Hard to stay on track on the weekends

I'm on my first month of MFP and I'm finding it's not difficult to stick to my caloric limits during the week when I'm at work all day, but as soon as the weekend hits i'm struggling to stay under.
I'll blame eating out for the most part, but I just find that my meals are less structured, and theres definitely more alcohol involved.

Any advice for a girl trying to stick to my limit 7 days a week and not just 5?


  • jrditt
    jrditt Posts: 239 Member
    I have the same problem. What I've been trying to do is make sure I eat really well during the day so I have more wiggle room at night. Also I've had to limit my number of drinks because that can just get out of control! Also, exercise earlier in the day so you have more calories to work with.
  • stpetegirl
    stpetegirl Posts: 241
    Plan ahead is all I can say! Plan your meals even if you eat out! Look at the website for where you are going and know what you can have before you get there and avoid the bread basket! Also, research the alcohol you are drinking, maybe find an alternative that is lower in calories but still give you the same pleasure. Best of luck this weekend!
  • JasmineRose14
    JasmineRose14 Posts: 34 Member
    Not to sound like the "unfit" one here, but just try to do it 6 days a week and realax one day. Make sure it is only ONE day though, I used to let my "cheat day" turn in to a cheat week..LOL
    If a whole day of eating throws off your weighlt loss a lot, make it a meal,; a meal that you can have any gross, full fat, sodium and sugar ridden dish you want. Include dessert and drinks into that and you will find (at least I did) that its SO much easier to stay on track the rest of the week... And start changing your alcohol taste to lower calorie drinks, like straight shots and not a mix drink..haha..

    Good Luck!! It's a fun journey!!
  • jessickkah
    I'm a HUGE ocd calorie freak so I plan ALLLL my meals beforehand. It definitely helps :)
  • mgram2
    mgram2 Posts: 128 Member
    I hardly ever eat out anymore.. and if I do.. I make sure it's at a place that has published nutritional info so I can make the best decision.
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    I have the same problem, once I start drinking it's over! lol
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    Weekends can be challenging - especially when all your buddies proudly display their beer guts and stuff wings in their face at the bar.

    I generally try to stick to a couple rules when I go out on the weekend:

    1) 2 lite beer limit - then seltzer water (also good for keeping a DUI off my record)
    2) NO bar food - its delicious, but crap
    3) If I am eating out I try to find the healthiest fish entree on the menu

    So far other than being harassed by said buddies above it has worked in my fitness regimen...
  • therealmax
    therealmax Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice!
    I actually did ok this last weekend, still ate some junk food by only in moderation. I definitely love that most restaurants post their nutritional info online now!