Scared of Starting the weight loss process again.....

I'm 19, and this is probably the fourth or fifth time I've tried to lose weight, and be healthy. I'm scared to try again, because I feel like if I fail, I'll never attempt it again. Anyone else feel that way? I'm trying to excersize 3 times a week, which is hard because I work 7 days a week, with sporadic hours, so I never have a set schedule. Anyone have any ideas about how to excersize with excersize induced asthma? I haven't been able to figure out something that doesn't make my asthma act up. Well, any support or encouragement will be greatly appreciated, and tips will be enthusiastically welcomed. Thanks! :happy:


  • rmh612
    rmh612 Posts: 6 Member
    I am about to start my journey again as well. My weight goes up and down too.
  • I am scared too- but need to take one step at a time. Write everything down, drink more water than you think you can, make this your job! You are sooo worth it. Just begin to move for exercise 5 minutes at a time then 10 and so on. Yoga is amazing- my body always feels energized.
    You go girl!
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    I am starting out again too and feeling like this is the last time I will try lol I am 42 and starting the creep up to my heavier older sisters weight where i definitely dont want to be - there is just way too many health risks ....I know it can be done- I see people on here and other sources that are twice my age with health issues that are getting more exercise and are in better health than I!! Never give up is their motto- one foot in front of the other everyday! :)
    this is something i found online-doesnt really suggest any certain type but it makes sense- I would say just take it slow and easy til your lungs get used to extra work. There are strategies that can reduce the incidence of an exercise-induced asthma attack. Exercise regularly and follow these "Do's" and "Don'ts."


    •Check with a doctor before starting a new or more advanced exercise program.
    •Drink plenty of fluids before, during and after exercise.
    •Use a bronchodilator before exercise or if asthma symptoms are noticed.
    •Try to exercise indoors where the air is warmer and there are fewer triggers.
    •Breathe in slowly through the nose to warm and moisten air.

    •Exercise when feeling tired or sick.
    •Suddenly start and stop exercising—be sure to warm up and cool down adequately.
    •Forget to monitor breathing to see how exercise is affecting asthma.
    •Exercise on busy streets where air pollution is higher.
    •Exercise on hot, humid days when ozone levels are high.
  • historygirldd
    historygirldd Posts: 209 Member
    On January 2, I was fed up and angry at myself and, like you,I was scared to death of starting and failing once again. Add to it that some of those around me were skeptical that I could be successful. But everyday is a new day. I have learned in the last few months that one meal or even one day or even one week of messing up is not the end. I just get back up and start again. Each meal is a new chance to do well. Each day is a new chance to exercise. You can do this. Use the support offered by the community here, log your food EVERYDAY regardless of if it is a good day or a bad day. Just do it. It will work for you. Dig Deep and Find the Strength to make changes to help you.

    As for exercise for exercise induced asthma, have you tried yoga? Also have you been tested for allergies? There is a lot of asthma in my family and my niece has very severe asthma and while at a track meet this year (I am a coach at an opposing school and Thank God I was there), had to be carried off of the track. We just found out that she is highly allergic to soy and that caused even her exercise induced asthma to be worse.

    Sorry this is so long, but Good Luck to you and Keep your head up. You can do it this time.
  • susieq3604
    susieq3604 Posts: 13
    Ladies you got this! I just started taking MFP seriously back in April. It is important to write down everything. Every cup of water, bite of food, and minute of exercise. Keep it going constantly so you actually see what you put in your body. Losing weight is 80% in the kitchen and 20% in the workout. Both are extremely important. But if you have a bad day don't beat yourself up over it, get right back on track. Let your main goal be getting healthier and let the weight loss be just a big bonus. If we focus on the numbers we will be discouraged time and time again. If you take breaks at work, take a walk. When ever you get home take another one. 5-10 minutes here and there will start to add up. The important thing is to just move. Go as much as you think you can go with your asthma and then every week try to stretch it just a little. Don't over do it, asthma is nothing to play with and I have seen plenty of friends have asthma attacks. Take it slow and easy. Just focus on making you and your lungs stronger day by day. As I recently learned don't try to jump in to too much at one time. I jumped in way over my head and wound up with a hurt back and burnt out. Slow and steady progress wins the race! Be proud of every small accomplishment!
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    This is my 11th year of "Getting back into shape" myself. So far it's been the most successful yet. I'm fully committed and all in on it, I have real goals and dreams that makes it a lot easier.

    As far as the asthma goes, speak with your doctor about that before starting.

    Remember weight loss is 90% diet, 5% physical and 5% mental.

    The right diet you can lose weith with minimal exercise.
  • ValTheRizzle
    ValTheRizzle Posts: 28 Member
    I am 28 now, when I was 22-23 I lost over 80 pounds and changed my life. But I got sick and my first long-term relationship fell apart. I gained all the weight back plus over 30 extra pounds. I started trying to lose it again a few months ago and the thought of "starting over" was so overwhelming and discouraging. But, it's a slow and steady process, and so far I am making progress.

    I know it's daunting and sometimes it seems pointless or impossible, but you can do this. I know you can. If you need any motivation or someone to vent to, this is why we're here. :)
  • Thank you all very much! It really helps with the encouragement! I really appreciate the tips, and the thoughts!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Get on a daily use inhaler and/or take a rescue inhaler 30 minutes before working out.

    As for losing weight and succeeding, educate yourself about how to make good choices. Don't do anything extreme. Log everything. Realize that nobody's perfect. As long as you have more good days than bad days, you will succeed for the long term.
  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member
    Ladies you got this! I just started taking MFP seriously back in April. It is important to write down everything. Every cup of water, bite of food, and minute of exercise. Keep it going constantly so you actually see what you put in your body. Losing weight is 80% in the kitchen and 20% in the workout. Both are extremely important. But if you have a bad day don't beat yourself up over it, get right back on track. Let your main goal be getting healthier and let the weight loss be just a big bonus. If we focus on the numbers we will be discouraged time and time again. If you take breaks at work, take a walk. When ever you get home take another one. 5-10 minutes here and there will start to add up. The important thing is to just move. Go as much as you think you can go with your asthma and then every week try to stretch it just a little. Don't over do it, asthma is nothing to play with and I have seen plenty of friends have asthma attacks. Take it slow and easy. Just focus on making you and your lungs stronger day by day. As I recently learned don't try to jump in to too much at one time. I jumped in way over my head and wound up with a hurt back and burnt out. Slow and steady progress wins the race! Be proud of every small accomplishment!

    Just love your positivity !!
    That's what we're here for :smile:
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    the first 20 lbs I lost was no exercise, just watched what I ate, once I lost the initial 20 then the exercises did not seem so challenging to try. I started with walking... half mile, then a mile, then two etc etc.. went to five miles. then worked on quickening my pace till I could not walk any faster.. now I am doing Couch to 5k program which is conditioning me to jog...

    It is all a process, you have to find what works for you....
    then you have to take it one step at a time..
    We did not wake up one day Fat and Unhealthy
    so we will not wake up one day Thin and Healthy...

    But first off.. if you bite it then you write it....
    Log everything before you eat it, this will help you make better choices with food...
  • crisco1232
    crisco1232 Posts: 7 Member
    Im always starting over on my weight loss journey. Ill go for a couple of months and not see the progress I think I should be making and then give up. But Ive been really trying to stick with it now. Before I either exercised and didnt eat right or vice versa. This time Im trying to do both and write it all down lol. So you can add me if you like. As for asthma, my girlfriend has asthma pretty bad. But she tries to do as much as she can. She might not go as much as I do but she tries to go as fast or hard as she can.
  • BanffJasper
    BanffJasper Posts: 10 Member
    IMHO I think you should concentrate on calorie deficit to start. Introduce mild exercise like yoga (I use the WII fitness), exercise ball and calisthenics. Then when your ready apply a more aggressive exercise program. My guess is that you will not give up the others.
  • cczm787
    cczm787 Posts: 2
    Friday the 13th, either a bad omen to start today, or maybe the start of a new life. We will see. Just got off the phone with a nutritionist from my health plan. Hopefully I will value myself and his guidance. I just entered my breakfast and lunch truthfully and yeow... I am already over my calorie count by 150 for the day. I guess it really does add up without you thinking about it. Lets see how I do here, but I just entered this which is new behavorial. The right start I suppose. Oh... particulars, over 50, female with over 130 lbs to lose. That is alot of weight to lose. My son is getting married in 7 months, I sure would like to see between 50 and 70 of it gone by then.
  • I sometimes have exercise induced asthma too but it gets better if I start up with easy steps and gradually raise the bar. And I find hula hoop an easy and fun exercise! Hula hoop is low-key so it might be good if you're worried about asthma. You can also do hula hoop watching TV and stuff whenever you can, so that's another good thing if your schedule is tight. Regular hula hoops are good too (though heavier ones are better for exercise), but there are many different kinds them that are designed for dieting and have bumps on the inner side of hoops. They hurt a lot at first and leave bruise that takes some time to go away, but if you can stand it I say go for it. This will not show you a significant weight loss in a short amount of time, but its a good long run exercise! Good luck :)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I have asthma too. I'm on symbicort from my Doctor. Proper treatment really makes a big difference on how you feel overall, your energy level and how successful your workouts are! As others have suggested I'd make an appointment with Doctor so he can prescribe some medication.

    Weigh loss, getting healthy, it's all a life long journey, some days we're more successful then others. Don't beat yourself up over past attempts. Many of us have been there!
  • cathy2371
    cathy2371 Posts: 1 Member
    My advice is to never give up . I have tried over and over again and this time with MFP it is working. I love this site. I just found out that you can go to the FOOD tab and hit DATA base and type in any major resturant and it will give you the calories and other information about the foods you are going to eat. So very helpful. Just add me as your friend and I will give you lots of incouragement and you can do the same for me along the weight lose journey. I watched the TV show last weekend Extreme Weight Lose challenge and there was a 20 year old girl on there that lost 156 lbs in 365 days. She was so beautiful and happy when she reached her goal. So it can be done!!! Just one day at a time and one day, you will see that you have met your goal too.