I'm scared....need support/friends

I've been on and off trying to lose weight since I was so young....as long as I can remember; really. I've been on this website before and I left it and I just recently came back but I'm worried I'm gonna leave it again because I never have accomplished a weight loss goal I feel like its never going to happen to me. I need friends that will support me.


  • lollilady
    lollilady Posts: 18 Member
    hi please feel free to add me only been here a couple of weeks and feel so motivated
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I'm sorry youre scared. Please feel free to add me. Maybe you need to focus on smaller goals such as you didnt drink any soda for the day or you ate 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. Focus on the little goals youll get there a journey begins with one step.
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    Hi! There's a good idea--start with something small. Sometimes a lot of little things can add to some good big things.
  • I Thought The same thing because I created an account but I got lazy and stopped but once I look in the mirror and I realized the my gain was beggining to become noticeable I decided That I had to get serious. After I got the hang of it and started logging in everyday It Got easier to stick with it. somedays I do mess up but for the most part try to stay close to my goal ever if I do go over. You can always make it up the next day. just keep up the good work you can add me if you want.
  • Its_Nat
    Its_Nat Posts: 184 Member
    I've only been doing this for a week, but I've already found being accountable for what I'm eating has helped me. Feel free to add me too - I've only just begun the 'adding of friends' stuff - I wasn't sure how I'd feel about people seeing what I eat every day, but figure it can only help. We're all on the same trip - some will just get there faster than others, but we can all enjoy the view along the way!
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    I'd be happy to help you any way I can. I, too, started at 308 lbs. just 7 months ago. I'm 207 now and, after reading your bio, have a pretty good idea what might be your problem. I'll start by sending you a friend request.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Suppose I told you that you really dont have to cut that much out to lose weight?

    >>>>>IMPORTANT!!! To get your numbers right please visit---> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12 <---read the instructions. I lay everything out to help you have a true fat burning diet.<<<<<<<
  • add me if you want ive only been doing this for a little while and i am starting to see results and feel really motivated keep strong good luck
  • jayhawkX
    jayhawkX Posts: 48
    I understand how you feel. I've been big on my life. I have been able to lose weight once, at least most of it, and I gained it all back and then some. I have to lose more than half my body weight, more than 300 pounds. Just know we are all here for you. Even if you fail come back to this website time time again. Do not get down on yourself because this is a very hard thing to do.

    Think of all the other difficult things that people do everyday; a lot of them fail. And the next day when they wake up they try again.
  • MidgeN27
    MidgeN27 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi don't leave... Your not alone! There are many people here who are in the same boat, including my self! What are you trying to do to lose weight? What exercises are you doing? How much weight are you looking to lose? Many folks are here to help you up again! You can do it! Have you been to a doctor to see if there may be a medical? You need to keep trying!
  • Haley_Adele
    Haley_Adele Posts: 37 Member
    Hi all feel free to add me ;-)
  • ProjFit
    ProjFit Posts: 143
    Well welcome back to MFP! I was the same way when I joined. I had been trying to lose weight for years!!!... At first I was successfull on here, and then I hit a plateau and somehow or another I quit. ... I started talking to some of the most motivational people I've met on here and I haven't even thought about quitting again. It's been 95 days since I came back, and I've continued my weight loss journey. You can do this!.. If you quit your only quitting on yourself. Sometimes your body needs a break, but you have to learn to be patient and give it what it needs. Your welcome to add me, i try to be as helpful as I can. :)
  • Mitnarfeza
    Mitnarfeza Posts: 20 Member
    The first time I was on this website, I left it a day later! I've been on here for over a week and I am loving it! The difference is that this time I am taking part in the community and I added friends that are keeping me going and motivating me!! I lost 3 kg, can't wait to lose more!
  • wyllaya
    wyllaya Posts: 51 Member
    I'm scared too......
    For me change is scary.............i suffer from anxiety and panic attacks
  • AmbyrJayde
    AmbyrJayde Posts: 257 Member
    You can do it! We can all do it together!!
  • desonice
    desonice Posts: 5
    i will support you my name is denise i have 63 more pounds to lose to reach my goal of 150 pounds iam 53 and going threw menopause which sucks but i know we can do it. I work out 6 days a week sundays off. 2hr everyday and in 5 weeks only lost 14 pounds, but 14 is better then a gain. come on girl i know we can do it!!!!
  • Colexlovely
    Colexlovely Posts: 133 Member
    Feel Free to add me:) I can help support
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    That fear never goes away. My worst fear is that now that I have lost so much weight one of these days it will start to come back. In fact, I keep expecting the scale to go up. You have to fight that fear one day at a time. You can do this. Just Begin!
  • JamesterCK
    JamesterCK Posts: 109 Member
    You can add me! I know exactly how you feel. I still have days, even using this website, that I get scared that I'm going to go back to my old ways and just give up. I just keep reminding myself all of the reasons I need/want to do this. You just have to push that fear aside and remind yourself of those reasons every day. I write a blog post each day, and I get out anything I'm scared about or if I even thought about eating something I shouldn't. Talking about the things you're scared about helps.
  • tvl0308
    tvl0308 Posts: 96 Member
    Don't be scared, we are all here for you! I am on here everyday and will support you in anyway I can. Feel free to add me. :smile: