Coming Off a Fast

fearlessly Posts: 51 Member
edited December 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey guys!

I'm currently on day 7 of a 14-day juice fast, and need help with how to come OFF the fast!

I'm giving myself seven days (on the eighth, I will be hopping a plane for Europe and hope that my metabolism will be basically caught up enough where I won't gain weight from eating about 2,000 calories a day) to come off the fast.

I've googled this to death and everything is leading me nowhere. If anyone could give me a basic day-by-day of what sort of foods I should start eating, I would appreciate it - especially if you've gone through this yourself.

This is kind of what I'm planning... just based off of an educated guess, I am really not sure if this will be OK or not.

Day 1 - Just juice and a smoothie (non-dairy)

Day 2 - Add a few pieces of raw fruit (apple, peach, pear, strawberry, watermelon) or vegetable (broccoli, carrots, cucumber, tomato) and dry salad

Day 3 - Add vegetable soup or steamed vegetables

Day 4 - Nothing new

Day 5 - Add small portion of poultry or fish

Day 6 - Add dairy and grains

Day 7 - Nothing new

..Does that look somewhat realistic? Do you see any problems in that?

Thanks in advance!! :)


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    No matter what you eat, you are going to gain water weight.. because in reality, thats what fasts mainly get rid of is excess water.

    Instead of trying to wean yourself off this crazy fast by eating next to nothing, just eat what you normally would but in smaller portions and see how your body handles it. Increase the daily amount of calories by a bit each day until you are back at 2,000 calories a day.

    Also, your metabolism has nothing to do with the fast.. it's running the same as it was before the fast. What affects metabolism is activity and how much muscle you have. If you lost lean muscle mass, then the metabolism will go down... but if you've managed to maintain most of your lean muscle mass during the fast, then you should be ok.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    If you're planning to come off a fast then eat a large amount, you are going to gain weight FAST.
  • fearlessly
    fearlessly Posts: 51 Member
    If you're planning to come off a fast then eat a large amount, you are going to gain weight FAST., thanks.
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