
Could people post on here and let me know if you lost weight eating your tdee or if you ate your tdee and did not lose?


  • Anyone?
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    TDEE is what you would eat to maintain. If you want to figure out your own to use as your baseline for losing weight you figure out your TDEE then (typically) subtract 15-20 %. Maybe you mean BMR?

    ETA: TDEE means "total daily energy expenditure" - the calories you burn in a day through all activities including exercise - if you eat the same number you burn, you maintain. Of course, this is an estimation so you could calculate your TDEE, eat that amount, and find you lose or gain, in which case you want to adjust up or down a bit at a time to find your actual maintenance level.
  • I'm eating the 1200 calories and been on a plateau for months I'm just trying to figure out if maybe I need to eat more.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I'm eating the 1200 calories and been on a plateau for months I'm just trying to figure out if maybe I need to eat more.

    You wouldn't eat TDEE, because that would be equal to everything you burn in a day. It would put you into maintenance. The idea with EM2WL, is that you eat TDEE minus 20% (or so).

    Read this:

    It should help you get an idea of how to set up your calories!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Looking through your diary, I'd say you're not losing because you're not tracking what you eat. Even when you do, it doesn't look like you've tracked everything. You can easily undo one day's calorie deficit with another day's calorie overage if you don't track.

    Track diligently and see if it works. If it's too hard to eat 1200/day change your goal to 1 lb/week or even half a pound per week. In 6 months you'll be happy with your progress I'm sure.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Did MFP tell you to eat 1200 based on your stats? Unless you're like 4 feet tall, I can't imagine your weight loss would get stuck if you were really eating 1200 calories. How about exercise? I would start by eating more vegetables and fruit, more lean protein, fewer carbs, and cut out the sweet treats. And like someone else said, you really should track every little thing you eat.
  • I eat 1200 a day even if I don't track it on here I do in a journal and yes I exercise 3 times a week at the gym and help my husband do brick mason work at least once maybe twice a week. And yes I know I don't eat enough vegetables. I don't like most vegetables so I'm not eating stuff I don't like to lose weight otherwise I wouldn't be able to make a lifestyle change bc I'm not eating things I don't like the rest of my life. And I eat tons of chicken which is lean meat, I don't eat red meat. That wasn't what I asked about anyways.
  • And yes mfp tells me to eat 1200
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Okay so you've lost 33 lbs... was that eating 1200? How long did that take?

    What do your 3 gym workouts look like? What do you do? Cardio? Weights? What intensity?

    Do you eat back exercise calories over and above your 1200?

    Would you post your age, weight, and height here?

    Maybe we can help figure some stuff out...
  • I did lose 33 eating 1200 but I wasn't exercising. I have only been exercising lately to try and break the plateau. I do cardio at the gym normally elliptical and treadmill. About once and a week ill do a tiny bit of strength. When I help my husband work ts normally like carrying stuff and squatting up and down working out in hot weather yes I normally eat back calories. My diary looks bad for the past week or so because got frustrated and fell off the wagon a bit bc 2 months is a long time to plateau. I keep trying to hange up gods and exercise after a week or two of something not helping but that doesn't work either
  • My age is 21 height is 5 feet 3 inches and my weight is 205 at this point I feel like something just doesn't want me to get under 200 and I want to so bad
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    This advice is going to be contrary to whatever you've heard before I'm sure... but here is some information from this site:

    When I enter in your information - age, height, weight, gender etc. I get the following information:

    Basal Metabolic Rate: 1666
    Total Daily Energy Expenditure: 2291 (assuming 1-3 hours of moderate exercise weekly)
    Daily Calorie Target to lose ~4 lbs/mo: 1833 daily

    So I will say I think 1200 isn't working for you anymore... you have successfully made your body believe it is starving and so when you have thrown in the towel and eaten over, your body has stored it all as fat wondering when you're going to eat enough again.

    If you keep up your current exercise and eat about 1800 calories daily (without adding on exercise calories) you should lose weight... about a pound a week.
  • Maude_Lewbowski
    Maude_Lewbowski Posts: 395 Member
    OP are you dropping an eagle while taking a pic? That's the real question. If so #talented.
  • OP are you dropping an eagle while taking a pic? That's the real question. If so #talented.
    Lol im sitting on my bathroom sink counter