The Diet Solution Program: HELP

Does anybody have an opinion about it?

I just joined up to the program because there was a ridiculously good offer on for a low price, and it seemed like it would help me a lot. I feel like it really contradicts what I've learnt so fair - I'm fairly into calorie counting because of this website. The woman who runs it, Isabel, is against calorie counting and the information I'm now being told, based on my "metabolic type" and "caloric calculator" (for example, with my weight and the fact that I told them I exercised moderately three or more times a week) that I have to eat a hell of a lot more calories than before.

I'm quite overwhelmed, I'm quite new to the whole nutrition and exercise thing so I have no idea I'm doing. I'm just looking for the best way (for me) to become fit and healthy!

So, I was wondering if anyone has used beyonddiet and/or the diet solution program and could help by explaining this to me?



  • Mariaisgettingfit
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    I have heard of it- but don't know anyone who has done it. I think the infomercial on it is
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Perhaps a link to what you're talking about would give someone a prod ?
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    I'm not familiar with the program but here is another post on it:

    I'm not sure if this is the same program you are talking about but you might want to look into this group:
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    My ex bought it, so I've read it. It's fine-- you're probably going to be eating closer to your BMR this way, not to mention eliminating processed junk and that will probably be better for you. Isobel's guidance is sensible-- for some reason I'm still on the mailing lists-- and won't hurt you.
  • Mariaisgettingfit
    Options is the link to the main page and is like another version of this website

    I spent about £38 on this membership and advice, which is quite a lot of money for me! I think it might be alright once I get the hang of it, I'm just not sure about the calorie increase.
  • lucybelly
    lucybelly Posts: 17
    Hello I'm starting on this program too, I really think is a good way to lose weight i have tried a similar program before and it worked for me, I started a very low calorie diet almost a month ago, followed by intense exercise and not a single pund lost . According to this book my metabolic type ( protein) needs protein and good fats to lose weight to me it makes sense because I have been starving myself with no results. So I think u should give it a try.