
AllisonST Posts: 24 Member
Hi. I have been diligently logging my food, water and exercise for 40 days now. I am always at or slightly below goal. I am 49 years old with a BMI in the "morbidly obese" range and have at least 100 pounds to lose.

Despite all my efforts, including now an hour of exercise (walking and/or swimming) every day, I have lost NOT ONE OUNCE.


I am eating much much more "clean" (limiting processed food) have virtually eliminated junk food and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

How can it be I have not lost weight?

I will say I do look better - though I have not dropped a dress size.


  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Open up that thar' diary ma'am, fer the perusal of us folks ta see where we can put ya right.
  • AllisonST
    AllisonST Posts: 24 Member
    I am not sure I follow what you are saying. I set my calories to lose one pound a week, then two pounds a week. So I have been netting no more than 1,500 calories a day. Are you saying I should net much less than that? When I have, the program tells me I am undereating.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Mine always tells me if I eat 1000 or lower than I'm under-eating. I'm 5'2 and 25, about 100 to lose as well. I'm set for 1300 calories and try and net that much each day. I haven't lost anything either, but i'm just over 2 weeks now. I dunno what to tell you :frown: I've also only lost 2 lbs in 3 months of trying to lose weight too.
  • ahelsel1970
    ahelsel1970 Posts: 65 Member
    I think everyone is saying to show us your food diary so we can help.
  • AllisonST
    AllisonST Posts: 24 Member
    How do I open it up?
  • KiwiGran
    KiwiGran Posts: 2 Member
    Have you consulted your doctor? There are medical reasons (under-active Thyroid is one example) why some people don't lose weight.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I am not sure I follow what you are saying. I set my calories to lose one pound a week, then two pounds a week. So I have been netting no more than 1,500 calories a day. Are you saying I should net much less than that? When I have, the program tells me I am undereating.
    Pu was assuming you were on 1lb a week I think.

    2lbs is a 1000 cal deficit as he suggested. Anyway, there is another way to do this which removes a lot of the guess work;

    Use the Military Body Fat calculator then
    The BMR/Calorie calculator

    It will give you your estimated BMR at the top. Use the Katch McArdle result.

    Multiply that number by 1.375(generally accepted lightly active multiplier) so for instance BMR 1000 x 1.375 =
    1375. Which would be the TDEE of someone lightly active with a BMR of 1000.

    Multiply your TDEE by 0.8, so 1375 would become 1100. That gives you a 20% deficit to your estimated maintenance.
    Your numbers will probably be much higher.

    This removes the guess work; it averages out your week rather than concerning you with specific amounts of calories burnt. 1100 would be what you eat every day if your BMR was 1000, as per the case above. Don't eat your exercise calories back following this method.

    If you want to go more in depth, split your macronutrients down into 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat.

    If you eat at the calculated number for a month and don't drop a pound, knock 100 cals off a day.

    And it's nearly 4am here now, so if you have any questions drop me a message. I'm sure Pu will be happy to help as well.
  • AllisonST
    AllisonST Posts: 24 Member
    1,800 calories. I am now netting 1,500 a day.
  • Jaceeka
    Jaceeka Posts: 10 Member
    I have a similar weight loss journey ahead of me. I've been back on track for three weeks now and have lost a little over 11lbs. My daily goal set by MFP is 1560, but I usually only eat 1200-1350 calories in a day. My net is usually below 1200 because of my activity. The only time I get the message that I'm not eating enough is when my daily food intake is below 1200. I tried before eating the 1560 calories assigned by MFP and my body just wasn't losing anything. Once I dropped my foot intake a little, I started dropping weight.
    Good luck to you! I hope you find the right combination for you!
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 313 Member
    I'm new to this site and love it, but the site has set my calorie intake, in my opinion, much higher than I feel I can lose weight at. They have me set at something in the area of 1600-1700 calories per day, then if I do exercise they add more calories...there is no way I would ever come close to losing weight with that amount of calories. I also have around 100 pounds to lose. I am just starting to use the message boards and finding lots of useful information and inspiration.
  • AllisonST
    AllisonST Posts: 24 Member
    I have not consulted a doctor. I am thinking 40 days doing this, with not one off day - never going over calorie limits of 1,800 and now 1,500 and doing about an hour of walking and/or swimming a day - that perhaps something else is going on.
  • wyze
    wyze Posts: 248
    Maybe you are underestimating how much you are eating. Some of the foods in the data base is wrong. Get a food scale and maybe a heart rate monitor if you can. This will help you accurately measure your calorie burn and your food. I was surprised by how much i underestimated calories after i got my food scale. Also open up your diary so people can help you see whats up.
  • AllisonST
    AllisonST Posts: 24 Member
    ironanimal: That is a commercial site. I see nothing on it about BMR etc. Am I mistaken? Thanks.
  • AllisonST
    AllisonST Posts: 24 Member
    wyze: Thank you. Also, I don't know how to open up my food diary. How do I do that?
  • MissShancey
    MissShancey Posts: 464
    eat more to lose more... nothing from a box or bag, none of that man made crap ... meat, fruit, veggies, whole grains. period.
    a galon of water a day no food 3 hours before bed time ... make leafy greens and lean protein your best friend

    i have lost almost 50 pounds by just doing that
  • AllisonST
    AllisonST Posts: 24 Member
    OK folks. Just opened up the food diary. I think the suggestion about the food scale is very sound. Generall, I have been overestimating what I eat, just to be on the safe side.
  • djrs1234
    djrs1234 Posts: 2 Member
    I am only 4'10" and when I followed a 1200 cal diet I maintained or gained. I am in the health care field and work with dietitians. One of my favorite dietitians told me I cannot eat more than 1000 cals or I will gain.
  • djrs1234
    djrs1234 Posts: 2 Member
    I use a food scale, measuring spoons and cups. If you do it often enough, you can estimate fairly accurately when you are away from home.
  • AllisonST
    AllisonST Posts: 24 Member
    I am 5 foot 7 so nearly a foot taller than you. But 1,500 seems reasonable. Also, I do not eat when i am not hungry. That just seems counterproductive - to eat back those exercise calories.
  • AllisonST
    AllisonST Posts: 24 Member
    Jaceeka: Thanks. That is very helpful advice.