What's YOUR weight loss plan?

Almost all of us on here log our calories..but what is your plan that goes along with it that has been working for you? i.e exercise plus eating cals back (or not), calories cycling, intermittent fasting, ...what do ya got?


  • Mawkish1983
    Mawkish1983 Posts: 117 Member
    Eat less, do more.
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    Simple. Eat clean, log my calories so I stay around my cut value (1875), lift heavy 3x a week, cardio 2-5x a week, and ENJOY LIFE! :) So far, it's given me the results I wanted, no reason to change!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    At the moment, low carb. Around 30g a day. Subject to change if it stops working. Exercise when allergies permit.
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    Eat less, do more.

    yeah, I was looking for a bit more detail than that...lol
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    30 min on elliptical a day and 30 min walking my dog a day (when it's not too hot out)
  • daniellexcara
    daniellexcara Posts: 114 Member
    I go to the gym about 3 or 4 times a week, net about 1300/1400 calories a day and do 30ds every day if possible :)
  • MeganKate24
    MeganKate24 Posts: 110
    I haven't started yet but will be working off the formulae


    And carrying on with my 4-5 hour exercise sessions weekly.
  • Mawkish1983
    Mawkish1983 Posts: 117 Member
    Eat less, do more.
    yeah, I was looking for a bit more detail than that...lol
    Okay. The body is a machine, and to function it requires energy. Chemical energy is consumed, and the body converts this mostly to thermal and kinetic energy. Chemical energy that is not converted into kinetic or thermal is stored by the body. In order to lose weight, one must use that store of fuel. As long as one consumes less energy than one expends throughout the day, one will lose weight.
  • elliehale
    elliehale Posts: 17 Member
    I love a fad diet but this is the first time I'm actually trying to just eat healthy and work hard.
    I was thinking I should do a detox to kick sart my weightloss though.

    I'm also making sure that whatever I eat half of my plate is made up of fruit or veg.
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    Eat less, do more.
    yeah, I was looking for a bit more detail than that...lol
    Okay. The body is a machine, and to function it requires energy. Chemical energy is consumed, and the body converts this mostly to thermal and kinetic energy. Chemical energy that is not converted into kinetic or thermal is stored by the body. In order to lose weight, one must use that store of fuel. As long as one consumes less energy than one expends throughout the day, one will lose weight.

    yeah thanks, I'm 25 pounds down so i get that concept, i was just curious to see how others were working their program as there are many different ways to get to the same place...
  • wohwy
    wohwy Posts: 22
    Mainly portion control and eating back exercise calories. I figured I'd stick to this plan more since I don't feel deprived. So far it's working! Been at it for 4 months and continuing to happily lose weight :drinker:
  • Mawkish1983
    Mawkish1983 Posts: 117 Member
    Eat less, do more.
    yeah, I was looking for a bit more detail than that...lol
    Okay. The body is a machine, and to function it requires energy. Chemical energy is consumed, and the body converts this mostly to thermal and kinetic energy. Chemical energy that is not converted into kinetic or thermal is stored by the body. In order to lose weight, one must use that store of fuel. As long as one consumes less energy than one expends throughout the day, one will lose weight.
    yeah thanks, I'm 25 pounds down so i get that concept, i was just curious to see how others were working their program as there are many different ways to get to the same place...
    <shrugs> That's how I am working my program. I don't see why it needs to be complicated. I've been doing it for 100 days, so in that time at 2lb per week I should have lost 28.6lb. I've lost 31lb, within 4% of the projected figure. I'd say that's good enough.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    Eat less, eat as little processed as possible for me, move more....build up minutes of exercise a day/week.........be healthier.....I'd love to lose lbs, but if inches are all I get, then so bit it...and if I get neither but get healtheir, then so be it.

    I have already brought my bad cholesterol down by 51 points...cut it in half.
  • bakz4
    bakz4 Posts: 64 Member
    Instead of going all out from the beginning, I've been making changes slowly. Before changing the way I ate, I began walking (I could only go about 10-15 minutes in the beginning)...then I cut out soda (I was a BIG, HUGE diet soda drinker). Eventually, I gave up fatty/salty snacks, wine (which I LOVE)...and try to eat as clean as possible by sticking to the calorie range suggested by MFP. When we eat out, I try to keep my calories under 500, which is hard, so we don't eat out too often anymore. I also wasn't a huge fan of breakfast, but now I have either yogurt with fresh fruit or oatmeal with fresh fruit. I'm slowly cutting back on the amount of (real) sugar I use in my morning coffee. So, that's it. I read a lot of the boards here and some Facebook pages to get ideas for eating in a more healthy way. I've lost 20 pounds in (almost) 3 months...slow and steady wins the race, right? :wink:
  • cpaman87
    cpaman87 Posts: 193 Member
    I stay within the nutrition that mfp suggests, ride a bike 1 or 2 times a weeks and go to the gym 1 or 2 times a week. Down 13 lbs in 2 months. Seems like a good pace. Bike riding is good for me because I find the gym a little boring. The rides are always good.
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    Eat less, eat as little processed as possible for me, move more....build up minutes of exercise a day/week.........be healthier.....I'd love to lose lbs, but if inches are all I get, then so bit it...and if I get neither but get healtheir, then so be it.

    I have already brought my bad cholesterol down by 51 points...cut it in half.

    thats great!
  • LadyIntrepid
    LadyIntrepid Posts: 399 Member
    What's worked for me is:
    - 3 1-hour full body strength and/or circuit training sessions/week
    - 1 half-hour core focused training/week
    - 4 - 6 hours high intensity and/or interval cardio/week
    - brisk walking at least 10 minutes daily
    - 1-2 rest days per week
    - net approx 1200 calories daily, but sometimes a bit higher
    - the occasional non-tracking day/meal/splurge :drinker:
  • socalmo
    socalmo Posts: 12 Member
    Consistently I've been logging on MFP and keeping my calories, for the most part, at or under 1200 calories. Also, I try to work out 4-5 times a day by running on the treadmill and lifting weights. Lately, these past 2 weeks, I've been following a "Couch to Half Marathon" regimen and following the suggested running and cardio for each day. Finding a new love for running.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    TDEE minus 20%, weights 3x/wk, cardio 2-3x/wk. I eat sensibly but flexibly - I hit my macros (or very close to it) just about every day, but no food is off-limits. I don't sweat missing the occasional workout or having a day where I blow my calorie intake off the charts - just shrug it off and get back to it afterward. It would be easy to be perfect all the time if we lived in a bubble, but life gets in the way sometimes and I'm striving for sustainability and flexibility.
  • getyourbeans
    getyourbeans Posts: 80 Member
    Eat less, do more.
    yeah, I was looking for a bit more detail than that...lol
    Okay. The body is a machine, and to function it requires energy. Chemical energy is consumed, and the body converts this mostly to thermal and kinetic energy. Chemical energy that is not converted into kinetic or thermal is stored by the body. In order to lose weight, one must use that store of fuel. As long as one consumes less energy than one expends throughout the day, one will lose weight.

    Why even respond? That's obviously not what the OP was asking... don't understand the need of so many people in this forum to be snarky/sanctimonious/patronising for the sake of it. Sigh.

    I've been trying to eat between 1200-1500 calories per day. Exercise moderately (so 30 mins to an hour, usually jogging/cycling/exercise class) 4 times a week and as much walking as possible. Trying to limit my carbs to less than 100g a day, with varying degress of success. Also trying to limit sugar intake. aside from fruit. Lately have been eating a lot of soup. Have been losing between .5 and 1 kilo fairly consistently.

    Next challenge is trying to cut out diet soda.