i feel very overwhelmed

Even though i have just been doing this for four days (logging in calories and exercise) i kind of expected to see some kind of change! i keep checking the scale :( one day it said 179 and the others it said 180-181. i have passed up Sonics, and sweets, fast food, juices. i don't have access to a gym and going walking or jogging is dangerous because my house in on a main road. i do play( just dance, the Michael Jackson game, i have this rival fusion dvd set and i do the ab workout daily (20 mins long)
my question is how long b4 something changes? and am I doing something wrong? Any advice?


  • kbbauchle
    kbbauchle Posts: 17 Member
    Be patient. You didn't put the weight in 4 days. It may take weeks to see real changes but you will start feeling better very soon ( if you are making healthy choices). DRINK MORE WATER! Stay away from the scales! It can discourage as fast (or faster) than it encourages. Let your clothes tell the story. Keep at it! Don't give up! You will be happy you did!!
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    Don't know if this helps, but my first week I just lived my normal routine and logged everything. That gave me something to work with. Then week two I started making changes. It helps to see what you've been doing that HASN'T been working to see how to move forward. If you're in it for the lifestyle change it takes time. Give it 1 month..a good effort at least and see where you're at then. You didn't learn bad habits overnight, you're not going to unlearn them in a week. Good luck!
  • Hope502012
    Hope502012 Posts: 98 Member
    As tempting as it may be, try to weigh yourself just once a week and take measurements too. Sometimes there is little or no change on the scales as you develop more muscle, but notice your body tightening up. MFP is a great place for encouragement so stick at it and I'm sure you will soon see a difference I'll send you a friend request :smile:
  • dorioreo
    dorioreo Posts: 123
    Thank you everyone! I guess I need to give it sometime! I will try to put the scale and weigh myself every Sunday!
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    Don't know if this helps, but my first week I just lived my normal routine and logged everything. That gave me something to work with. Then week two I started making changes. It helps to see what you've been doing that HASN'T been working to see how to move forward. If you're in it for the lifestyle change it takes time. Give it 1 month..a good effort at least and see where you're at then. You didn't learn bad habits overnight, you're not going to unlearn them in a week. Good luck!

  • julialla
    julialla Posts: 232 Member
    Yes, my best advice is to hide the scale for a while! Make the right choices, exercise, and concentrate on how you look and feel. The number on the scale is of absolutely no importance right now!! Good Luck!
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    Drive to a safer location to go for a walk.
    Only weigh yourself once per week. I do mine on Tuesday mornings.
    Don't allow the scale to dictate your feelings
    Be patient
    And most of all remember, this is a marathon not a sprint. If you make life long changes this weight will not only come off but stay off as well.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Starting a new exercise routine can often cause you to show a slight temporary gain on the scale, which can mask any true weight loss.

  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    staaaaaaaaaaaaaaay away from the scale!!!!...better to weigh yourself ONCE a wk... not o obsess! especially cuz if your eating lot more veggies/healthy your body can retain water/gases sometimes.. and this isnt a 'crash' diet type plan.. its a realist plan..
    food you already love/want.. but monitored.. and exercise encouraged so u can earn calories back!!.. more of a moderate/realistic way of loosing weight... i feel you though i would love fast results too.. but this is healthy and keepin it real.. we didnt gain it all in 4 days..
  • elelat
    elelat Posts: 117
    Im not a complete fan of "eat more to lose more" lifestyle... but I recommend that you eat at least your 1200 cals... Good Luck on your journey!!!! You can do it!
  • dunlop18
    dunlop18 Posts: 3 Member
    I echo the advice.... only weigh in once a week , preferably the same day each week wearing the same clothes.

    Sometimes it can take a couple of weeks for your dietry changes to kick in.

    If like me you have probably tried dieting before and got bored after a while.

    I dont know why but using MFP has helped me to persevere. That and only wanting to lose 1 or 2 lb a week so I have more chance of keeping it off.

    Even after reaching your goal, and you will, you should still weigh in once a week. It is part of the secret to maintaining the weight loss.

    Good luck
  • tundeke
    tundeke Posts: 80
    Have patient is the only realistic advice i can give you.
    I have not lost much since i started (around a month and a half - also very small) i feel dishartened but i will not give up as i know that eventually it will come. I keep up eating healtly, avoiding junk and processed food (giving myself a treat now or then as i a m human) and keep up at least with a minimal of 30 minutes of excersie.
    Hang on there as this is only the beginning. Find a mate that can have the same aspiration as you as it is very hard going alone. Good luck girl, stay strong! :flowerforyou:
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    The information under your picture says that you joined last August....almost a year ago...Are the past 4 days the first time that you logged your food?
  • mhoward685
    mhoward685 Posts: 129 Member
    I understand completely! I have been at this 8 weeks and want to see some results and truth is I have they just arenthappening as quickly as I would like :(. This journey is definetly teaching me patience. You have to find what works for you.
    My mistake #1 Not taking a before picture.
    Mistake #2 Not taking measurements.
    I know that I am in better shape because my clothes fit better. Unlike others I weigh every day but only record when the scale shows a consistent loss for three days. I weigh to see the effects of different foods and different times in my cycle so that if that hits on a weigh day I am not surprised.
  • dorioreo
    dorioreo Posts: 123
    I stopped trying. i stopped using mfp and went back to old ways . i recently just started again
  • dorioreo
    dorioreo Posts: 123
    The information under your picture says that you joined last August....almost a year ago...Are the past 4 days the first time that you logged your food?

    -i stopped trying. i stopped logging in my food. I started back 4 days ago
  • Em_runs_away
    Em_runs_away Posts: 194 Member
    I agree with driving to a safer place to walk/jog or run. There's no reason why not. Other than that I'm sure it will soon start to pay off. Good luck.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I've been doing this for 2 weeks now. This time anyway... but I gained a pound, it was right before my TOM I weighed myself though. I don't even own a scale, so I'm not constantly weighing either. I don't own one for a reason. I know I'm doing something right, because I feel a little better than I have lately. It's getting easier to walk or to use my exercise bike, my legs are getting less sore and I'm getting less out of breathe. Like others said too, we didn't put the weight on in 4 days, 2 weeks, whatever, it takes time. Don't get so down on yourself! :happy:
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Be patient, make changes slowly. This has to be taken one day at a time. I found depriving myself only caused me to backtrack. Have that Sonic but keep to your calorie goal. Eat all your calories, even the exercise ones. MFP has created a deficit for you already.
  • Mama2JAK
    Mama2JAK Posts: 9
    My biggest advice is only weigh on your rest day and take measurements!! If you are starting a new exercise program you may see inches lost faster than you will see lbs lost. Are you on facebook? I'm part of a facebook motivation/support group if you are interested joining. Here is the link if you want some extra support - http://www.facebook.com/groups/437189396326467/