Whos got a hula hoop????



    INSANITY43 Posts: 142
    You can order a very nice weighted hoop from Sports Hoop.com I have a 3 lb hoop they also have 5 lb hoops....3 lbs is plenty imo. My young daughter and I actually had some bruising the first few times :sick: So if you go with weighted you really have to start out with just 5 to 10 minutes and build up...When we were in our "hooping" kick, she and I would hoop while watching Golden Girls - we each have a hoop. We would hoop at a "normal" speed during the show and kick it up during commercials! We got so we could hoop the entire 30 minutes without stopping or "dropping" ....... FuN!
  • Shrinking_Moody
    Shrinking_Moody Posts: 270 Member
    I have a 5lb weighted hula hoop that I purchased back in the day at Curves. I think you can find them at Walmart now. I haven't used mine in forever - but I've started picking it up again because it worked for me in toning my abdomen and cutting inches. It's been tough to get started again in getting the hang of it - but I'm hoping it will work for me again this time around.
  • p_e_wright
    p_e_wright Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks so much for asking this question. I have a toy hula hoop that I bought to exercise with. I didn't know that there was anything else. I have just ordered a real one. I'm going to find a kid to give my toy to. Thanks!
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    Now I want a hula hoop!!
    INSANITY43 Posts: 142
    Heres the website that I ordered our hoops from.....have the 3 lb hoops.
    Have Fun Hooping :smile:
  • angeeishere
    angeeishere Posts: 89 Member
    I have one but sadly I forget how to hula! I thought it would be like riding a bike but I have no idea how to keep the thing in my hips. Although it is a good laugh imagining how I look like trying....
  • Dot2Dots
    Dot2Dots Posts: 137 Member

    If you didn't already know, I like to Hoop ! I took a class that a local fitness studio was offering about a month or so ago and instantly became addicted. I purchased my "travel hoop" and a few beginner dvd's thru http://www.hoopnotica.com . I have lost 3" off my waist and hips since I started hooping, my core is stronger and my back no longer aches.

    Here’s an easy two-step lesson on how to hula hoop.

    1. Make sure you have the right size hula hoop!

    If you’re using a kid-sized hoop, forget it! Most hula hoops that you can buy at stores like Target or Toys R Us are kid-sized. Unless you’re the size a child, a child-sized hoop is not going to work for you — especially not if you’re a beginner! You’ll save yourself a lot of heartache (and gain a lot of fun) if you make or buy a hoop that’s the right size for you.

    What’s the right size? Try this: Stand with your hoop in front of you. The general rule of thumb is that a hoop should stand somewhere between your navel and nipple height, although some compensation should be made for your waist size, too. General rule of thumb: The bigger you are, the bigger the hoop should be. Larger hoops will rotate slower, making getting started easier. Smaller than that will make the hoop rotate faster, which is more challenging, although smaller hoops may be useful for certain tricks.

    2. Put one foot in front of the other, and shift your weight

    Hold the hoop against your back. You can start it a little above your waist. Then, push the hoop around your waist, and shift your weight back and forth on your feet to keep the hoop moving.

    Easier said than done? Having trouble “keeping it up”? Here are some more tips:

    Many people try to move their hips in a circle with the hoop. This actually makes hooping much harder. Try this: put one foot in front of the other and just shift your weight back and forth from foot to foot. It’s less of a circular hip motion and more of just a rocking or pumping motion.

    In terms of which direction to hoop in, try ‘em both! You’ll know right away which one is right for you. I’ve found that right handed people generally hoop counter-clockwise, while lefties go clockwise, but many people are exceptions to this rule.

    Most of all: be patient! It can take a while to get the hang of it — don’t give up!
  • Rachael235
    Rachael235 Posts: 35 Member
    only just reying to these as had no computer access but thankyou all for your advice definitely guna check out some of the sites mentioned and get a hula hoop when i get paid as my tummy is the one area i have never seemed to get flat!
  • anna0478
    anna0478 Posts: 505 Member
    You can make one with 2"pvc pipe approx 10 feet and a jointer. decorate it with hockey tape or whatever. It is heavier and easier to use. Got this from a bellydance class. I can work it for a couple of min, with practice longer.

    What kind of joiner do you use to connect the PVC? I tried this but the ends come undone...even after being taped up.
  • dontpanic1984
    dontpanic1984 Posts: 82 Member
    I just bought a cheapo plastic hula hoop yesterday and hooped for 45 min straight! So far I can only hoop counterclockwise - which irritates me! I want to be able to go both ways so I can learn some hoop tricks/dancing. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing differently that makes it so hard for me to hoop clockwise. In any case, I need a better hoop for sure. Mine's too small, light, and flimsy. I want to get one from www.troohoops.com. They are an offshoot of www.dube.com, and I trust the quality of their products with all of my heart. I love them.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    this guy

  • JessBezz77
    JessBezz77 Posts: 25 Member
    I have become addicted with hula hooping - or moreso - the prospect of hopping.

    I can keep it going around my waist for time on end.....

    Just have yet to do any tricks.

    Any suggestions on what tricks to start with?

    Also - I'm trying to figure out WHY my hoop is ALWAYS slanted when I'm hooping.

    I AM a bigger girl - but am very weak - and I wonder how in the heck I'm going to do these tricks barely able to twirl the hoop with my hand!

    My hoop is about "nipple" height - and i'm about 4'3" - BUT I weight about 193 right now. My hoop is made of 3/4" 160 psi, so - could going down to 100 psi be more beneficial?

    I LOVE hooping - just can't wait to take it to the next level.
  • SarahGettingF1t
    SarahGettingF1t Posts: 4 Member
    I got a hoop about three days ago (it was a birthday gift) and I just love it. (I was able to get it custom, Slytherin colours) I can't really do tricks yet, just hoop around my waist a little bit. Every once in a while, when the hoop falls, I can hoop around my shins for a few seconds. I'm just excited to have it, really. I've watched quite a few fitbloggers hoop, so I'm still in "OMG This is what my interweb heros are doing" mode. I love my hoop though, superhooper.com's where I got it.
  • beautybiz
    beautybiz Posts: 50 Member
    Bump....I so want to do this but I've never been able to hula hoop....I guess practice makes perfect!

    I just learned and I'm 43 lol the key for me was to minimize the movement and use my core not my hips. Before I was whipping my hips like a tornado and the hoop would fall to the floor :grumble: . Now I can work it baby!! :bigsmile:
  • bananapopsicle1
    bananapopsicle1 Posts: 21 Member
    Look up "Hip Hoop Hooray" on facebook...great site, has videos too :-)
  • EnuffaMyButt
    EnuffaMyButt Posts: 111 Member
    I would say you are right on with your hoop size. 3/4" PSI 160 is great. If you go with PSI 100 it is noticably lighter and I think the 160 will help you. Hoop right and left and just keep practicing. It will click and you'll know when it does. Good luck! :wink:
  • EnuffaMyButt
    EnuffaMyButt Posts: 111 Member
    Let's create a hoop group forum!
  • bananapopsicle1
    bananapopsicle1 Posts: 21 Member
    a group on facebook called "hip hoop hurray" has tips and videos...:smile:
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I have one. I don't know the size but it's pretty big and its 2.5 lbs. I love it and try to do it a few times a week. I can do it for a long time now.
  • shannonwex
    shannonwex Posts: 5 Member
    I love to hoop! I hoop for 30 min. day! My friend is teaching me new tricks. There are lots of Youtube videos to watch!