After couch to 5k??

I have two weeks left in the couch to 5k program I just finished my last 25 minute run and did 2 miles in that time. Where do you go after you finish the program? Do you just continue to add time to your run? Do you try to increase your speed, if so how do you go about doing this? Is there another program I should start after I finish C25K. I really would like to increase my speed some.

Any ideas or suggestions would be great!



  • waldenlev
    waldenlev Posts: 102 Member
    I believe there is a Cto10K and a Cto1/2Marathon, or just keep running 5Ks
  • Healthy_4_Life2
    Healthy_4_Life2 Posts: 595 Member
    I just finished C25K and just downloaded at 10K application too.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    I was going to mention the bridge to 10K program too.

    Personally, I do the c25k alternately with my own "free" running. I push myself to see just how far I can run, and then I do intervals of walking/running similar to c25k. I love it! I'm only on W5D1 of the c25k, but I currently can run for 11:45 in my free run (not long, I know... lol). I will continue to just do my free run. It's a 5.36 mile route through my neighborhood. When I get to where I can do that no problemo, then I'll just adjust my course and make it longer. :-D
  • viki1123
    viki1123 Posts: 30 Member
    Sign up for a 10k!

    Consult Hal Higdon. He is *the* man. But sometimes a cruel mistress.
  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    I am at the end of W6 so I may be behind you. I am starting to plan for what is next. I would like to work on speed in addition to minutes run for the duration of the c25k program. I have thought about just doing the c25k program on alternate days and running
    shorter sprint workouts on the remaining days for speed. So far I have been running 6 days a week progressing at my own speed. I want to run the full 5k and would like to get my 5k time to ~30 min. before adding more milege. I am currently running 4.5 - 5 mph avg speed.

    Good luck with your running!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I finished c25k in March, and just kept running anywhere from 2-4 miles. Pushed myself to 5 miles too soon and ended up with some knee pain, so backed off & stuck to the lower mileage and worked on speed. Eventually got lazy and just went for 2 miles (still 3 times a week), so I started looking for more structure in my running, and downloaded the 10k app. Picked up right where c25k left off, and have been sticking to it, other than this past week because I had a 5k race on Saturday.

    Not sure I'll want to keep pushing for farther distances after I finish the 10k, but that's what I said about the 5k as well. :tongue: But I figure it opens up more opportunities for longer races if I want to get crazy and run one, and it helps with my 5k time in the process.

    Good job on c25k - these last two weeks will fly by!

    Have you registered for a 5k race yet? If not, start looking for one and sign up - great motivator to keep running and improving!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Once I was able to run for 30 minutes without stopping, I started doing High Intensity Running Intervals. I try to mix it up - some days I do long intervals and other days I do short intervals. The shorter the interval the faster I try to run during the interval. I like to finish workouts with a tabata (20 second sprint, 10 second easy run - repeated 9 times).
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Obviously go run a 5k race, then start the Highway to 10k program, work up to half marathon, and then marathon. Just look on iTunes for the podcasts
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Whatever you want.

    That may sound like horrible help, lol ... but it's true. You want to work on speed? Go for it ... distance? Go for it. Wanna run trails? Go for it. Wanna run with zombies, get the app! (yes, I'm serious ... Zombies, Run! is an app)

    The only real generic advice that I could give is to continue booking races ... if you wanna run 5ks forever and crank up your speed, awesome ... if you see yourself being a distance runner, go for it ... if it's not fun do something else ... so find what's interesting for you and go for it!

    Good luck, and congrats! :)
  • FloraSin
    FloraSin Posts: 188 Member
    I was just planning to keep running three times a week, but with one night for speed (how far can I get in 30 minutes), one night for distance (how far can I go without stopping) and one night for whatever...maybe speed, maybe distance, maybe intervals...

    And than really just keep trying to beat my own bests.
  • Cheeta_HH
    Cheeta_HH Posts: 489 Member
    I finished C25K on January 1. Throughout the winter, I ran 3-5 times a week and made sure that I ran at least 5K every time. Once I felt like I had that down and needed a new challenge, I downloaded the Bridge to 10K app and started on that in the spring. In the time that I got comfortable running 5K, I never intentionally worked on speed, but I did improve my time by about 2 minutes per mile by the time I finally ran an official 5K in June.

    I have a friend who completed C25K and then just stopped running altogether! I guess I found that hard to wrap my mind around because I became hooked on running! I don't think it matters what you do as long as you keep doing it!! : )
  • EmHorn4
    EmHorn4 Posts: 72 Member
    If you really like sticking to a program (as I did - I was lost when I was done C25K!), be sure to sign up for 5K's to keep up your motivation. Knowing you have a race around the corner will keep you honest with going out for a run. "I have to run because I have a race next week!" was probably my most frequent self-commentary. If you want to get faster, you can always try out some intervals, but personally I never found I stuck to those - I just kept going out and running 5Ks in my neighborhood and kept trying to beat my old times! Sometimes the heat, how I felt, or what I've eaten certainly played in as factors to doing better or worse than the last run, but knowing you can run 3 miles any time you want to is a really good feeling. Once I got into the habit of signing up for 5K's, I ventured into 5 mile races (still doing some 5Ks here and there) and tried to just run farther on my regular runs. A bridge to 10K program could work too if you are motivated to try a 10K. Having more distance endurance under your belt will in itself help you get faster at the shorter distances. Oh and weight loss will help too, so frequent running and exercising, no matter the program will have a positive impact - I decreased my pace from 12:40 min/mile down to 10:23 min/mile in a matter of 8 months and 25lbs lost!
  • cinemafromage
    Just finished week 8 myself! I plan on just adding 3 m inutes every week till I hit the full 5k distance! (I'm a big boy, I'm doing about 2.3 miles in the 28 min intervals, so not expecting the full 3.11 mil in 30 min .....yet!)
  • NoSpandex
    NoSpandex Posts: 54
    It all depends on your preferences. There are great training plans available for free online for whatever you want to do. If you want to add distance, you could do 10K or half marathon training, but there are plenty of plans for increasing speed as well, if you want to stick with the 5K distance and just get faster. You have been running enough now to have an idea what your preferences are. And if you are not sure, just experiment a little and find out what you like best.
  • petemeep
    petemeep Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks I downloaded the bridge to 10k program I'm afraid if I don't have a program I will slowly run less and less and eventually not much at all I really need the structure to push me right now!