i feel very overwhelmed



  • dorioreo
    dorioreo Posts: 123
    Okay! I will try to reach the 1200 cal goal for now own (: Thanks!!
  • dorioreo
    dorioreo Posts: 123
    You can order your workout DVD's from Amazon or EBAY. There are also places online where you can download them for free.

    ** Buy a jumprope (cheap!) and some handweights. The trick is to burn some calories and sweat sweat sweat!! THAT will be the best way to shed that weight!!! **

    -Okay! I'm thinking about ordering 30 day shred off of amazon, and buying a jump rope! I have 10lbs hand weights!
  • cindybickler
    cindybickler Posts: 113 Member
    You can order your workout DVD's from Amazon or EBAY. There are also places online where you can download them for free.

    ** Buy a jumprope (cheap!) and some handweights. The trick is to burn some calories and sweat sweat sweat!! THAT will be the best way to shed that weight!!! **

    -Okay! I'm thinking about ordering 30 day shred off of amazon, and buying a jump rope! I have 10lbs hand weights!

    you can watch some of the workout DVD's on utube to see which ones you like the best before you order something you might not like.
  • StrawberrySuzyQ
    StrawberrySuzyQ Posts: 107 Member
    Don't know if this helps, but my first week I just lived my normal routine and logged everything. That gave me something to work with. Then week two I started making changes. It helps to see what you've been doing that HASN'T been working to see how to move forward. If you're in it for the lifestyle change it takes time. Give it 1 month..a good effort at least and see where you're at then. You didn't learn bad habits overnight, you're not going to unlearn them in a week. Good luck!

    I did this too! I wanted to see exactly WHAT I was eating and how many calories I was consuming. Then I started to make some changes and REALLY check out the nutritional content to see if I wanted to spend my calories on those items. I tried to make sure to have items to snack on like fruits and veggies. I also included more items that were filling but not extremely high in calories. I did not really notice much of difference until about a month later when I decided to buckle down and take it all seriously. I knew the weight had come on gradually and I had managed to lose before but this time I was going to make REAL changes in my entire lifestyle so that I could keep this up even after reaching goal weights.

    Be patient. It WILL happen if you are making the changes. I completely agree with others that the scale is NOT your friend. In fact, I just reached the high end of my healthy weight range and then in the grocery store saw one of those kiosks that took your blood pressure, weight, eye exam, etc. Well, it told me my weight was 15 lbs MORE than my scale at home has been telling me. It was kind of frustrating.....until I realized I was wearing my heavy walking shoes, clothes, had my keys, phone, wallet and change on me. I normally weight with NOTHING on but all these extra things, plus sitting rather than standing, made it seem like I had gained 15 lbs. I try to keep a set date for weighing myself so I don't get discouraged. Lately, it has been the way my clothes fit (or maybe DON'T fit since they are getting so big) that has been telling me I'm on the right path.

    If you are still not noticing any changes after a month, go back and reevaluate .... and give us all a "call" for some help. You will be able to do this! We ALL started at the same place you are. :flowerforyou:
  • dorioreo
    dorioreo Posts: 123
    I have a question.

    Are you supposed to eat the calories you burned from exercising?
  • johnsongs1
    johnsongs1 Posts: 47 Member
    My advice is to make small changes. It might not be good to give up everything you like all at once. That's very hard, and why we give up so quickly on healthy eating. Think of this as a lifetime eating plan - not a diet. Give yourself permission to have a desert - maybe once per week or once every two weeks - and count it in your calories. Start out giving up one thing, and adding more vegies and fruits. If you are already exercising, that's great - but muscle weighs more than fat so you may not see a change in the scale for awhile.

    Although I love vanilla malts - I've limited myself to only one per month. Otherwise, I'd eat one every day! It took time to put the weight on. It will not come off overnight. Also, I've found that if I weigh more one day, I've probably eaten something the day before that has a lot os salt - so limit salt.
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    I have a question.

    Are you supposed to eat the calories you burned from exercising?
    Personally I do, and I believe you should always aim to net at least 1200. Think of it as making sure your body is in a state that can handle tomorrow's workout.

    Check out www,BodyRock.tv (and try to ignore the camera humping the host's huge fake boobs, she actually seems to be a decent person and a qualified trainer) for some short, intense home workouts. They have a 30 day challenge and some beginner workouts.

    Don't be too hard on yourself. If losing weight were easy there wouldn't be an obesity epidemic. It takes a lot of strength, patience and willpower but you CAN do it. This community is here to help and cheer you on.
  • dorioreo
    dorioreo Posts: 123
    Thank you so much (: I will check out the websites!
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    I have a question.

    Are you supposed to eat the calories you burned from exercising?

    Only if you want to remain at your present weight!
  • imaheal
    imaheal Posts: 63 Member
    If you are doing it right, the weight WILL come off! About all of us have been through that. Don't give up,your body doesn't know what to think of this change! But it will adjust. I lost 1/2 half pound today.It could've been frustrating, but it is coming off. I've lost 36 since 1-30-12. Some weeks have been great and some disappointing. But in the end it works out! You'll do great!:flowerforyou:
  • sulamita03
    sulamita03 Posts: 6 Member
    Forget about the scale don't frustrate. I was doing the same, and it really took me over two weeks of eating and counting my food well and 4 weeks of interval training to actually lose 2 pounds, and that is because i am not 20 anymore, so it is harder. I do feel my clothes fitting me better, so just keep going, hang in there you are not alone, we didn't got all this way in one week, it won't take a week to go off. I still like the idea of having a personal trainer (not cheap), the first two months, I can almost guarantee I wont be here if I have nobody coaching me to keep going, and in my case I prefer a woman, I want somebody that can understand what I want. somebody that will push me a little bit more when I feel I can't or that will jump and start to do the exercises with me, otherwise I know is not going to work I have been lazy for too long.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    you don't need to go to the gym to get results. Simply cutting back and then adding some type of cardio should do it. Then you can always work out at home.

    While you been at it for four days good job! Now, you have to do it a lot more. Like three months or more. Even years. Hang in there and you will get it.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Be patient...the weight will come off...don't let a plateau or a slight weight increase discourage you into giving it all up.
    i weigh myself on Sundays after I work out in the morning. When I plateaued I just cranked up my cardio time...even a walk in the park for 45 minutes will work...doesn't have to be p90x or an ellyptical machine.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • Nomorecarries
    Nomorecarries Posts: 1 Member
    Go to precision nutrition.com they have great I info and videos that are free to help you be successful with changing your diet. It must be done in very small steps or it won't happen!! Finding this info has been a life changer!
  • whamann1
    whamann1 Posts: 40 Member
    I can totally relate! Have you friended anyone on MFP or better yet, if you can get some of your personal friends and family to join in the journey with you, that would really help. I am so inspired by my 2 buddies who send me messages and encouragement. Plus, their example keeps me going. I will send you a friends request. I only weigh about every 10 days or so because it can really make me crazy! I love the feature that tells you what your wieght will be in 5 weeks if yo ukeep it up. I like that number better than what I am seeing today. You are not alone!!!!!!! :-)
  • imaheal
    imaheal Posts: 63 Member
    They say you can eat those calories that you burn. I never do. My body need a deficit of calories. To me eating the calories you burn defeats the purpose.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I agree with driving somewhere where you can run or walk safely! Find a trail or a track that's open for public use! We have a trail in town for bikers and runners.

    Give it some time... it won't happen quickly.
  • I rarely check the scale. Maybe once every couple months. Do things for yourself and not for the scale. Do it for your health and body not your weight. Once you get your head right in the game the weight will come off. Weight loss should be a side effect of the positive changes you're making in your life.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I agree with you...It's like a bonus...why would i mitigate the positive effects of exercise by eating back calories?
  • This is a lifestyle change not a diet. You can have treats just don't make things like Sonic a way of life. You can fit them into your life but eat your healthy foods first.

    Your body changes from the inside out meaning your cells, muscles and everything else starts to react before you see changes sometimes. That is my super non-medical explanation. :-)

    I would encourage you to keep reaching out and read the forums, learn to understand fact from fiction, talk to your doctor, and like everyone else says be patient. The scale is only 1 way to measure things and it is one of the most unreliable. Go by how your clothes fit. Your increasing energy level may be one of the first things you see and that should be a good indicator that your body is starting to respond. You may feel that before you notice it on the scale.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    there are walking DVDs you can do at home - without a treadmill even, just walk in place. also a rebounder (mini trampoline) doesn't cost very much & can 'jog' on that.
    There are many many ways to exercise without equipment or even leaving home. Do you have stairs in your home? this is one of the best workouts you can get- even athletes train on stairs

    Stick with it. It's ok to feel discouraged, but DON'T GIVE UP. Read the boards for inspiration, you'll see nobody achieved success in one week.
    Good luck!
  • droogievesch
    droogievesch Posts: 202
  • lanie37
    lanie37 Posts: 204 Member
    I have been using the site for nearly 3 weeks now and totally love it. I am not calling it a diet but a lifestyle change, as I dont want the weight to come back once I reach my goal.
    The first week I took it easy, was careful what I ate.
    Week 2 I gave up caffeine and fizzy drinks to help me increase the water intake, this has been the best thing I ever did. The only real exercise I do at the moment is walking due to shoulder/neck problem. I even managed to walk 10 miles last wednesday and felt fantastic.
    You have to do what is right for you, but stick with it.....Rome wasn't built in a day.
  • Josephina57
    Josephina57 Posts: 170 Member
    Thank you everyone! I guess I need to give it sometime! I will try to put the scale and weigh myself every Sunday!

  • Reneefit135
    Reneefit135 Posts: 170
    Its true you just need some time. Also really good advice to drink a lot of water and cardio is essential. Get DVD's or something, find another area to walk in. It makes a huge difference.
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    Be patient. You didn't put the weight in 4 days. It may take weeks to see real changes but you will start feeling better very soon ( if you are making healthy choices). DRINK MORE WATER! Stay away from the scales! It can discourage as fast (or faster) than it encourages. Let your clothes tell the story. Keep at it! Don't give up! You will be happy you did!!
  • dorioreo
    dorioreo Posts: 123
    Hey! Thank you everyone for your support, advice, words of encouragement! I really didn't expect to get this many replies!!! I just bought 30 day shred off amazon, it should be here on 18th. And I will look into going walking somewhere a couple of days out of the week. I will weigh myself only on Sundays (starting tomorrow) Thank you soo much (: You guys are the best!
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member

    I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!
  • StrawberrySuzyQ
    StrawberrySuzyQ Posts: 107 Member
    You can order your workout DVD's from Amazon or EBAY. There are also places online where you can download them for free.

    ** Buy a jumprope (cheap!) and some handweights. The trick is to burn some calories and sweat sweat sweat!! THAT will be the best way to shed that weight!!! **

    -Okay! I'm thinking about ordering 30 day shred off of amazon, and buying a jump rope! I have 10lbs hand weights!

    You can find it on VIMEO for free. I'll see if I can find the right links for you and post them here ... unless someone else beats me to it! :happy:
  • twinmama1987
    twinmama1987 Posts: 566 Member
    Look into some workout dvds.