Diet Solution Program

Anyone familiar with this program... Did it help you eat better
The fundamentals of it sound good.

I am finally looking to transform the way I eat...I can't exercise away my bad habits for the rest of my life.
Would you suggest another eating guide?

Give me a holler...It would be much appreciated.


  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'm not familiar with it but there are lots of FREE eating guides on the internet. I combined the P90X Lean guide with Mayo clinic's guidelines to get my goals. Now, I just do recipe searches and substitutions to meet those goals. Good luck!

    My advice: Simpler is better in many cases. Dinner = boneless, skinless chicken breast cooked in lemon juice + spices with roasted almonds and a dollop of nonfat greek yogurt. THAT sort of simple. :)
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I always lean more towards anything I can get for free also- I molded my eating habits around a guide provided by Women's Health Magazine. If it's something you think you'll follow, go for it, but I would look around online because you are going to end up adopting your own principles anyway no matter what "system" you use. Might as well keep it free...
  • coolcatcan
    coolcatcan Posts: 133 Member
    I purchased this plan and it's ok. Not worth the money in my opinion and I really dislike that she keeps asking for money (for example, if you want the book in paper back then it's extra, otherwise you have an electronic copy which takes an incredible amount of ink and paper to print.) Her recipes take forever to cook. She has some good info, and she has some info that I personally don't agree with. She also believes in eating raw organic foods which can become quite costly. Don't get me wrong, organic is great, but I think you need to limit yourself to certain items being organic.

    I take bits and pieces from her book. The book I really love and unfortunately found after purchasing the diet solution is "The Fat Belly Diet". Has some of the same principles, eat a MUFA with every meal, etc... It has a lot of great info and they actually make one called "The Fat Belly Diet for Men". Great book with lots of info to educate you on how your body works, what foods are good for you and wonderful, healthy low fat/low cal dishes that don't take forever to make. They have a 14 day jumpstart meal plan to losing weight, but most of all it talks about changing the way you eat to incorporate healthy fats, fruits and veggies and lean protein into your daily diet. I make my meals from it every day, not only for myself, but my entire family. If I had to do it over again, I would not have purchased the Diet Solution program.

    Hope this helps :~)
  • DJackson230
    I posted a blog in relation to this situation named "I give up" Check it out... if u want to.
  • brian964
    In my experience, the Diet Solution Program is a great program.. They also allow you to try the program before you buy it here:
  • lucybelly
    lucybelly Posts: 17
    I think it works g o t it today will start 2morrow