Anyone have a scale they love?

I need to get a new scale, and I was jw if anyone has a scale they love & trust? Where did you get it? What kind of desires does it have? How much was it? Thanks for the info :):heart:


  • sbedwards1077
    sbedwards1077 Posts: 32 Member
    I wouldl like to know the answer to this one too!
  • KatPey121
    KatPey121 Posts: 5 Member
    I use a Weight Watchers scale. You input your age, height and gender and it calculates your BMI and 3 other factors. I don't know the cost because it was a gift but it's digital and really works well.
  • bekkihotmomma
    bekkihotmomma Posts: 14 Member
    i have a wieght watcher one to that has all those features for bmi weight height it saves your previous weight if you want it to...i got mine at rite aid for around 30....i had to find one that did not interfere with my pacemaker....