caro you are going to burn those calories first, because they will be the easiest for our body o access! If you are doing high interval training you will want to eat first, cause this burns calories so fast it will burn your glucose stores and you will go into a glycemic shock. Low to moderate training can be done first thing with out breakfast. But follow your bodies ques! Hope this helps
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    I've been thinking about this 'before or after exercise' eating too. I haven't the time to exercise before going to work or when I get back - don't think my son would appreciate waiting till about 7.00 for his tea! - so what I've decided to do is if I can't do any before lunch or tea then I will do it after, but leave at least 1hr 30mins to 2hrs for it to settle before doing any exercise.

    I don't know when the best time is, but I'm just having to work out what's convenient. Before I had my son I used to work out before a meal, but that's not always practical now. I know this doesn't really answer your question, it's just giving you advice on what I tend to do.
  • sewhappymomma
    To answer your original question. The idea of not eating prior to cardio comes from the theory that you will burn the calories you have stored, thus getting into your fat stores. If you eat prior to caro you are going to burn those calories first, because they will be the easiest for our body o access! If you are doing high interval training you will want to eat first, cause this burns calories so fast it will burn your glucose stores and you will go into a glycemic shock. Low to moderate training can be done first thing with out breakfast. But follow your bodies ques! Hope this helps

    This helps a lot! I mostly do a program that builds up resistance and then drops fast so you about run! Its a tough workout for sure. Next Monday I will start my work out routine again and try eating about 30 min to an hour before and see if I can manage to loose more that way. Thanks for everyones advice I appreciate those who take time to help me :)