Hitting the wall - what is going wrong?

jakiram Posts: 25 Member
I managed to loose 26 pounds and then for almost two months now nothing. I´ve been right on the programme, eating 1330 calories a day and the exercise calories. Sometimes I don´t have time to eat all the exercise calories since I work out at the evening. I go to the gym 3-6 times a week and always do cardio as well. What is going wrong? I´m eating balanced meals and not eating too much carbs. I haven´t measured myself, but I think dispite of the fact that I´m not loosing weight - I´m loosing inches. I still want to loose much more - so should I eat less? Or more?


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    You might need to change things up, especially if you've been doing the same workouts, eating the same calories - you've lost 26lbs (way to go!) and your body and it's needs have changed.

    Eating your exercise calories back is good, but it may be that you need to eat more. Check out this topic here at MFP: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    Lots of great info and links to tools to calculate what you should be eating to meet your goals - and help setting those goals as well. Great companion to MFP, and it goes a little deeper I think, in figuring things out as it allows you to enter even more info about yourself.

    Personally, I hit the wall a couple of times as well, and re-evaluating both my workouts and my calorie intake made a difference - and I upped calories both times. Good luck!
  • jakiram
    jakiram Posts: 25 Member
    It was a great post, thank you! I must have been working out too hard and not eating enough. When I was on a vacation I ate more and didn´t exercise as much and instead of gaining weight I lost it. I also know that I don´t sleep long enough. I won´t give up, but it´s so easy to eat even less when nothing is happening on the scale.
  • davidr730
    davidr730 Posts: 126 Member
    if you are not losing weight but are losing inches, I would be willing to bet you are gaining muscle which weighs more than fat. That would explain lost inches but not lost weight. BE HAPPY!
  • jakiram
    jakiram Posts: 25 Member
    I´m hoping to lose weight slowly, only 1-1,5 pounds a week and to keep the muscles that I have. It´s a fact that if I didn´t exercise at all and lost weight I would also lose muscle. By exercising I should keep more muscle. Also isn´t it stated that more muscle means more calories burnt and less body fat? According to my scale my body fat is about the same and according to my heartrate monitor (polar) I burn less and less calories.

    Now I think I have to start doing more cardio and only go to the gym 3 times a week? Does that sound good? I need to exercise also to keep my back as painless as possible and get some me -time :)

    I´m happy for fitting better in my clothes and not gaining any weight, but I´m seriously losing my motivation by staing in the same numbers for weeks. I still want to get rid off at least 30 pounds.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    You might need to change things up, especially if you've been doing the same workouts, eating the same calories - you've lost 26lbs (way to go!) and your body and it's needs have changed.

    Eating your exercise calories back is good, but it may be that you need to eat more. Check out this topic here at MFP: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    Lots of great info and links to tools to calculate what you should be eating to meet your goals - and help setting those goals as well. Great companion to MFP, and it goes a little deeper I think, in figuring things out as it allows you to enter even more info about yourself.

    Personally, I hit the wall a couple of times as well, and re-evaluating both my workouts and my calorie intake made a difference - and I upped calories both times. Good luck!

    THIS! I was not eating enough and my weight loss stopped. Figured out what I should be eating with the road map and things started moving again. Good luck!