
Heya. I joined myfitnesspal last year when I initially installed the app on my iPhone but I now have an android phone and remembered to get it again so re installed it. I adjusted the weight to what I am now and it turns out since last July I've lost 10 lbs which was a nice surprise. I've decided to actually start using the app to record my progress.

I need to lose weight. I've always been over weight and now I want to do something about it.

A few years ago I went on lighter life for 3 months and lost 3 stone within that time but found I had become angry and had a very low tolerance for anything and my relationship with my boyfriend went downhill as every little thing was taken out on him so I decided to quit and I put the 3 stone I lost back on and more.

I tried to go to the gym and started to do classes and swimming which helped a little but again I stopped.

I think my main problem is I haven't really stuck to something for long enough to reap the benefits. But I want to do something about it now.

I'm 25 and I weigh just under 19 stone.

My friend has asked me to start going to zumba with her and so I'm going to take her up on that. I'm also going to join the rosemary Conley diet.

I guess I wanted some friends to add on my fitness pal to encourage each other and help each other.

So this is me saying hi
You can all call me Maz :)


  • sourkeys
    sourkeys Posts: 36 Member
    Hey Maz. Welcome back!

    Take a look at some of the sucess stories, they are what motivate me, seeing the before and after picture are GREAT!

    I've only been at it 3 days now but I think I'm already addicted to this site :)
  • Odyssey_Star
    Odyssey_Star Posts: 7 Member
    I can see why you get addicted :) I'll def be bookmarking this page :)
  • Hiya, feel free to add me. Im really similar-Ive never stuck to anything before but Im giving a lifestyle change a go now :)
  • moose_80
    moose_80 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Maz,

    I am a big fan of fat2fitradio.com. they have about 150 podcasts that i am working my way through, and their website is great. The whole premise is based on a healthy lifestyle of losing weight, and more importantly keeping it off. I have lost 50 lbs since last September and I find this podcast/website really helps me stay motivated and set new goals.

    Hope this helps.

    All the best.
  • saramerino
    saramerino Posts: 10
    Hello there Maz. :) I am the same way, its really hard for me to stick with it and go through with it for the long term, but I think this site is great. I never counted calories and have seen that its helped me a lot in cutting back food i didnt need. Feel free to add me if you need support. Welcome back btw :)
  • Odyssey_Star
    Odyssey_Star Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys. Fingers crossed I stick to it this time. I want one of those fancy signatures that track your progress :)