Liquid diet?

Hello, I'm planning to start a liquid diet next week, but I'm not sure about juices since they are too sugary, has anybody else try this? Any recommendations?. The reason is, I have an event on next saturday, so I don't plan extending it for more than a week.


  • MauSalvaje
    MauSalvaje Posts: 15
    Thanks a lot! I'll look for that, or at least similar protein shakes :) Shakes never passed through my head!

    Hahahaha why pretentious? About the unhealthiness of it? I guess it's not that unhealthy xD
  • PK95
    PK95 Posts: 21
    I like the total lean shakes from gnc. I don't drink them as my only source, but its worth giving them a try. I recently stocked up again and plan to start using them again next week.
  • StarIsMoving
    StarIsMoving Posts: 437
    Do you have a juicer? If so, I have done 3 day and one week juice fasts before for health reasons and was good. Just be sure to include veggies and such in the juicing process, not just fruits - the veggies in the juicing helps keep hunger at bay due to the fiber content :)
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    There are a lot of recipies online for simple pure veggie juices you can make (literally a bunch of veggies in a blender). That would be a good way to balance the Atkin shakes, if you choose to use those.
  • EastSideJohnny
    EastSideJohnny Posts: 18 Member
    If you have a juicer try searching the web for good recipes. There are many site that feature non sugary homemade juices that are usually way more healthy than anything that comes in a bottle. For instance, you can take a tomatoe, a few stalks of celery, some parsley, a piece of ginger root, a lemon and an apple and make a really great, nearly sugar free drink that tastes great!
  • itsmeesh
    itsmeesh Posts: 5 Member
    I had to be on a blended/liquid diet for almost 4 months due to corrective reconstructive upper & lower jaw surgery. My diet mainly consisted of protein shakes. If you do juices, give veggie juice- or the "green" juices a try. They are very filling, and packed with vitamins. Because mine was a long term diet, I added vitamin powder to my shakes, but since you plan on only a week, just be sure to take a multivitamin.
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    Depending on the money situation you may want to try Walmart's protein shake. I never tried them (my blender broke) but I had a friend who did them all the time. It may even be something that you want to work in one a day after your event. Also, you may want to try slim fast in the cans - I really like the strawberry, chocolate and they have a mocha one that is good. If you want to do the slim fast powder I preferred the chocolate royale and strawberry. Also, if you do the shakes you can always add some whole fruit to the blender if you get too hungry and feel the need for more sustenance (or a TBSP of peanut butter). Good Luck and hope you look smashing for our event:flowerforyou:
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    I second the Atkins. When I was fasting solids one day/week, I used the Adkins and also the Endure High Protein. If I remember the Adkins was less sugar, but the Ensure had more protein, a larger portion and more filling. Good luck to you and BE HEALTHY!

    edited by MFP Moderator-Arewethereyet
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    The goal is severe calorie restriction for some solid quick weight loss, why not just drop calories in general and eat normal food?

    but if you're gonna do it than for sure go with blended veggies n *kitten* with fruit plus protein shakes
  • I done a protein shake diet for one week once and lost 8pounds in a week.
    I had 2 whey protein shakes a day and one protein meal(chicken n veg usually)
    Had zero energy and felt like a zombie, slept most of the week. I wouldn't advise it as the weight does come back!!
  • EuroReady
    EuroReady Posts: 199 Member
    I have never done a liquid diet but i would suggest using a juicer just from what I have read. I have heard the 'lemonade clense' helps lose weight TEMPORARILY. Some people swear by it for events, but my friend tried it and was miserable.

    I DO suggest you weigh WHY you are doing this against possible health ramifications. It may not be worth it.

    edited by MFP Moderator Arewethereyet
  • Apparently people jump down your throat before you even say anything. Irony.

    I have never done a liquid diet but i would suggest using a juicer just from what I have read. I have heard the 'lemonade clense' helps lose weight TEMPORARILY. Some people swear by it for events, but my friend tried it and was miserable.

    At the risk of sounding 'pretentious', I DO suggest you weigh WHY you are doing this against possible health ramifications. It may not be worth it.

    I agree, I wish I hadn't of done it, messed me up mentally more! You could just do a detox week and eat only lean protein and veggies?? Still healthy and you will feel unbloated and lose water weight :)
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    To the best of my knowledge, any weight quickly lost is also quickly regained.
  • EuroReady
    EuroReady Posts: 199 Member
    Oh and going from a liquid diet to other foods might give you stomach problems. So if there is food at this event next Saturday, the change of diet may have you in the bathroom the whole time.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello, I'm planning to start a liquid diet next week, but I'm not sure about juices since they are too sugary, has anybody else try this? Any recommendations?. The reason is, I have an event on next saturday, so I don't plan extending it for more than a week.

    I think a better diet would be an all raw foods diet. More nutrients and not as harmful to the body as a just liquids diet can potentially be. Just eat only raw fruits and veggies, fresh squeezed juices, nothing cooked or heated, nothing pre-packaged or put in preservatives. My friend is doing this and she has lost tons and tons of weight, feels fantastic and looks amazing. Would highly recommend it, even if only temporary.
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    Hello, I'm planning to start a liquid diet next week, but I'm not sure about juices since they are too sugary, has anybody else try this? Any recommendations?. The reason is, I have an event on next saturday, so I don't plan extending it for more than a week.

    I think a better diet would be an all raw foods diet. More nutrients and not as harmful to the body as a just liquids diet can potentially be. Just eat only raw fruits and veggies, fresh squeezed juices, nothing cooked or heated, nothing pre-packaged or put in preservatives. My friend is doing this and she has lost tons and tons of weight, feels fantastic and looks amazing. Would highly recommend it, even if only temporary.

    This ^ !!!!!!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    If nature intended you to have a liquid diet your gut probably wouldn't have evolved the ability for peristalsis. Just sayin'...
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Oh and going from a liquid diet to other foods might give you stomach problems. So if there is food at this event next Saturday, the change of diet may have you in the bathroom the whole time.

    ^^^lol this!! I don't approve of this type of dieting but in my younger less informed days I might have tried this a time or two. Result - anything ranging from diarrhea to constipation, bloating (totally defeating the looking skinny in a dress goal), fatigue, headaches and a big nasty belly ache when you do decide to eat at this event. Honestly not worth it. If I were you I would go more the - eat super clean and do a lot of cardio this week route. Invest in a pair of spanks and a figure flattering outfit and go enjoy your event!! Miracles can't be done in a week!!
  • MauSalvaje
    MauSalvaje Posts: 15
    Thanks for all your replies! I'll take them all into account, and yes, I'm aware weight comes all back after a liquid diet, that's why I'm not keeping it for too long. I've done a water-diet coke fast back in my unhealthy days for a week, and it is indeed troublesome, so I know all about it.

    About the raw diet, it has always caught my attention, but in my country it isn't popular (you hardly even find vegetarians, I used to be one, trying to go back to vegetarianism and then vegan). I'm afraid i'll get bored with a raw diet, but I've read it makes wonders not only on weight, but health too.