Days a week to exercise.

I was just curious on what your guys' thoughts were on how many days a week you should or how many days a week you actually DO exercise? I've gone every day this week minus 1 and I'm just curious if that is ok or I should be doing less (or more?!)


  • goatfishtwo
    goatfishtwo Posts: 21 Member
    If you're talking about strength training, its important to develop a split so that no muscles are overtrained. For instance you don't want to do legs every day of the week or chest two days in a row. As long as you mix up what you do and be careful you can go to the gym every day. I usually only rest on Sundays.
  • iloso
    iloso Posts: 156
    Well for me, I usually do strength training biceps and incorporate ab workouts MWF for 30mins and do either HIIT for 30mins or 12min/mile jog T/TH and rest Sat-Sun. Im planning on changing this routine entirely in 2 weeks.
  • Kaidynne
    Kaidynne Posts: 7
    I use Walk away the Pounds by Leslie Sansone. :O
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I walk fairly large distances 5-6 days a week - my big workouts (swimming) are on Monday and Friday and I usually take Sunday (and sometimes Thursday) off to make sure my muscles aren't achy or anything.
    I typically think walking daily isn't bad but I'm not sure on the strength training ... have'nt did much of it although I plan to do a m,w,f with strength training and walk 5-7 days a week.
  • hiddensvelte
    hiddensvelte Posts: 53 Member
    Not familiar with "Walk Away the Pounds", but it sounds as it could be done daily. @iloso & @goatfishtwo are very correct that you need to let your muscles recover when they've been worked out hard.

    Look over your program and see if it can be split into two or three types of exercise and do them in a cycle.
  • Dragonnade
    Dragonnade Posts: 218 Member
    I usually do between 3 and 4 days a week with a PT session on Tuesdays and a Mammoth Session on Sunday (it's usually that or work; today I did 15km on the rower and alas, the work was still there when I returned). I try and spread it out so I don't do more than 2, max 3 days in a row else my performance drops and I sulk. But I've been busy at the end of recent weeks and I figure it's more important to do the days than fret that a more even spread during the week would be better. Something > nothing and all that :)
  • SirBacke
    SirBacke Posts: 4
    I do 5-7 workouts of 55-70 minutes a week, where I burn between 490-560 calories per day, according to my Polar FT80.

    This is great for me with my ambitious target of loosing 1.5 pounds a week, because the calories are added to my 1430 calories I may eat a day to reach my target. So I can eat every day something around 1900-2000 calories, what makes life easier.
  • GodsGirl37
    GodsGirl37 Posts: 348
    I also use walk away the pounds. they reccomend 5 days a week for working out. I do strength training and one cardio sometimes walk away the pounds sometimes boxing etc. I actually need to drop down to 5 days a week. I've been doing 6 days its a bit much
  • BigJerm1
    BigJerm1 Posts: 4 Member
    I do weight training and cardio Monday through Friday, and generally take Saturday and Sunday off. Once in a while, I'll do more cardio on the weekend, but never more weight training. I think you've been getting sound advice in this thread though. Do what your body can handle, and not more. Recovery time is just as important as the time you put into workouts.
  • bamachyck3
    bamachyck3 Posts: 31
    I use Leslie Sansone too. When I first got her 5 Really Big Miles DVD I did it every day for a week and a half, then life got in the way and I've been going lax on the workouts. I guess it just depends on your fitness level. If it's not hurting you in any way then go for it. Leslie's stuff is very low impact.
  • Kaidynne
    Kaidynne Posts: 7
    Well, walk away the pounds is pretty much marching in place, with Kicks, knee lifts, and some light 1 to 1.5 lb weights.

    I'm still recovering from surgery. I was in the hospital Nov-Feb and 2 weeks of that I wasn't out of bed at all due to being completely sedated. I lost a lot of my muscle because of that and still am currently working it all back. I'm able to handle the workout I've been doing 6 days a week, so far. It is a bit rough though but I don't remember getting back on my feet after my two week bed nap being any easier.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Strength training 3 times a week - I think you could do it 6 days a week if you rotate muscle groups (so they get a day off) and have a good trainer to guide you - I'm going to ask my trainer since I need to increase my strength training

    Walking 1-2 hours a day 6 days a week, casual walking on the other day - there are views you should take off 1 day a week
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    I only exercise 3 or 4 days a week. Mon. Thur. and Sat. I walk for 1hour at about 3 or 4mph. Then do about an hour of circuit training with 8lb weights. Friday is walk only day and Tue. and Sun. are my days off. Though I volunteer on Tue and it usually involves heavy lifting.
  • bossladyday
    bossladyday Posts: 72 Member
    Ive been working out everyday since im doing Jillian Micheals 30 day shred! after I finish Im doing ripped in 30 so I guess I'll be working out non-stop for 2 months straight :)
  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
    I use Walk away the Pounds by Leslie Sansone. :O

    As long as you're not sore, I would do 4 days a week (I have a couple of her videos, too, and like them. Use them on rainy days!)...If you are sore from them, then 3x per week, with a day off in between.

    I do Couch 2 5k and I do 3x per week (mon, wed, fri), and I throw in other stuff when I'm feeling froggy (light weights, stability ball work, crunches, a video). I'm very out of shape so I am being careful.