Here we go again...

So I am not new, but totally started a new job and life got crazy and I put me on the back burner. (Bad me!!)

But I am back! Im Allison and just turned 27. Im the heaviest Ive ever been and need to get my butt back in shape. Short term goal, Id like to lose 10 lbs by my friends wedding in September. Long term, is Id LOVE to be down about 50 LBS by next summer before my other Friends wedding. :)

Little about me: Im a producer for a production company out of Virginia. Im just getting into running and I love to dance. Anything else, just ask!

So here we go. Feel free to say hi!! :smile:


  • lifemorelively

    I'm not new either, but I've never used the social aspect of MFP, so I thought I'd give that a try this time around. I really want to stick to it this time!

    I'm 22 and just starting a Master's degree in Communication.
  • FitnActiveMom
    welcome :)