Diet plans

Hi does anyone know where i can get a good diet plan to follow that isnt to expensive?


  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Not trying to sound like a smarta$$, but what you eat, and move more.

    When I began my weight loss journey, the dietician I saw told me three things.
    1. Keep my total "carbs" to 15 or fewer a day (1 'carb' = 15 grams of carbohydrates). This was an effort to get my blood sugar lowered.
    2. Write down everything you eat. I started in a small notebook, and now use MFP. I also tried to choose more whole grains and foods like fruits and veggies, instead of juices and poptarts. Use whole grains whenever possible.
    3. Eat breakfast. I usually eat oatmeal, but that isn't absolutely's just what I do.

    Six years and 50+ pounds later, it has worked for me. I had initially lost about 70 pounds, gained about 17 back, and am now wanting to lose 5-6 of that. In all honesty, I was probably too thin at my lowest weight. I walk from 3-6 miles, 5-6 times a week, and that is the only exercise I do.

    Good luck,
  • Pinkwaxx
    Pinkwaxx Posts: 8
    Thanks. I try so hard and when i get going i exercise loads then i get so confused by what i should and shouldnt be eating that i just end up loosing my focus and get stuck at square one everytime!

    Thanks. I always skip breakfast and i know i shouldnt! Start from there and push myself is what i should do!
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    I've heard this saying more than once recently:


    Taking from what the above poster said, just use common sense. Increase fruits and vegetables, switch all WHITE foods to whole grain, NO FAST FOOD (and I mean the obvious stuff: burgers, fries, fried anything really) and move more.

    I would suggest going to the "Recipes" Message Boards, there are some great ideas there!

    I wish I could take my own advice, LOL.

    Good luck!
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Eat lean meats, fruits, vegetables, good clean foods. If you eat bread, use whole grain.
  • Pinkwaxx
    Pinkwaxx Posts: 8
    Thabks guys thats great. I just have such a problem with motivation! :-)
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    RE: Motivation -- Do you have a friend that you could meet to walk every morning? I do that quite often....either in the morning or evening or sometimes both. She has started run/walking with her husband in the morning, so now I need to go off on my own in the mornings, but it's a habit now. When we first began, we'd meet at 6 or 6:15 so that we'd be home about the time our kids got out of bed (you may be able to tell we are "small town" girls).

    Keep posting here -- whether it is questions or frustrations or triumphs or whatever. You will nearly always get a response, and that in and of itself can provide motivation. Read some of the posts on the motivation and support board.....often there are quotes there that you can print off and hang on a mirror or your refrigerator door that can also provide you with support. :wink:

    Good luck! If I did this on my own, I trust that you can too!
  • I agree with kbanzhaf. Motivation or the lack of it can make or break a diet. First find out how much you need to lose and then keep smaller goals to achieve the desired weight loss. Since you admit to enough work out, I’ll share my ‘good food’ secret with you. Have you heard of the Dukan diet? A superb plan of 4 stages where the first two give you a quick weight loss through protein foods and then the last two teach you about weight management. Carbs are gradually included so that you can benefit from all food groups. They also have an online weight loss plan that you might want to look up.