
Ok so I am constantly on and off Prednisolone thanks to my Asthma. Anytime I get a bit of weight off, I fall ill again, Iend up back on steriods and back to square 1! I feel so helpless and I dont know if there is a way of stopping weight gain during these periods that I am on it? Has anyone else had experience with this or any tips to help?

Thanks in advance.

Trudy xx


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Sounds like you need to discuss this with your doctor, to find out if there is a correlation to your weight loss and asthma problems. That's probably the best way to get this figured out. Good luck!
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    I am on and off of prednisone to control my autoimmune hepatitis. The only thing that helped me maintain my weight reasonably was regular strength training (weight lifting). I hired a personal trainer at first and this was the best money I ever spent on myself. Now I am able to maintain on my own. I was diagnosed in 2001, but started regularly working out about 8 years ago. When I am on the pred I do gain a little, but only a few pounds. I try to just give myself a break and realize it is part of the deal. In my case the drug literally saves my life. Still, higher doses make it harder. That's the bad news. The good news is that you CAN keep it under some control; just make sure not to be too hard on yourself but ALSO don't throw in the towel. I just got off the pred 3 weeks ago after being on for 2.5 years! I am happy about that, but I really didn't see much weight gain this time around and I really attribute that to the regular weight training (plus reasonable diet of course).

    Remember that prednisone causes weight gain partly because it changes your metabolism (particularly insulin resistance). It also makes you ravenously hungry. So, two important things as far as diet is concerns is find a good way to deal with the constant hunger AND watch that sugar intake. I found the hunger went away if I really stuck to my diet (which is good but not great :)) All of these together really will help!
  • KatdenRN
    KatdenRN Posts: 52
    Are you on a steroid inhaler? Just curious because if you have good control of your asthma, then maybe you wouldn't need to oral steroids so often.
  • 33neenaj
    33neenaj Posts: 306
    Same thing happened to me a couple years ago. The doctor put me on ADvair.....ask your doc about it.
  • Lauren136
    Lauren136 Posts: 2
    I have had to be on it for periods of 6-8 weeks. I have been able to maintain my weight by eating very little sugar and strength training. It does make you hungrier, at least for me it does. I try to fill up on protein and veggies - eat as much of those as I need to, but avoid junk food. It's not fun. I sympathize because I really, really hate that drug. But in my case, it saves my eyesight.
  • tubbs_nomore
    Hello, I have been on mega doses of Prednisone for about 10 yrs now. I yo-yo from 50 mg down to almost being off...then a flare up & back up to 50....wean down etc. I know from experience that you will gain some weight no matter what you do. When you are on your highest doses though, you are unbelievably hungry,you can't control that, but to avoid a major weight gain, I've found that if you avoid highly starchy or sugary foods, and push more water, and of course be as active as you can be, it keeps everything somewhat under control. I wish you well as you deal with your disease...stay strong.
  • trudance4
    trudance4 Posts: 75
    Yes I am on a steriod inhaler x
  • trudance4
    trudance4 Posts: 75
    thank your for the comments, its is hard, and it does make you very hungry.
    I will try and do a bit more weight training and avoid as much sugar as possible :)

    Thanks again
    Trudy x
  • EmmiDahling
    EmmiDahling Posts: 104 Member
    I am typically prescribed prednisone several times a years for sinus/upper resp./asthma issues. I can't say how it affects weight loss, because I've just started trying to get healthy again. However, I did want to say that I was on Advair for years and my asthma was only moderately controlled (hence a lot of prednisone). My specialist switched me to Symbcort and to has made a world of difference. You may want to check into your steroidal inhaler options to possibly decrease the prednisone use.
  • trudance4
    trudance4 Posts: 75
    I am typically prescribed prednisone several times a years for sinus/upper resp./asthma issues. I can't say how it affects weight loss, because I've just started trying to get healthy again. However, I did want to say that I was on Advair for years and my asthma was only moderately controlled (hence a lot of prednisone). My specialist switched me to Symbcort and to has made a world of difference. You may want to check into your steroidal inhaler options to possibly decrease the prednisone use.

    Im on Smybicort, Ventolin and a Singular tablet, on the highest possible medication that I can be, I regular asthma reviews and medication wise, they cant do much more, unless something new comes out x
  • trudance4
    trudance4 Posts: 75
    Any time I take prednisone, I gain about 8 lbs. It makes my appetite ravenous - like a bottomless pit. I have asthma too. Is there anything else you could try so you don't have to be on prednisone? Advair helps me when my asthma gets out of control. Good luck and hope you feel better. I know how HORRIBLE it feels to not be able to breathe - I've had asthma since I was 18 months old.

    I am the exact same, I used to be a great deal worse before the flu and pneumonia jab came in, i was in hospital up to 5 times a year at 2-3 weeks at a time, so at least now I am not having to stay in hospital! i could eat for ireland, i just dont stop everything in site! I will maybe speak to my doctor next time and see if there is anything else, thank you, and i hope your asthma stays under control :) x
  • BlondeQtTexas
    BlondeQtTexas Posts: 97 Member
    Hi Trudy,

    I have been in the same boat since 2008. I got pnuemonia and it trashed my lungs and I've had severe asthma ever since.

    Initially I gained 40 lbs in 2 months from the prednizone, advair and sigulair they put me on.

    I've managed to lose 30 lbs 3 times in the past 4 years only to gain it back when I had to go back on predizone and singulair.

    Last year I refused to take it and started working out very hard and lifting heavy weights. Believe it or not, the intense exercise also really helps with my asthma.

    I'm now down 37 lbs and my muscles are ripped and I think I will keep refusing the predinzone . I only have 37% lung capacity so it's scary, but I manage to live a normal life.

    Maybe you can start doing light cardio and lifting weights. It's the only thing that has helped me.

    I feel your pain Babe.

    EDIT: I will NEVER take Singulair again. I was reading how it causes weight gain around your stomach and back fat. That is what happened to me and before I was on it I never had a weight problem in my life!

    Talk to your doctor about getting off the Singulair. It causes rapid weight gain. They don't tell you that, but it does. Google it.
  • BlondeQtTexas
    BlondeQtTexas Posts: 97 Member
    Same thing happened to me a couple years ago. The doctor put me on ADvair.....ask your doc about it.

    I still take the Advair. I just cut out wheat and sugar and I am still able to lose weight.

    Like a poster mentioned above, Advair makes your blood sugar high so you have to be careful what you eat.