Woman on a MISSION!!!

My name is Amanda.
Age 27
Height 5'6"
CW 240lbs
GW 160lbs by October 30th 2013
UGW 145lbs

I'm looking for friends for support, positive enforcement, tips, and recipes.
Send message with friend request.

I'm just starting out and it is too soon yet to notice a difference, but I am eating full meals and not denying myself anything that I want to eat. I am simply eating in moderation and being more conscience of my food intake. From everyone that I have spoken to that has lost weight and kept it off, it is better to lose slowly and make healthy choices gradually over time than it is to starve yourself and lose weight too quickly.
What really got me was how many calories I was typically eating. On any given day I could consume up to 4000 calories and not even blink and eye. And the killer was that a lot of them were coming from what I was drinking.
My plan is to eat healthy and track EVERYTHING. Even if I treat myself here and there in moderation it will still be considerably less than I was consuming before. I won't drink anything other than water and the occasional energy drink, and I will stay away from fast food.
Below is an example of what I was eating, and what I am eating now.

A typical workday I would grab a biscuit and eat in in the car on the way to work. At work on my 15min break I would have a snack from the vending machines. Then grab something from a drive thru for lunch, and have a big home cooked meal for dinner.

Frozen Breakfast Biscuit (Morningstar Farms) 270 calories
Large glass of Orange Juice ~20oz 280 calories

Doritos Individual Bag (which happens to be two servings) 216 calories
Snickers Bar 280 calories
Mountain Dew 20oz 290 calories

Lunch (Burger King)
Double cheeseburger 410 calories
Chicken Tenders (8) 380 calories
Medium Fries 350 calories
Large Coke 390 calories

Chicken (white meat) 1 breast roasted 283 calories
Mashed potatoes made with whole milk and margarine 355 calories
Green beans with butter 135 calories
Ginger Ale - Schweppes 1 can 120 calories

Ice cream - (Blue Bell chocolate) Large bowl 480 calories

Total : 4239 calories

Not every day was like this, some were worse, some better.
On average I guess I was eating around 4000 calories a day.
That is more than twice what I should have been consuming.

That knowledge alone tells me that I CAN and WILL loose weight. And feel better, be healthier and spend A LOT less money!!!

Here is what I ate yesterday:

Indian River Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice 8oz 90 calories
Morningstar Breakfast Biscuit 270 calories

Handfull of baby carrots 32 calories
Bolthouse Ranch Yogurt Dressing 2 tbls 45 calories
Apple slices 40 calories
Cabot 75% reduced fat cheddar cheese - 4 slices 60 calories
Joseph's Pita with smoked turkey, spinach and Smart Beet Mayo 140 calories
Strawberry Banana Smoothie 295 calories

Lundberg Wild Blend Rice 1 cup cooked - 160 calories
Chicken Breast, pan seared with garlic and butter - 286 calories
Sauteed Spinach - 75 calories

Red Bull 16oz 165 calories
Sour Patch Kids - 3 candies 28 calories

Total : 1686 calories

I had breakfast around 8:30 on my way to work. I wasn't really hungry until noon time and took my lunch break at 1:30pm. After eating lunch I was actually stuffed. I probably could have skipped the smoothie and still been full.
I ate dinner at 7:00pm. Ate slowly and gave myself time to digest. I brushed my teeth right after eating which stopped my usual craving of something sweet after dinner. After that before bed I had a cup of decaf hot tea unsweetened.

I didn't get hungry. I didn't crave more food. I think I opened the fridge once out of habit, I could have grabbed some fruit to snack on or a yogurt or cheese and crackers but I didn't. I asked myself if I was really hungry or just bored.

I have the day off today. I had a espresso smoothie this morning. I'll probably make an omelet or something in awhile, grab some fruit or a salad for lunch and then we are having grilled steak, baked potato and zucchini for dinner. I might even splurge and have some ice cream (1/2 cup serving) after dinner.

I'll weight myself in two weeks and see if there is a change. :)


  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    That's a hell of a swing on the diet! Keep that up, bump up your exercise and those pounds will melt right off! Be sure you get your 8 glasses of water daily! I just did a radical swing on my food intake too and I feel soooo much better for it! I have faith in ya... you can do this!
  • reneeeeeh
    reneeeeeh Posts: 54
    All the best for your journey! Looks like you have made some massive changes already :)
  • chatter27
    chatter27 Posts: 121
    You are off to a great start. :D
  • BerkshireGirl413
    BerkshireGirl413 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you!!!
  • Odyssey_Star
    Odyssey_Star Posts: 7 Member
    Good luck on your journey. Sounds like your moving in the right direction. Feel free to add me and we can support each other! :)