Any moms in their 20-30s?



  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    Hey i'm 26 from the uk.

    have 2 children boy whos 6 - wont eat anything unless has cheese on somewhere and a lil girl whos 5 whos quite picky eater... not to mention the partner who can eat anything and not put on a ounce! and has the i'm not eatin what your eating attititude LOL.

    so pretty much just me on the calorie counting diet LOL
  • Hey i'm 26 from the uk.

    have 2 children boy whos 6 - wont eat anything unless has cheese on somewhere and a lil girl whos 5 whos quite picky eater... not to mention the partner who can eat anything and not put on a ounce! and has the i'm not eatin what your eating attititude LOL.

    so pretty much just me on the calorie counting diet LOL

    My kiddios will eat anything specialy veggies and fruit I got lucky there. My DH has gained 6 lbs in 6 year... Hmm kinda of funny lol. Me on the other hend watch everything I drink and eat
  • 911Megz
    911Megz Posts: 42
    Hi! I'm 33yo , I have a 2yo daughter. I work full time {40+ hrs a week}. I work the graveyard shift. I am also married.
  • jsande10
    jsande10 Posts: 43 Member
    Yep Me, I'm in my mid 30's and have a gorgeous 2.5year old girl. I too struggl to find time to exercise and cook the right meals especially wnhen my hubby needs a lot more calories as me as he works outdoors all day. Would love any assistance in keeping moticated,to stay away from his really yummy food.
  • follmer20
    follmer20 Posts: 129 Member
    Hello! I'm a 22 with a 4 month old and a 2 year old. In the morning before they get up is the best and only time I have to get a good 30+ minute workout in. Feel free to add me! :-)
  • 25 w/ an almost 3 year old :-]
  • I am a 35 yr old single mom of an almost 4 yr old boy! I would love to have some friends on here and share the trials of mommy life! My biggest struggle is finding time to exercise and wishing that I could go for a walk or something while he was sleeping .... ughhhhh! Motherhood! Ha ha!
  • alybel
    alybel Posts: 6 Member
    I am in my early 30s with four children (7, 5, 2 and 8 months) :)
  • jancovich
    jancovich Posts: 6
    I'm 23 and I have 3 kids, 4yo, 2yo, 1yo, I'll happily accept anyone
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I'm in my mid-30's and a mom of 2 young kids. I totally get where you're coming from and would be glad to be your friend, as well! :)
  • Bmontgomery613
    Bmontgomery613 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm 33 with 2 girls, 8 and 6. It is a struggle, but my family is also my motivation. I want to teach them both good eating habits, so whatever I make, they eat. We're fortunate that they're fairly adventurous in what they'll try and don't look at me too weirdly when I pull out the all vegetarian meals. The workouts are tough too. We're Y members, so that helps quite a bit, but it can be tough to find time to run outside. Most of the time, I end up bringing them along with me and making them run too.
  • lydiahelen
    lydiahelen Posts: 4 Member

    I'm new to all this too... I have a little girl aged 2 and a 4 month old baby who I am breast feeding. Last time the weight fell off but this time I have fallen into bad habits so I am starting to watch the calories and try to keep to 1800 a day. Looking forward to getting to know some mummys who want to look good and feel healthy. All my mummy friends are content being 'plump' so I can't moan to them!

    Lydia x
  • Hey there. I'm 29yrs old and a Mom to a 3.5 and 11 month old. On here for a few years but started back with my weightloss end of May with a goal of 59lbs.. Feel free to add me I'd love more friends working towards the same things and knowing how hard it can be after having little ones.. and I'll give you whatever support I can also! Good luck!
  • TooLeftFeet
    TooLeftFeet Posts: 139 Member
    I'm in the same boat. 35 with a 1st and 2nd grader, work full time. It's hectic!!
  • I'm 27 & I have 4 beautiful girls! Add me EVERYONE!!!!!
  • bnfs2012
    bnfs2012 Posts: 29
    Hey! I am a 26 years old. I have two kids ages 7 and 5. I also have a step daughter who we have on a regular basis and she will be 9 in sept. I am a full time student and hopefully, I will have a job starting in August. I stay so busy with kids, house chores, my schoolwork, taking care of husband (you know because men can't cook or so I very rarely find time to work on myself. I have accomplished many goals in the last year and this last one of weight loss is kicking my butt. I hope to have many people to help me also in this struggle. I need to be held accountable..
  • carinnaj
    carinnaj Posts: 149
    28 y/o single mom of 2 here(a boy almost 3 y/o and a girl, 4 y/o).. trying to lose another 45 lbs (my ticker says less because that's my mini-goal and the bigger # was stressing me out :smile: )
    I welcome all friend requests
  • I an 20 with a 9 month old and I want to lose about 30 more lbs :) anyone feel free to add me
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    I'm a young mom of 3 kids...Add me if you'd like. :)
  • natural813
    natural813 Posts: 183 Member
    I'm 21, Mom of 2 girls (twins). Add me if you like...