I'm impatient and this isn't working!

I've been doing this seriously for about a week now, tracking and trying to eat healthier and get in shape, I'm not very big on physical exertion but I'm trying to walk places rather than bus, I've been sneaking in mini work outs at work when I'm bored or not doing anything else (like, a few step ups on the step stool when I'm stocking shelves, or stretching while I'm standing at cash between customers). I've cut a LOT of junk foods out of my diet and have stopped eating MOST processed foods, I'm getting all the good in me as far as I can tell but I'm not losing weight at all, I'm gaining it! Sure, my arms and my legs feel the burn but the rest of me (aka the middle spot that is slowly becoming a spare tire) is just not fixing itself. I'm not a big person and I don't have massive weight loss goals I mostly just want to be healthier and happier with who I am but I feel so discouraged right now considering the fact that I apparently gained 5lbs.

Is this normal? Is there a potential that there is some other sort of explanation for this weight gain such as water weight or bloating due to feminine issues? Can someone help me please?


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    If you're eating healthy and staying under or at your calorie goals then those 5 pounds can only be water weight. PMS is one notorious cause of bloating. A lot of women gain up to 5 pounds on their cycle. Likewise sore muscles retain fluids and it's common to see weight gain at the start of a new exercise program.

    Remember, our weight fluctuates throughout the day, so be sure you're weighing yourself at the same time each day (if you insist on weighing every day). First thing in the morning after you use the restroom and before breakfast will give you your lightest, most accurate weight.
  • Rachellaura1986
    Do you keep track of calories?
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    you only want to lose 15 pounds, so it will take little longer. try eating less carbs.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    If you have only been seriously doing this a week you need to give it more time. A lot of people have said it can take 4-6 weeks for your body to adjust to a new diet/exercise regime. I'd say keep at it and if after a few weeks you are still gaining weight you need to adjust your calories.
  • CWSpiegel
    CWSpiegel Posts: 114
    We can't see your food diary...Help us, Help you.
  • evelynfarmer
    evelynfarmer Posts: 135 Member
    4-6 weeks is the norm, just keep it up and you will soon start seeing the transformation. Good Luck.
  • kolkii
    kolkii Posts: 2
    Thank you Dianne, I really appreciate your reply.

    I'm happy knowing that it does take time, and that this added weight potentially has less to do with what I'm eating or doing. I feel a little better reading what you had to say.

    I will keep in mind what you said about weighing yourself at the same time each day but I don't think I'll be weighing in everyday. Once a week is enough for me but I will do it every day that week early in the morning!