"Slim in 6" July 16 - Aug 26 Challenge!

Starting a 6-week "Slim in 6" Challenge on Monday, July 16th! Awesome at-home DVD program to lose up to 25 lbs in 6 weeks. We're gonna make this happen!

Only 1 SPOT LEFT for a five-person group. Gotta get on board by tomorrow to start on July 16th with us! Any takers??


  • Ven79
    Ven79 Posts: 18 Member
    Darn it...just ordered it. I dont think i will receive it by Monday to start. But i'd love to join.
    Best of luck! Hope you post your progress!

    Have you tried the program before?
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    Are there any spots still open for doing this with you?
    I have been doing the start up portion of the Slim in 6 and on Friday I did the Ramp it up. I have been doing 30DS before this, and it is quite a change from 20 minutes to 50 minutes. I am wondering what kind of results I will get with the extra time working out.
    I have 6 more days to finish 30DS and I will be doing the Slim in 6 in the afternoons until I finish 30DS then I will be doing Slim in the mornings.
    Is this as hard core of a workout as the other Beachbody workouts?