Quick fix?



  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    honestly what will help you look best in the bikini is gaining muscle which you can do in 7 weeks but the scale may not move much. look up bodyweight exercise routines on youtube and do those along with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training where you run or bike switching from moderate to oh my gawd my heart is going to pop out of my chest and back to moderate intensity again. You burn more calories in 15 minutes of hiit than you do in 30 minutes of single speed exercises because you're jacking your heart rate up and letting it drop and jacking it back up again. Google that, you'll find some good workouts.

    But if you want a short term diet and you understand that there's a good chance you'll gain some, if not all+ of the weight back after you stop it, check out the 17 day diet. its 3 phases, each 17 days long that starts out very low carb, high protein & veggie and gradually increases your carb intake to a healthy level. If you can stick to it you'll drop weight, but you will get ridiculously sick of eating basically the same foods over and over!

    With the 17 day diet you can't really do much exercise in the first two phases because the calories are too low which is part of why you can wind up gaining weight again quickly.

    Good luck to you and enjoy your vacation!

    Thanks for this! Will google all of the above. I suppose you are right; weighing 140lb is probably just an arbitrary number when what I really want is the solution that will give me the best results in inch and fat loss between now and then. I am sure I will re-gain some but I am prepared for that in exchange for feeling relaxed and comfortable during the vacation I have worked hard for.

    What is more important to you:

    1) Looking reasonably lean and fit
    2) Weighing and/or measuring a certain amount
    3) Fitting in a specific size

    Do you think it's reasonable to assume that you could have one of the above without having the other, or do you think all 3 go hand-in-hand under all circumstances?
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Well if you aren't interested in doing it the healthy way, then just eat 500 calories a day and run on the treadmill for a couple hours a day. That should take care of it.

    Sorry - I don't know where exactly in my question I said I wasn't interested in doing it the healthy way. My question is simply can anyone make recommendations on losing 16lb in 7 weeks to someone who is prepared to work very hard to achieve something I know is difficult in such a short time. Difficult but not impossible. I appreciate it may not be sustainable but as it is only 7 weeks out of my entire life I am prepared for that. I specifically said I did not want a lecture; replies are appreciated only from those with something constructive to add.

    I think they were giving you what you wanted to hear. It is hard to do that. There is no miracle here.

    I am sorry but it is perfectly possible to lose just over 2lb per week in a healthy way. Challenging, difficult and requiring significant commitment and dedication, but possible. It is not requiring of a miracle and I was not asking for one. Eating 500 calories and running 2 hours on a treadmill is unpleasant sarcasm, not constructive advice. I will repeat myself; I would appreciate some constructive suggestions

    Sounds like you already know what advice you will deem acceptable, so why don't you give us all a break and let us know what you want to hear and one of the less-truthful, less-ethical people will go ahead and parrot it back to you and we can all get on with our day in a happy way.

    I'm not one of those people so here's my response: More than 2 pounds a week is not generally considered healthy unless you're dangrously obese, which you are not. At that rate you're guaranteed to lose muscle and will not look better in a bikini. You want to look good in a bikini by 7 weeks from now, my advice is to start a weight lifting program at least 5 weeks ago and be on point with macros in a reasonable deficit of no more than 20% of your TDEE.

    Hope that helps!
  • dukslayer4051
    dukslayer4051 Posts: 66 Member
    well by my math it should be no problem, you have almost 2 months! 2# a week x4 weeks is 8# a month x2=16 lbs in that time, cut carbs a bit and add exercise and you will do fine. incorperate weights and cardio together, cardio is an instant burn, weight training is a more continual burn even after you stop working out. you can do this! weights will also shape your physique and tighten up flabby areas too.

    you got this!

    no problem!
  • C00lCountry
    C00lCountry Posts: 282
    If you do 2 lbs a week for 7 weeks you would get close.
    You will have to stay active and eat very clean.
    I still not sure cause you don't have much fat by your hieght to weight ratio.
    Workout lots and try to be about 1,000 calories shy of your Tdee a day.
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    30 day shred + healthy, clean eating and drink plenty of water. you may not lose lbs but you'll drop inches and cut belly bloat.

    target has jillian michaels dvds on sale right now.
  • Brinachic72
    Brinachic72 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for this - what is HIIT?

    High Intensity Interval Training
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Weight loss doesnt make you look good in a bikini, its fat loss. Figure out your tdee, cut 20% and do 4 days os strength training, 2 days of HIIT. Also, eat clean natural foods. If you want to drop some water weight cut carbs to 30%, protein to 50% and fats to 30%. Also get all your carbs from fruit and veggies, eliminate grains, breads and all processed carbs. Also eat lean meats that are high in fat but low in saturated fat. Also add fish a few times a week as they have plenty of omega threes whicoh aid weight loss. Also minimize dairy.

    What effects are you presuming will occur by eliminating specific food items given that you have no knowledge of the users individual intolerances? EDIT: I'm being presumptuous. Perhaps you DO know something about her individual intolerances? I don't see otherwise why you'd suggest food avoidance.

    The intent of minimizing or eliminating grains was to minimize your carb intake and maintain your fiber with fruit and veggies. This way, your body will just lose some water weight. I guess i should have expanded. Now i understand that you can eat breads in small portions and still get the same affect but i found that eliminating grains, breads and wheat makes it a bit easily.