excess skin!

About a month ago I started this journey to get healthy... I went from 200lbs to 190lbs in one month... My goal is 130. If I eat 1200-1300 calories a day and eventually reach my goal (Im hoping to see major results by next summer) I also go walking (regular pace) a few times a week and I have a two year old boy who I am always playing with/chasing around, etc etc but I do not do any extravagant workouts.

So my question is.. will i have a LOT of excess skin when I eventually lose the weight??


  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    nobody can tell you that.

    genetics, skin type, luck... everyone is different.
    like some women get saggy bellies after babies,
    but others snap right back into shape.
    we're all different!
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Doesn't seem like you will. =/ Depends.. I started out at 214, and I'm down to 179... I haven't lost the belly yet but so far I don't have any.. I haven't had a baby though.. Work on toning while losing! Drinks TONS of water too =)
  • amanda_au2012
    I wasn't skinny when I got pregnant... I only gained about 10 lbs when I was pregnant. and after I gave birth to my son my stomach went back to the way it was before I was pregnant... But now I'm 20 lbs heavier than I was when I was pregnant. So Im worried Im going to have a crapload of excess skin...
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    there's no proof it helps but it can't hurt to moisturise and massage.

    good luck.
  • rmandato123
    I gained a LOT of weight with my first born, then lost all of it down to 5 pounds a year later, and I had a lot of saggy skin in my belly area, I hated it, then I had my daughter and my belly got bigger again, haven't lost it, then had my 3rd child and haven't lost it yet, so crossing my fingers that if I lose it slower this time, it may not sag. My husband promised me that if after we are finished having children, which we are, happy with 3, then I can get a tummy tuck, but I am not aspiring for that, it is a last resort big maybe in my book. I would rather not go under the knife. Good luck to all.
  • lstone03
    lstone03 Posts: 57 Member
    I doubt you'll have a crapload. With my first I gained a ton of weight and kept it on for over a year. When I finally lost it I went from about 220 to 140 and I did have saggy skin on my lower tummy and upper thighs. Not really anything noticeable unless you were looking for it. I did exercise a lot more than what you listed. So, based on my own experiences you would have some, probably less if you worked out.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I started at 250lbs and I am now at 142lbs. I have very very very little access skin. I think a lot of the reason why I don't have so much is because I lost my weight slow for the most part, working out has a lot to do with it as well. Best of luck
  • mommy2kynnedy
    mommy2kynnedy Posts: 17 Member
    I went from 245 lbs to 155lbs about 7 years ago, but I was stressed and didnt eat for days at a time, and didnt really work out at all. I wasn't trying to starve myself, it was more like I was so stressed out, I either didn't have an appetite or I would forget to eat since I had so much going on. Then in 2007 I was pregnant and lost the baby at 5 months into my pregnancy. I went from 155 to about 180, then I slowly creeped back up to about 210 over the next 2 years. By the end of 2009 beginning of 2010 I packede on another 20lbs ended up being 232 lbs when I go pregnant again. I only gained 14lbs my entire pregnancy, then lost it all by eating right and working out, and got back down to 226 last year when my daughter was 4 months old (So I lost about 20lbs in 2 months). I went vacationing and then holidays came and I gained back 25 lbs and was at 256lbs MY HIGHEST WEIGHT EVER. I had lost and gained the same 15lbs since January of this year, but have redidicated myself to getting down to 140lbs on June 17th. So far I have lost 18lbs and weigh 237 as of today. So a few things:

    First, I lost the 90lbs the first time the wrong way. Though once I was small at 155lb I did start eating right and working out to maintain it, but by that time I did have quite a bit of sagging skin in my tummy, boob area, arms and upper thighs. Also, I was pretty much on a vodka diet while stressing and not eating, so if I did eat it wasnt much and I never drank water or worked out until I had already lost 90lbs, but by that time it was too late. I hated hearing "oh you look so good, what are you doing", I would reply that I dont underneath the clothes and that I wasnt trying and basically I was on the "in an abusive relationship" diet of strress. So, honestly I dont know if I will have the same issues this time around since this time I am intentionally trying to loose and I am doing it the right way. I also lost the weight super fast....it started coming off in April 2004 and November I was in a size 7 at 155lbs from a size 20.

    Second, I have been wondering the same thing but here is what I do know: I have been working out 6 days a week for 35-90 mind a day depending on the workout. I have been doing tons of strength training, yoga, plyo in addition to cardio with light weights and HIIT training. I have an active 15 month old child who I chase and run around with constantly. I am drinking a ton of water and still taking prenatals, vitamin D3, Super B complex and Biotin (for hair, skin and nails D3 and B vitamins help metobolize energy. I was fortunate enough to get no stretch marks during pregnancy (the ones from puberty are still there). I keep my skin well moisturized and lubricated, I live by coconut oil and use pure vitamin E oil or cream on my stomach, thighs, arms, etc (anywhere where I previously had saggy skin). My doc and several nurses said vitamin E is the best for skin improvement and elacticty (not cocoa butter, bio oil or any of the other creams out there like Mederma)...they also said time and exfoliation will help to stimulate new cell growth and fade stretch marks and help tighten skin. I am a breastfeeding mama, and these boobs have reached new levels of huge (I have always had ginormous boobs) and they way my daughter pulls or tugs and bites sometimes, I have no hope for my boobs being anywhere but pointing straight down and hanging (I'm over it lol). Though I have droped 18lbs in about 30 days (28 days actually) since I started my weight loss journey. My weight loss has taper off and now it takes me about 10 days to loose 2lbs, I am okay with this since I figure the slower but more steady I loose the better chance my skin will snap back.

    So with that said, I have no idea if I will end up with tons of skin this time, since this is a totally different way and I am doing all the right things as opposed to the first time I lost weight. I am hoping that even if I do, it will be minimals since I am a quick healer normally, I wonder if my skin renewal is fast in reference to the weight loss. I will say, if you are doing the right things and drinking tons of water, it definately will help. I was almost glad I gained all this weight again, just because it gives me a chance to do it the right way this time, because when I had tons of excess skin, I did not feel good about myself especially since I lost it all the wrong way. This time I have decided that I feel great about myself no matter if I end up with skin or not, I worked hard for this new body!
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