Do you take any supplements/vitamins?



  • CWatermelon
    CWatermelon Posts: 146 Member
    CLEAN eating as much as possible with lots of variety and colors, lots of EXERCISE, TONS of water (Smart Water with Electrolytes after exercising). I also take
    Women's Multi
    Omega -3
    Whey Protein
  • kierstin1976
    kierstin1976 Posts: 123 Member
    Multi-Vitamin, what's in my Optimum Nutrition protein shakes and L-Arginine
  • DemOniC_PT
    DemOniC_PT Posts: 34 Member
    I take:
    Opti-men by Optimum Nutrition (Multivitamin), there is a women version too.
    Whey Protein
    That's it.
  • peggymenard
    peggymenard Posts: 246 Member
    A.M. after my walk: Total Soy protein shake w/ 2 C spinach; 1/2 C of some berry or 1/2 apple

    Complete multi vitamin
    Mega Red Omega 3 Krill Oil
    CO Q-10 plus Rd Yeast Rice
    Bayer Aspirin
    Ground flax seed

    I have a blood test every 6mos and a whole wheat intolerance so I am almost gluten free. For 75, I have great energy and endurance and watch everything that goes into my mouth.
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    My doctor originally prescribed me vitamin D tablets that you take once a week -- 50,000 IU. Whew, potent enough? :) I was on the side of the vampires though, I guess. It did the trick.
    That is exactly what I'm taking each week.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    If you want I can list sources, can't promise MLA format though =/

    No need. I can grab them too. :)

    Tell me your thoughts on this?

    It's one of those weigh the good with the bad things and try to accurate gauge how vested in a special interest both sides are.

    For example (and yes this is a bit of cherry picking but I was making food so I grabbed onto something readily overplayed in that article).

    Omega 3 fatty acids can cause mitochondrial dysfunction. The article goes into great lengths explaining how this is a high risk factor of high omega 3 fatty acid consumption, that it can disrupt function of the mitochondria specifically in brain cells. The author is very diligent in listing the sources where that argument comes from; however does not delve into excessive detail on the nature of the studies. So an organism that has symbiotically coexisted in most living cells in almost every living thing on earth and served as a key aid in production of ATP can be disrupted at the neurological cellular level by eating too

    The author was at least honest enough to clarify that this was all in rat based studies, and in most cases the cells tested were cultured and thus isolated. Rat studies contrary to popular conjecture rarely carry over very well to humans as the metabolic function and response is still far too different in how they will respond to the same stimuli as a human being. Now an overly high amount of fish oil is considered 2-3 grams a day, which is actually around what you get taking a full days dose of your average fish oil pill supplement (mine are 4 grams).

    However, you can eat two servings of tuna, salmon etc and receive the full amount of recommended omega-3 fatty acids for an entire week, which I also eat quite a bit of, along with other vegetable based sources. If a high amount of omega 3 fatty acids can easily disrupt what amounts to the functionality of the entire brain; you would see much of the populations of Japan and The Republic of Korea dropping dead from systemic brain failure. The article itself is a bit too politically charged, despite coming from someone highly accredited in the field of study.

    Well, Masterjohn might be a bit too charged for you too, but did you read his report? I gave it to you a week ago!

    Plus, there is an ever growing amount of scientific substantiation to support that fish oil affects receptors in the prefrontal cortex, affecting those regions of the brain gives various results depending on the individual. Be careful! ;)
  • nancyaaa
    nancyaaa Posts: 64 Member
    I take:
    Co-enzyme Q10
    Fish Oil or Cod liver oil or Krill oil - whatever is on special lol
  • armadillolabrat
    armadillolabrat Posts: 104 Member
    Source of LIfe Gold Multi-vitamin
  • matthew621
    matthew621 Posts: 11
    I'd like to hear more about shakeology? Has anyone had significant weight loss and can say, without a doubt, it was the shake that made the difference?
  • mxsurfish
    mxsurfish Posts: 1
    I have something for you all and two words "it Works" (for weight management, energy, pain, everything!) check out put website in the URL and start researching :) The product has amazing stuff in it and it is all natural :) contact me if you want more info. Contact info is on the website. Hope everyone has an amazing day
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    This is such an excellent link. I recently stopped taking Vitamin C because I was going over all the time. Now I see I probably don't need Vitamin E either. If MFP would show us how much we get of each vitamin, we would probably realized that we don't need vitamins. I try to get my calcium from food, but most of the time I can't get it high enough. . . At my age, a need 20% more than a younger woman. But I don't like wasting money on supplements especially if it could be hurtful. It's quite the trend to take things we don't need.

    Nope. I get what I need from food.

    Get tested and see if you're lacking in anything, no need to throw $ at something you don't need, plus it's better for your health. ;)

    Since I'm transitioning from a SAD/primal leaning diet to a whole foods, plant based diet I set up an account at another site to track my food, that breaks down the actual nutrients I'm getting (why on earth doesn't mfp do this?!). I was shocked at how low some of my nutrients were, even though I'm now eating the healthiest I ever have. I'm currently way below the minimums on iron, zinc, calcium, protein and B12. And those are just the ones I'm tracking-I'm afraid to look into the other ones lol. I knew the B12 would be an issue with cutting out meat so I already ordered a supplement and started taking it yesterday (will take it twice a week). I also already took D3 sporadically, per doctor's orders, and I just picked up a woman's multi-vitamin this morning and that should cover the iron, zinc and calcium. I'll also be adding flax seed to my daily green smoothies. For what I'm eating now though, I was really surprised at how low my nutrient numbers are. Makes me think a lot of people are too low and just don't know it.