Giving up, and gaining weight?

Just by looking at my diary, my love for food is evident. It shows how i cannot stop eating, in the morning, lunch, dinner and even after. How can I stop? I don't know. It's too hard. I just want to be thin....

How can i actually suprese hunger, improve my will power not to eat. Any advice? Things have gotten from terrible to bad now and I'm not sure what to do. Anyone else want to offer some advice?


  • MissGND
    MissGND Posts: 11
    The love of food usually stems from childhood problems, stress eating and emotional issues. If your will power is not strong enough to over come your love of food, then I would suggest seeking professional help. Sometimes, especially women, eat to counter their emotions and stress, instead of confronting the real issue that is troubling us we take comfort in food. If we don't figure out why we eat, and resolve the issue we continue to use food as a substitute for many of the emotional things we need, or to disassociate ourselves from the problems we are facing, we keep gaining weight which adds to our emotional and stressful issues, we get depressed and give up, and eventually kill ourselves with food. There is nothing wrong with enjoying food, but when the "love" of food takes over our lives, food is not the real problem.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Replacements. Eating a part of a doughnut for 200 calories will not fill you up nearly the same as 200 calories worth of vegetables will. In your position, I would personally remove all of the junk from my diet and find veggies/fruits that I can snack on throughout the day guilt free for MUCH lower caloric content (and more nutritional value in general). Next time you're hungry instead of grabbing a candy bar, grab a bunch of cherry tomatoes or something similar instead.
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    The love of food usually stems from childhood problems, stress eating and emotional issues. If your will power is not strong enough to over come your love of food, then I would suggest seeking professional help. Sometimes, especially women, eat to counter their emotions and stress, instead of confronting the real issue that is troubling us we take comfort in food. If we don't figure out why we eat, and resolve the issue we continue to use food as a substitute for many of the emotional things we need, or to disassociate ourselves from the problems we are facing, we keep gaining weight which adds to our emotional and stressful issues, we get depressed and give up, and eventually kill ourselves with food. There is nothing wrong with enjoying food, but when the "love" of food takes over our lives, food is not the real problem.

    I 100% agree. I have spent the last year almost in counseling and resolved some personal issues and now, I don't feel the need to eat constantly anymore. I stop eating when I'm full. Even when I'm stressed, food is only nutrition nowadays. I am happier than I have been in my entire life. No exaggeration.
  • AlexPaige
    AlexPaige Posts: 72 Member
    I know this may not be what you want to hear, but being healthy is so much more important than the "t" word (aka thin). While it might be an added bonus if you can ultimately get down to your ideal measurments, health should not be defined by your waist, hip and arm sizes! Like others have said, it might be helpful to seek professional help to get down to the root cause of your food addiction. I find that if I'm in my over-eating phase, just getting rid of the tempation will curb it-if it's not in your house, you can't eat it! If I'm thinking about how much I'd love some Hostess Cupcakes, I'd have to actually drive to the store,then drive home just to eat them, and for the most part it's just not worth it. That might be helpful to you too ( :
    I hope you can overcome this and just know that MFP is supporting you!
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    Just by looking at my diary, my love for food is evident. It shows how i cannot stop eating, in the morning, lunch, dinner and even after. How can I stop? I don't know. It's too hard. I just want to be thin....

    How can i actually suprese hunger, improve my will power not to eat. Any advice? Things have gotten from terrible to bad now and I'm not sure what to do. Anyone else want to offer some advice?

    Umm, you are under your calorie goal every day. I'm confused about this inability to control yourself that you're talking about, especially when the timeframes you are referring to are called normal meal times and you aren't eating excessively.
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I'm kind of the same way. I LOVE to eat... but what helps me with hunger is usually caffeine - coffee and tea. Plus I've found lots of substitutes for things that I love or just eat what I want in moderation. I also make sure I run if i want to eat something in particular if I know that I want something that is super high in calories. :)

    Good luck to you! If your desire to lose weight is legit, then you'll figure it out. :)
  • Springer007
    Springer007 Posts: 84 Member
    Just by looking at my diary, my love for food is evident. It shows how i cannot stop eating, in the morning, lunch, dinner and even after. How can I stop? I don't know. It's too hard. I just want to be thin....

    How can i actually suprese hunger, improve my will power not to eat. Any advice? Things have gotten from terrible to bad now and I'm not sure what to do. Anyone else want to offer some advice?

    First off, by looking at your picture, you dont have a severe weight problem. You look to be pretty good as you are. That being said I can understand wanting to lose a couple pounds. However, this is where you will struggle. Because you dont have a lot to lose, its hard to find the will power to make the necessary changes. When you reach your goal, you wont have the transformation that many overweight people get to see and reward themselves with.

    If you want it bad enough, the will power will come to you. Until then, you simply dont want the change bad enough to make it happen.

    Oh and by looking at your journal, you are in the green every day, but its only because you are over estimating your excercise and activities. Dont give yourself 60-70 calories credit for "cooking". Little things like this should not be counted as cardio activities. Im not even sure why they put them out there. They only trick people into thinking they can eat more.
  • mielchat
    mielchat Posts: 41 Member
    I just looked at your diary, and you seem to be lacking protein and fruit/veg. Like insomniaddict said, it's a good idea to fill up on fruits and vegetables since they're low calorie & high fibre, so can keep you satisfied. Also, protein is very good at controlling hunger. I eat a lot more protein rich foods now and I've lost that need to snack.

    If you search 'high protein meals' or 'low calorie snacks' in the database it might help with idea's :smile:

    Edit: Just adding that chewing gum after a meal can help.
  • Roxanne082
    Roxanne082 Posts: 6 Member
    This is exactly how I feel. I have gained 5lbs this past week and I just want to give up..
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    Are you sure its hunger...or do you just want to eat? There IS a difference. I was rarely hungry before I started my weight loss program. I just wanted to eat....and eat...and eat for the sake of eating. To enjoy the make myself feel end the boredom. Now I actually feel hungry .....first time I can remember that in many years.

    When you are hungry, you need to eat. If you just want to eat, you need to find a reason NOT to. Thats something that has to come from within you. Everyone can offer support but we cant keep you from eating. You have to want to be thin badly enough to stop. :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Just by looking at my diary, my love for food is evident. It shows how i cannot stop eating, in the morning, lunch, dinner and even after. How can I stop? I don't know. It's too hard. I just want to be thin....

    How can i actually suprese hunger, improve my will power not to eat. Any advice? Things have gotten from terrible to bad now and I'm not sure what to do. Anyone else want to offer some advice?

    Umm, you are under your calorie goal every day. I'm confused about this inability to control yourself that you're talking about, especially when the timeframes you are referring to are called normal meal times and you aren't eating excessively.

    THIS! I'm not understanding the problem either.. Although I will say, upping your protein will help a lot. And as someone else said, aim for health, not "skinny".
  • Lesley2901
    Lesley2901 Posts: 372 Member
    Having looked at the last week of your diary you're eating under your calorie goal which will leave you feeling hungry. You need to eat more and cut down on the processed food ( I find a lot of processed foods still leave me hungry and craving more sugary foods).
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    I just looked at your diary, and you seem to be lacking protein and fruit/veg. Like insomniaddict said, it's a good idea to fill up on fruits and vegetables since they're low calorie & high fibre, so can keep you satisfied. Also, protein is very good at controlling hunger. I eat a lot more protein rich foods now and I've lost that need to snack.

    If you search 'high protein meals' or 'low calorie snacks' in the database it might help with idea's :smile:

    Edit: Just adding that chewing gum after a meal can help.

    This is exactly what I was going to say.
  • As many has said here you should add lots of fruits, veggies and protein. A lot of what you eat looks like refined carbs which your body wants more of all the time.
  • VictoriaSadler
    VictoriaSadler Posts: 13 Member
    With the meals. i put things in midday and stuff, and lunch, but today- i ate most of it in one sitting at home tonight. I just can't seem to stop eating at once :/
  • VictoriaSadler
    VictoriaSadler Posts: 13 Member
    And it may say i'm under calorie intake. but i changed my thing today from 1200, to 1800 to maintain my weight.... :(
  • mielchat
    mielchat Posts: 41 Member
    With the meals. i put things in midday and stuff, and lunch, but today- i ate most of it in one sitting at home tonight. I just can't seem to stop eating at once :/

    Maybe try prelogging/planning your meals and spread them out through the day?
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    And it may say i'm under calorie intake. but i changed my thing today from 1200, to 1800 to maintain my weight.... :(

    In addition to the protein recommendation, I don't think you're eating enough. 1200 isn't very much, especially if you are exercising. And are you waiting too long to eat and then you're too hungry? You mentioned you ate your food today in one sitting - if you didn't eat earlier and you were starving, that makes it hard to stop. You could try planning your food for the day and then breaking it up into 4-6 meals to see if that helps.
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    Calorie wise...Your food diary looks fine...I wish that someone had told me back when I was 18 to log my food...Hunger is normal and healthy....I would actually worry more about not being able to tell when your body is saying that it is full and that it has had enough to eat... Concentrate on making sure that your food choices are meeting your nutritional needs first (unprocessed food is best)....After you do that...a lot of the hunger should subside.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    If you can give up, you may as well go ahead and do so, you are doing it wrong and will eventually gain it all back anyway if you do somehow have some success.

    When you find the motivation, failure will not be an option and there will be nothing left to give up too. No wagon to fall off.

    If you can give up, it is a sign that you aren't ready to not be fat for good.

    Look at it like this. If you are a parent is it even remotely possible to give up and walk away from being a parent? No. Sure you might have moments where you need a break, but failure is not an option at all, you can't just give up and fall off the wagon. If you wish to change your life from one of being fat to one of not being fat, you need to find this level of motivation, ironclad commitment to a changed life. Most people claim they want to lose weight. Very few people are willing to actually change their life to meet this goal, to throw all their chips in the pot and go all in.