
Hello, my name is Jill. I'm 35 years old and a mother of two children. I have been doing this fitness plan and have lost 26 pds.
I am not eating over my calorie goal and gained 2 pds. Has this happened to anyone else ? Very discouraged. :'(


  • breathingtheblue
    breathingtheblue Posts: 2 Member
    Have you worked out on a regular basis? I know this may sound funny, but did you eat really salty the day you weighed in, or the day before? Or perhaps close to that time of the month. The only reason I ask is because I weighted at the doc the day before my weigh in and I was a half lb down, and the doc scale normally weighs me about 1 lb heavier. That day I ate really salty stuff , n started the next day and when I weighed in It said I had gained 2 lbs. and I had worked out and kept under my cals the entire week, so I knew it sent possible. So I waited 2 days weighed again and had actually lost 1.5 lbs. moral of long story, could it just be water weight. Cuz if u have truly been good that would make sense