What's YOUR weight loss plan?



  • Mawkish1983
    Mawkish1983 Posts: 117 Member
    Eat less, do more.
    yeah, I was looking for a bit more detail than that...lol
    Okay. The body is a machine, and to function it requires energy. Chemical energy is consumed, and the body converts this mostly to thermal and kinetic energy. Chemical energy that is not converted into kinetic or thermal is stored by the body. In order to lose weight, one must use that store of fuel. As long as one consumes less energy than one expends throughout the day, one will lose weight.
    Why even respond? That's obviously not what the OP was asking... don't understand the need of so many people in this forum to be snarky/sanctimonious/patronising for the sake of it. Sigh.
    In what way was I 'snarky', sanctimonious or patronising? The question was asked, I provided my answer. I'm sorry I offended you.
  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    Eating enough bulk so as to feel satisfied at the end of my meals. I'm a volume eater so I need to get the most bang for my calorific buck. Lots of fibre and a decent amount of protein. No restrictions since it's so easy for me to take them to extremes. If I want something terrible then I sleep on it, and if I still want it in the morning it's mine, calories permitting. No weighing as I tend to get obsessive about the scale, I'm just going by how often I have to hitch my jeans up. I've also set my calories to lose 2 pounds a week (damnit, why can't I have metric for losing???) so I don't really fret when I'm over my calories by a few hundred as I'm perfectly happy with a pound a week, or even half.

    I'd like to exercise more but I'm feeling a bit blah about it right now. I think I'm going to get an exercise bike or elliptical as I like to use the weather as an excuse not to exercise; it's always too cold or too hot. In a few months I'd like to join a gym, I'm just not very comfortable with them at the moment.
  • tlnurse
    tlnurse Posts: 229 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Food wise, I drink a 200 cal. protein shake for breakfast and lunch....and eat sugar free jello for my sweet tooth. For dinner and snacks, I eat the remainder of my calories (try to stick w/ 1250 - 1500). I also eat protein bars for snacks sometimes.

    Work-out wise.....I LOVE Beach bodies DVD's Chalean extreme (you do weights 3 days a week and aerobics/yogo/abs the other 3 days) I also recently discovered my love a biking. Walk quite a bit with the hubby too! I find I need to mix up the work-outs to keep motivated!

    Good luck!
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    here's my approach:

    physical-- stay beneath my daily cals, no matter what. eat all my favorites fruits and veggies, whole grains, vegan proteins! abstain from sugar and junk foods that set me off to cravings. measure everything. weigh myself once a week. exercise a few times a week. track on MFP every day. eat out no more than a couple times a week.

    spiritual--attend 12 Step meetings (Overeaters Anonymous). pray when i feel overwhelmed. take it one day at a time. love myself today; no matter how much weight i lose, i am always just ME...if I don't love myself today i NEVER will. abstain from junk food--it's not really FOOD...

    emotional: write or talk about feelings instead of eating over them. address resentments and anger instead of letting them fester. let other people do their thing and i do mine. remember not to take myself too seriously.
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    love reading all of these...thanks!
  • CajunNino
    CajunNino Posts: 269
    I'm basically following Bob Harper's The Skinny Rules. Dropped a lot of weight very quickly...now I'm slowing up, but still progressing. Unfortunately for me I have just the diet to help me along. I have a back injury that is in need of surgery and I am limited in my exercises. However, I receive physical therapy 3 times a week.... so I get a little bit of exercise.

    Good luck in your weight loss journey.
  • SpazzyMal
    SpazzyMal Posts: 276 Member
    I'm trying to eat around 1,700-1,800 calories a day, keep my protein above 100g a day and my carbs around 200g a day, weight train 4 times a week and run 5 times a week. I'm also vegan, but that's not so much part of my weight loss plan as just a simple fact of life for me.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    Calories-current weight x 10 =2,540. minus 20%. and burn 500 cal per day. that would = 2 pd loss per week. In theory. I usually only manage 10% of my maintenance calories. I do burn 500 per day on average. I average the week.
  • beckyc77
    beckyc77 Posts: 12 Member
    This is what I have been doing:
    -Treadmill one hour a day-different intencities (done this everyday since Dec31st!!)
    -Think hard about whether or not I "NEED" the food I am putting in my mouth when it is not healthy
    -Weigh myself daily--must keep myself in check
    -Drink more water
    -I eat the same breakfast and lunch most days, I get a bit too obsessed if I count calories or log so I know that if I eat my regular breakfast or lunch and have a healthy dinner then I will be good
    -Try to stay positive and not stress about the scale.
    -Walk everywhere--yesterday I walked 20km!!!!

    I have lost 56.5lbs since mid September--hoping for about 30 more!
  • goldair23
    goldair23 Posts: 160
    Going to exercise around 3-4 days a week, and bump that up to 5 in a month or two once I adjust and get into a routine with the gym.

    Also sticking to a 1200 calorie limit with no bread. Still eat oats for breakfast as I need carbs or else I get cranky, but being without bread has definitely made a difference to far - feel so much better and it's cut down my snacking too! Also up the veggies and get a few more superfoods in aswell as try and learn to love coconut water - if Miranda Kerr can drink it and look like she does then so can I haha!

    My exercise plan is:
    - 30-40 minutes of cardio
    (treadmill on high incline & fast for walking 10 minutes, 10 minutes on bike with sprints throughout, 5 minutes on stair climber, 15 minutes elliptical trainer/rowing machine)
    - circuit of weights

    Diet plan:
    Breakfast: Oats with trim milk & grated apple with green tea.
    Lunch: 5 pieces of sushi (easiest thing accessible when working in a retail store when you can't eat there!)
    Dinner: 100g chicken or fish & lots of veggies and cook that in varying ways - bake, stir-fry, grill salad, grill etc.
    Snacks: Still yet to work out!
    And LOTS of water.

    I need to lose at least 20 pounds by December for Summer! xx
  • uglyhobo
    uglyhobo Posts: 108 Member
    Deficit of 22kcal per lb. body fat
    1-1.5 grams protein per lb body weight
    .3-.5g fat per lb body weight
    Rest of Calories are carbs
    Carb refeeds once or twice a week
    Lifting at either 3 days a week/full body if training for strength. 3 or 4 day split if training for a better physique.
    Cardio for 15 minutes after workouts to be able to eat a little more, and sometimes on off days, just as long as it doesn't affect lifting.
  • Runner50266
    I work out 5-6 days a week. 4-5 days of cardio and 3 days of strength training. I'm training for a 1/2 marathon and so most of my cardio is running with the exception of spinning or zumba one day a week.

    My dietitian worked with me on a calorie cycling program where most days I eat around 1400 and 2 days per week I do 1900-2000. I'm losing steadily on the scale, tape measure and body fat! I feel great and have a ton of energy.
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    1200-1500 cals of healthy, well-balanced food (not perfectly clean.. allow for birthday cakes etc) PLUS a minimum of 25 minutes of activity outside of my regular living, every day for the rest of my life. I hope to let the weight settle where it will and be happy with that. My thought is, with this, I won't drive myself crazy.. just reasonable living.
  • Snail313
    Snail313 Posts: 214 Member
    Eat less, do more.

  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    Food: I'm doing 1200 calories (Except for my exercise program, I"m otherwise sedentary due to working from home, and working long hours).
    I am trying to eat back my exercise calories. At least half of them. I'm trying, but don't always succeed. I basically listen to my body. Make sure I'm never hungry.
    I am watching my macros. I follow my sugar and sodium (as both of these are issues for me). My sugar level is usually not an issue now (cuttting out 1% milk almost completely fixed that). Its the darn sodium though!
    I'm vegetarian, and trying to eat as clean & healthy as I can (not perfect though).
    I allow for one day a week where I eat more, like 1400-1700 calories. I guess you can call it a "splurge" day. But make sure I get cardio that day.

    Exercise: I'm doing Jillian Michael's Body Revolution. Which has been the first time working out in two years (I previously had a trainer, but all I've done since then is cardio/outdoor activities). And I'm making sure I do some form of cardio before doing the DVDs. Usually a bike ride, sometimes my Trikke, but lately (due to time) its just been about a mile - mile and half walk/run 2 x's a day with my dog (I'm trying to get into c25k). And I'm just getting into stand up paddleboarding (though thats not cardio).
    I do cardio at least 5-6 days a week, sometimes even 7 days a week.

    Weight has just been trickling off lately, but I'm losing inches. And finally being able to see a difference in the mirror and how my clothes are fitting.

    Oh to add- I'm using a few "tools" to help- a fitbit, a heart rate monitor watch, a food scale (very important to know your true servings), and I also use a few apps.. such as mapmyride and the C25k.
    And I weigh in every Friday and take my measurements.
  • doreenOrtiz
    doreenOrtiz Posts: 30 Member
    I eat fruits and vegetables before every meal and my meals only consist of maybe 300 calories 4 times a day plus exercise
  • giftieetcetera
    giftieetcetera Posts: 96 Member
    1. Log in daily.
    2. Stay under 1,800 calories.
    3. Exercise/move/weights/stretches/something for at least 30 minutes a day. (I eat those calories as well.)
    4. Eat fruits and veggies often so I can eat more.
  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    My plan -

    Leangains type IF - 16 hour fast, 8 hour feed
    Lift weights 3 x week
    LISS 3 x week
    1 rest day

    trying to get protein to at least 100 g/day
    keeping carbs low except on the days I lift - then I go higher to around 150-175 g/day

    That's about it.

    Oh yeah.... keeping a deficit. That's THE most important thing.
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    i dont eat back exercise calories. i am starting to try this zig zag on my calorie intake..n well stay within my fat and calorie intake.
  • kennharr
    kennharr Posts: 28
    High protein, low carb, low fat. Eat 6x day, cardio 7x week for one hour, intense on treadmill 60 minutes. Supplement with multi vitamin, B complex, C, D3, Fiber gummies in morning for hunger, fish oil, Thermo CLA, green tea extract. 3x week heavy weight lifting. Its working pretty good! I DO NOT eat back exercise calories. 1800-2000 calories a day. I am 6" 286 man from 311.8 one month ago.