Anyone want to lose around 60lbs with me?

Hi i'm Sara i'm looking for a weight loss buddy.. I am currently around 185 and would like to get to 120-125. This is the biggest I have ever been and have put on weight since I lost my Dad which I struggled a little with..

soooooo if anyone would like to buddy up the more the merrier, then that would be great..

I plan to start tomorrow on 1200 a day.

S :) x


  • Just joined yesterday and am doing the 1200 calorie/day diet as well. I am at 170 lbs and am looking to get to 125 as my goal weight.
  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    Pick me, Pick me! lol
    I need to lose around 50 or so. I weight 184 and would love to be down to at least 135.
  • karene171
    karene171 Posts: 1
    Hi Sara,

    Im quite a few pounds heavier than you and a lot to lose, its quite daunting.... Im starting tomorrow with the dreaded weigh in tomorrow morning \and would love a buddy who is in the same boat as me :)
  • sara6442
    sara6442 Posts: 9 Member
    Great to hear from you all, once I work out how to add you to my friends list we can get going and do this together..

    I'm thinking weekly weigh in's starting Monday? if we just update each other on we are doing and how we are all feeling..

    anyone else have any other ideas to keep us all motivated lets do it..

  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 354 Member
    I have around 60 to lose as well. I had lost 18 and gained some back when my mom passed away this past May 15. I am back on track though of course I still miss her terribly. I decided I could best honor her memory by getting fit and healthy and putting myself first for a change. When you get ready to add some friends feel free to send me a request.
  • Hi Sara!
    Like many other people who have replied, I also have 60+ to shed. This is my first experience with my fitness pal, and have no idea what to expect. I'd love to participate in a circle of support as we all travel this path, so add me if you'd like!
  • invisiblemonster
    invisiblemonster Posts: 35 Member
    i have 39lbs to lose but i'd love to join you as this is a huge challenge for me! i've always been skinny until i quit dancing 5 years ago (i'm back now) and this is the heaviest i've ever been. i've never needed to diet before but i am fed up and i need to start trying!
  • Lfpisme70
    Lfpisme70 Posts: 1
    Hey Sarah I would love to have a buddy on this journey. I need to lose about 60 pounds and this is the biggest I have ever been in my life and I am miserable with my weight. I have played around with it for a couple of weeks but I just started today recording everything Imout in my mouth and I'm shocked!! Now I understand how I gained the weight.
  • Yes!! Definitely! Feel free to add me!!
  • taralc1
    taralc1 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi, I'm new as well, just started the MFP a few days ago. However, I have been on Weight Watchers and have lost 37 pounds. I still would like to loose another 60 or so, am currently at 199. I havent been under 200 in I dont know how many years, so that alone is a great feeling. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • jlp1983
    jlp1983 Posts: 2
    My first goal is to lose 50 lbs., but I sure wouldn't be crying if I ended up losing 60! :)
    Add me if you'd like; I'm getting back into my gym routine tomorrow...and we'll see how calorie control goes. lol
  • nancy345
    nancy345 Posts: 2
    Im in i would like to lose at least 40 to start... count me in..:)
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,022 Member
    I'm currently 170 with a goal of 130, so I have about 40 lbs to go. Anyone who wants is welcome to add me! :)
  • Kelley_76
    Kelley_76 Posts: 2
    I do, I do. I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow and get started asap :wink: I'll report in tomorrow with my current weight and goals. Anyone reading please feel free to add me as I need all the motivation I can get. Thanks!
  • almart007
    almart007 Posts: 71 Member
    I need to loose at least 60. So count me in I'm trying to increse exercise.
  • sexy_RN88
    sexy_RN88 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm in! I'd like to lose 79 pounds total (already lost two, woo hoo!). As of this morning, I'm 223.8 and trying to get down to 145 by May 1st of next year. I'll weigh in first thing tomorrow morning, if I can get out of bed...I just did the first day of Jillian Michaels' "Ripped in 30" today and holy crap, she does not mess around! I'm going to start the Couch to 5K program tonight too, since my husband wants me to be able to go running with him.
  • MzYvonne
    MzYvonne Posts: 7
    I am trying to lose 50 pounds, so we can encourage each other!