6 months on and still no weight loss

I have been on mfp since January 2012. I used to run 3 times a week but between injury and bad weather, I now go to the gym 5 times a week.
10 min bike, 40min crosstrainer and 12-15min TRX on mon, wed and fri
10 min bike, 20 min cross trainer, 30 min TRX blast class tuesday and thursday
I occasionally run for 30 min at the week end...

Mfp had set me up at 1600cal a day, I lowered it to 1250 and still nothing s happening...

I still have not lost a pound... My shape has changed, a lot... but still no weight loss...
I am 160cm (5'2) and 74kgs... I want to go back to 64kgs...

Please help....


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I think you should eat more. Based on your stats, you should be around 1800 calories a day (scary isn't it). This would be total calories, you would eat this every day and you would NOT eat back exercise calories as it's in your TDEE. BTW, if you can open your dairy we can evaluate your food choices. Also, i generally advice a 35% carb, 40% protein and 25% fat for macro's
  • Gaubelau
    Gaubelau Posts: 24
    Thank you so much! This is really helpful :-) I will change my macros and total cal... Let s hope it works ...
  • postcall
    postcall Posts: 12 Member
    Dont eat more food. There is no data to support that line of thinking. I think you should double check your food intake and then make sure you have a blood test with thyroid function tests as well to make sure there is nothing wrong.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    We can't see your food diary so can't see what foods you've been eating. Also, I'm not sure, are you weight lifting? You need a good combo of strength training along with the cardio to improve your metabolism.
  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    I started in jan (48yrs) and have lost 20lbs- are you eating clean? check out my diary- I cheat once in awhile and have my micros set at carbs 30 protein 30 fats 40. I agree with increasing your calories. I was really scared in the beginning and was at 1000-1200 the first few months. Once I started losing weight, I upped them slowly but surely. I try to eat closer to 1600 now. Good luck to you!
  • lizziem90
    lizziem90 Posts: 22
    To that post about don't eat more ..... please do eat more I did the same as you was working out like hell and eating 1200 cals a day guess what happened nothing. Guess what happened when i upped it to 1335 i lost. You arent fuelling your body for that level of workout instead youre body will hold onto that fuel because it cant rely on the food you are giving it which is not enough. Hope that makes sense,
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Don't up your calorie intake if you are trying to lose weight. There is no data to support that.

    You are seeing shape changes but no weight loss... are these changes good or bad? Bigger? Smaller? What?

    Also remember that gaining muscle mass will make you weight more while getting slimmer! So, it is entirely possible that you are gaining muscle at a rate that is equal to your fat loss, resulting in a skinnier, healthier, stronger you...
  • ProudMomToTwo
    ProudMomToTwo Posts: 44 Member
    I think eating more and changing your macros is a good idea.
    Of course keeping active.
    The other thing, and this is going on with me, is check your hormones.
    I happen to be going through peri-menopause ( yes, at 43 ) and it is causing my wt loss to stall.
    It actually explains a lot.

    Anyway, good luck and God Bless

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Dont eat more food. There is no data to support that line of thinking. I think you should double check your food intake and then make sure you have a blood test with thyroid function tests as well to make sure there is nothing wrong.

    You did read her post right?

    She was eating more, and went less already.

    So she did try your mis-guided direction for not feeding the level of activity she is at.

    No data to support eating too little for level of activity causes metabolic slowdown?

    Showing the predicted changes in metabolic rates decline sharply in individuals undergoing adaptive thermogenesis which does lead to plateauing. ie suppressed BMR, slower metabolism, ect.
  • looie3333
    looie3333 Posts: 1
    Sometimes your body needs a shake-up. I lost a LOT of weight ten years ago, and the best experience I had with losing weight or breaking plateaus was changing the workout routine here and there... like going from kickboxing a few times a week, to a boot camp, throw in a Zumba tape once in a while, go hiking here and there, just keep the bod guessing... Shaking up your calories, too, might help. More one day, less the next day, check that you're eating enough fruits and veggies, things like that.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Don't up your calorie intake if you are trying to lose weight. There is no data to support that.

    You are seeing shape changes but no weight loss... are these changes good or bad? Bigger? Smaller? What?

    Also remember that gaining muscle mass will make you weight more while getting slimmer! So, it is entirely possible that you are gaining muscle at a rate that is equal to your fat loss, resulting in a skinnier, healthier, stronger you...

    Should read up on ability to actually gain muscle on a deep deficit.

    The most that can be hoped for is with resistance training to holding on to what you've got.

    To actually gain on a deficit, must have minor deficit.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Dont eat more food. There is no data to support that line of thinking. I think you should double check your food intake and then make sure you have a blood test with thyroid function tests as well to make sure there is nothing wrong.

    You did read her post right?

    She was eating more, and went less already.

    So she did try your mis-guided direction for not feeding the level of activity she is at.

    No data to support eating too little for level of activity causes metabolic slowdown?

    Showing the predicted changes in metabolic rates decline sharply in individuals undergoing adaptive thermogenesis which does lead to plateauing. ie suppressed BMR, slower metabolism, ect.

    She said she'd try it. She hasn't reported anything with it yet.

    Her calorie intake is not incredibly low, and hasn't been incredibly low for a long period of time to place her in starvation mode, which would then result in what you and others are describing. Despite popular belief, it does take time to enter starvation mode, and is usually the result of prolong significantly low calorie amounts.

    She even admitted to seeing SHAPE changes (neglected to say getting larger or smaller or toned or what), but no weight loss. I suggested she may be putting on muscle (5 days a week at the gym?).

    Yes, eating more WILL help if your body is in starvation mode. If it is not, then it won't.
  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    I think you should eat more. Based on your stats, you should be around 1800 calories a day (scary isn't it). This would be total calories, you would eat this every day and you would NOT eat back exercise calories as it's in your TDEE. BTW, if you can open your dairy we can evaluate your food choices. Also, i generally advice a 35% carb, 40% protein and 25% fat for macro's

    This ^^^^^^^^
    Thank You I am going to do the same macro I am at a stall at 15 lbs and eat far under BMR and where MFP suggested. The reason I do it is because other people do it and it works. Thanks OP for this post.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    if i had to guess without seeing your food log, i'd say too many carbs.
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    We need to see your diary.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    We need to see your diary.

    Yes. Quality of food is just as important as amount!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Right on Lizzie and your pic is lovely, good for you, it is scarey to eat the foods we need but you are more proof it works:) denise:drinker: :drinker:
    To that post about don't eat more ..... please do eat more I did the same as you was working out like hell and eating 1200 cals a day guess what happened nothing. Guess what happened when i upped it to 1335 i lost. You arent fuelling your body for that level of workout instead youre body will hold onto that fuel because it cant rely on the food you are giving it which is not enough. Hope that makes sense,
  • Gaubelau
    Gaubelau Posts: 24
    I have just change my diary settings...
    I have changed shape as in, now I have one... I was a blob and now, I look like a woman, with a waist and leaner legs and arms...

    Thank you so much for all the advice...:-)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    She said she'd try it. She hasn't reported anything with it yet.

    Her calorie intake is not incredibly low, and hasn't been incredibly low for a long period of time to place her in starvation mode, which would then result in what you and others are describing. Despite popular belief, it does take time to enter starvation mode, and is usually the result of prolong significantly low calorie amounts.

    She even admitted to seeing SHAPE changes (neglected to say getting larger or smaller or toned or what), but no weight loss. I suggested she may be putting on muscle (5 days a week at the gym?).

    Yes, eating more WILL help if your body is in starvation mode. If it is not, then it won't.

    Who said anything about starvation mode?

    Big difference between starvation mode - difficult to get into if you are indeed eating, and metabolic slowdown, or as those studies call it, adaptive thermogenesis - much easier to get into.

    As they all showed, the metabolism slowed more than weight loss by itself would have caused, for some of the studies to the point their new deficit eating level became their maintenance level eventually, and they reached equilibrium.

    The most likely weight increase for awhile is increased glucose stores in the muscles, not only from lifting, but cardio training the body to do so.
    But you can only add on so much of that without very specific intense training that pro's do, and she's not. That could account for 3 lbs at most, probably earlier in the journey.